<select id="queryGoodsByGoodsNoPcweb" parameterType="List" resultMap="simpleProductExtLucene">
        select g.goods_no,
            wp.PRODUCT_ID, p.product_name, p.drug_treatment, p.drug_prescription_type,
            p.product_least_order || '' as "product_least_order", p.order_limit_amount || '' as "order_limit_amount",
            wg.goods_id, g.goods_name,
            g.market_price || '' as "market_price",
            g.sale_amount, g.click_amount, nvl(g.available_stock,) || '' as "available_stock",
            pc.pro_catalog_id || '' as "pro_catalog_id", pi.pro_image_url, tag.tag_id || '' as "tag_id",
                (case when exists (
                        select 1
                            from ec_promote_rule_goods_new npg
                            right join ec_promote_rule_new np on npg.promote_rule_id = np.promote_rule_id
                        where npg.goods_id = wg.goods_id
                            and np.promote_client = 'wap'
                            and np.is_enable = 'Y'
                            and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between np.begin_time and np.end_time
                 then 'Y' else 'N' end) as MOBILE_SPECIAL,
                when wg.discount_state = 'enable'
                     <!-- and wg.member_ranks = '0'  -->
                     and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between wg.begin_time and wg.end_time
                     and wg.discount_price is not null 

                when g.discount_state = 'enable'
                     <!-- and g.member_ranks = '0'  -->
                     and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between g.begin_time and g.end_time
                     and g.discount_price is not null 

            end) || ' ' as ec_price,
                when wg.discount_state = 'enable'
                    and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between wg.begin_time
                    and wg.end_time
                when g.discount_state = 'enable'
                    and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between g.begin_time
                    and g.end_time
            end) as promote_phrase, pc.pro_catalog_name, wp.product_keyword, wp.PRODUCT_CHN_NO,
            pb.product_brand_name, nvl(wp.product_order,) product_order
        from product wp
            left join product p on p.product_id = wp.product_id and p.is_delete = 'N'
            left join goods wg on wp.product_id = wg.product_id and wg.is_delete = 'N' and wg.is_default = 'Y'
            left join goods g on g.goods_id = wg.goods_id and g.is_delete = 'N' and g.is_default = 'Y'
            left join product_catalog pc on pc.pro_catalog_id = wp.pro_catalog_id and pc.is_delete = 'N'
            left join product_brand pb on pb.product_brand_id = wp.product_brand_id and pb.is_delete = 'N'
            left join (
                        select min(pt.tag_id) as tag_id,
                            min(ptd.goods_id) as goods_id,
                            min(pt.tag_icon_url) as tag_icon_url
                        from product_tag_def ptd, product_tag pt
                        where ptd.tag_id = pt.tag_id
                            and pt.is_delete = 'N'
                            and pt.tag_type = 'icon'
                        group by ptd.goods_id
                    ) tag on tag.goods_id = wg.goods_id
            left join (
                        select pig.product_id as product_id,
                            min(pig.pro_image_url) as
                        from wap_product_img pig
                        where pig.image_type = 'small'
                        group by pig.product_id) pi on wp.product_id = pi.product_id
        where wp.is_delete = 'N'
            and p.is_onsale = 'Y'
            and wg.is_delete = 'N'
            and wg.is_default = 'Y'
            and wp.pro_catalog_id is not null
            and wp.product_code NOT like 'AJ%'
            and g.goods_no in
            <foreach collection="list" item="listItem" index="index"
                open="(" separator="," close=")" >
<select id="queryGoodsByGoodsNoMobile" parameterType="List" resultMap="simpleProductExtLucene">
        select g.goods_no,
            wp.PRODUCT_ID, p.product_name, p.drug_treatment, p.drug_prescription_type,
            p.product_least_order || '' as "product_least_order", p.order_limit_amount || '' as "order_limit_amount",
            wg.goods_id, g.goods_name,
            g.market_price || '' as "market_price",
            g.sale_amount, g.click_amount, nvl(g.available_stock,) || '' as "available_stock",
            pc.pro_catalog_id || '' as "pro_catalog_id", pi.pro_image_url, tag.tag_id || '' as "tag_id",
                (case when exists (
                        select 1
                            from ec_promote_rule_goods_new npg
                            right join ec_promote_rule_new np on npg.promote_rule_id = np.promote_rule_id
                        where npg.goods_id = wg.goods_id
                            and np.promote_client = 'wap'
                            and np.is_enable = 'Y'
                            and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between np.begin_time and np.end_time
                 then 'Y' else 'N' end) as MOBILE_SPECIAL,
                when wg.discount_state = 'enable'
                     <!-- and wg.member_ranks = '0'  -->
                     and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between wg.begin_time and wg.end_time
                     and wg.discount_price is not null 

