
  All these window classes inherits from mrpt::gui::CBaseGUIWindow, which provides a set of methods and variables common to all the classes. It allow moving/resizing the windows, polling for key strokes, etc. All the classes in this library are in the namespace mrpt::gui


sudo apt-get install mrpt-apps libmrpt-dev


#include <mrpt/gui/CDisplayWindowPlots.h>
#include <mrpt/math/CVectorTemplate.h>
#include <mrpt/math/distributions.h>
#include <mrpt/system/os.h>
#include <mrpt/system/threads.h> using namespace std;
using namespace mrpt;
using namespace mrpt::math;
using namespace mrpt::gui; // ------------------------------------------------------
// TestDisplayPlots
// ------------------------------------------------------
int main()
CDisplayWindowPlots win("Example of function plot",,); //width:500, height:400 // Generate data for a 2D plot:
CVectorDouble X,Y;
for (double x=;x<;x+=0.01f)
//Evaluates the multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution at a given point "x".
double y = normalPDF(x, ,0.3); X.push_back(x);
} //Adds a new layer with a 2D plot based on two vectors of X and Y points, using a MATLAB-like syntax.
The lineFormat string is a combination of the following characters: Line styles:
'.': One point for each data point
'-': A continuous line
':': A dashed line Colors:
k: black
r: red
g: green
b: blue
m: magenta
c: cyan Line width:
'1' to '9': The line width (default=1) Examples:
'r.' -> red points.
'k3' or 'k-3' -> A black line with a line width of 3 pixels.
win.plot(X,Y,"b-2"); //Enable/disable the feature of pan/zoom with the mouse (default=enabled)
//Enable/disable the fixed X/Y aspect ratio fix feature
//Fix automatically the view area according to existing graphs
//Changes the position of the window on the screen.
win.setPos(,); cout << "Press any key to exit..." << endl;
win.waitForKey(); //while (!mrpt::system::os::kbhit() &&win.isOpen())
//mrpt::system::sleep(50); return ;


SET(sampleName displayPlots)
SET(PRJ_NAME "EXAMPLE_${sampleName}") # ---------------------------------------
# Declare a new CMake Project:
# ---------------------------------------
PROJECT(${PRJ_NAME}) # These commands are needed by modern versions of CMake:
CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6) FIND_PACKAGE(MRPT REQUIRED base;gui) # ---------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------
# Define the executable target:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(${sampleName} test.cpp ) # Add the required libraries for linking:
${MRPT_LIBS} # This is filled by FIND_PACKAGE(MRPT ...)
"" # Optional extra libs...




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