【LeetCode】Self Crossing(335)
1. Description
You are given an array x of n
positive numbers. You start at point (0,0)
and moves x[0]
metres to the north, then x[1]
metres to the west, x[2]
metres to the south, x[3]
metres to the east and so on. In other words, after each move your direction changes counter-clockwise.
Write a one-pass algorithm with O(1)
extra space to determine, if your path crosses itself, or not.
Example 1:
Given x =[2, 1, 1, 2]
│ │
│ Return true (self crossing)
Example 2:
Given x =[1, 2, 3, 4]
│ │
└────────────> Return false (not self crossing)
Example 3:
Given x =[1, 1, 1, 1]
│ │
└───┼> Return true (self crossing) 2. Answer
public class Solution {
public boolean isSelfCrossing(int[] x) {
// Check for initial four values manually.
if (x.length < 4) {
for (int el : x) {
if (el == 0)
return true;
return false;
} for (int i = 3; i < x.length; i++) {
int cur = x[i];
if (cur == 0)
return true;
// At any point of time, i-1 has to be less than i-3 in order to
// intersect. Draw few figures to realize this.
if (x[i - 1] <= x[i - 3]) {
// Basic case. Straight forward intersection.
// ___
// |___|__
// |
if (cur >= x[i - 2]) {
return true;
// Special case.
if (i >= 5) {
// if i-2 edge is less than i-4 th edge then it cannot
// intersect no matter what if i < i-2 th edge.
// ____
// | _ |
// |__| |
// |
if (x[i - 2] < x[i - 4])
// the intersecting case.
// ____
// ___| |
// | | |
// | | |
// |_______|
if ((x[i] + x[i - 4] >= x[i - 2])
&& (x[i - 1] + x[i - 5] >= x[i - 3]))
return true;
// equals case
// ___
// | |
// |___|
if (i >= 4)
if (x[i - 1] == x[i - 3] && cur + x[i - 4] == x[i - 2])
return true; }
return false;
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