                when g.discount_state = 'enable'
                     <!-- and g.member_ranks = '0'  -->
                     and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between g.begin_time and g.end_time
                     and g.discount_price is not null 

            end) || ' ' as ec_price,
                when wg.discount_state = 'enable'
                    and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between wg.begin_time
                    and wg.end_time
                when g.discount_state = 'enable'
                    and to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:dd') between g.begin_time
                    and g.end_time
            end) as promote_phrase, pc.pro_catalog_name, wp.product_keyword, wp.PRODUCT_CHN_NO,
            pb.product_brand_name, nvl(wp.product_order,) product_order
        from wap_product wp
            left join product p on p.product_id = wp.product_id and p.is_delete = 'N'
            left join wap_goods wg on wp.product_id = wg.product_id and wg.is_delete = 'N' and wg.is_default = 'Y'
            left join goods g on g.goods_id = wg.goods_id and g.is_delete = 'N' and g.is_default = 'Y'
            left join product_catalog pc on pc.pro_catalog_id = wp.pro_catalog_id and pc.is_delete = 'N'
            left join product_brand pb on pb.product_brand_id = wp.product_brand_id and pb.is_delete = 'N'
            left join (
                        select min(pt.tag_id) as tag_id,
                            min(ptd.goods_id) as goods_id,
                            min(pt.tag_icon_url) as tag_icon_url
                        from product_tag_def ptd, product_tag pt
                        where ptd.tag_id = pt.tag_id
                            and pt.is_delete = 'N'
                            and pt.tag_type = 'icon'
                        group by ptd.goods_id
                    ) tag on tag.goods_id = wg.goods_id
            left join (
                        select pig.product_id as product_id,
                            min(pig.pro_image_url) as
                        from wap_product_img pig
                        where pig.image_type = 'small'
                        group by pig.product_id) pi on wp.product_id = pi.product_id
        where wp.is_delete = 'N'
            and p.is_onsale = 'Y'
            and wg.is_delete = 'N'
            and wg.is_default = 'Y'
            and wp.pro_catalog_id is not null
            and wp.product_code NOT like 'AJ%'
            and g.goods_no in
            <foreach collection="list" item="listItem" index="index"
                open="(" separator="," close=")" >

    public List<Map<String, Object>> queryGoodsByGoodsNoPcweb(List<String> goodsNos);
public ServiceMessage<List<Map<String, Object>>> queryGoodsListByGoodsNoList(List<String> goodsNoList, SiteType siteType) {
        try {
            if (goodsNoList == null || goodsNoList.size() < 1) {
                return super.returnParamsError("接收到的goodsNoList(" + goodsNoList + ")为空");
            } else if (goodsNoList.get(0) == null || "".equals(goodsNoList.get(0).trim())) {
                return super.returnParamsError("接收到的goodsNoList(" + goodsNoList.get(0) + ")元素为空");
            } else if (siteType == null) {
                return super.returnParamsError("接收到的SiteType(" + siteType + ")元素为空");
            List<Map<String, Object>> goodsList = null;
            if (SiteType.PCWEB.equals(siteType)) {
                goodsList = goodsMapper.queryGoodsByGoodsNoPcweb(goodsNoList);
            } else if (SiteType.MOBILE.equals(siteType)) {
                goodsList = goodsMapper.queryGoodsByGoodsNoMobile(goodsNoList);
            return super.returnCorrectResult(goodsList);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return super.returnException(e);

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