Unity3D笔记 GUI 四、实现选项卡三
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡二
- /// </summary>
- [System.Serializable]
- public class Item
- {
- public Texture icon;
- public string name;//key name
- public int amount;//数量
- public string itemName;
- /// <summary>
- /// 处理ItemName
- /// </summary>
- public void SetUpItemName()
- {
- int iLength = this.name.Length + this.amount.ToString().Length;
- if (iLength < )
- {
- while (this.name.Length < )
- {
- this.name += " ";
- }
- }
- if (iLength < )
- {
- itemName = this.name + " " + this.amount;
- }
- else
- {
- itemName = this.name + this.amount;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 获得ItemName
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public string GetItemName()
- {
- return itemName;
- }
- }
- public class myTest : MonoBehaviour
- {
- #region 选项卡2
- Rect rItemBox = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect rTipBox = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect rItemsBox = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect rTipButton = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect rVerScroll = new Rect(, , , );
- float fScrollPos = 1.0f;
- Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero;//写Vector2(0, 0)的简码
- Vector2 scrollPosition2 = Vector2.zero;
- Vector2 scrollPosition3 = Vector2.zero;
- public Item[] items;
- Item currentItem;
- int inToolItem = ;
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// 是否打开窗口
- /// </summary>
- bool isOpenMenu = false;
- /// <summary>
- /// 窗体的大小和位置【矩形】
- /// </summary>
- Rect myWindow = new Rect(, , , );
- /// <summary>
- /// GUI Skin
- /// </summary>
- public GUISkin customSkin;
- /// <summary>
- /// 关闭按钮
- /// </summary>
- Rect closeButton = new Rect(, , , );
- /// <summary>
- /// 用于工具栏在屏幕上的矩形位置
- /// </summary>
- Rect tabButton = new Rect(, , , );
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡索引号
- /// </summary>
- int toolsCount = ;
- /// <summary>
- /// 显示在工具栏按钮上的字符串数组
- /// </summary>
- string[] toolsName = { "选项卡1", "选项卡2", "选项卡3" };
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡中的图片
- /// </summary>
- public Texture img;
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡中的图片位置
- /// </summary>
- Rect imgRect = new Rect(, , , );
- #region 个性化Box控件
- Rect stateBox = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect weaponBox = new Rect(, , , );
- public Texture box1;
- public Texture box2;
- public Texture box3;
- Rect box1Rect = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect box2Rect = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect box3Rect = new Rect(, , , );
- #endregion
- #region 实现Status窗口 选项卡一
- GUIContent guiWeaponCon = new GUIContent();
- GUIContent guiArmorCon = new GUIContent();
- GUIContent guiAccessCon = new GUIContent();
- GUIContent guiSkillCon = new GUIContent();
- Rect weaponLable = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect armorLable = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect accessLable = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect skillLable = new Rect(, , , );
- string uneuip = "Hello";
- Rect hpLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect mpLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect lvLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect expLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect nextLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect atkLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect defLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect agiLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect intLabel = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect lucLable = new Rect(, , , );
- int fullHP = ;
- int fullMP = ;
- int hp = ;
- int mp = ;
- int lv = ;
- int exp = ;
- int next = ;
- int atk = ;
- int def = ;
- int agi = ;
- int ints = ;
- int luc = ;
- #endregion
- #region 选项卡3
- Rect equipBox = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect equipWeanponBox = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect statTextureEquip = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect skillBoxEquip = new Rect(, , , );
- Rect[] equipRect = { new Rect(, , , ), new Rect(, , , ), new Rect(, , , ), new Rect(, , , ) };
- Rect equipWindow = new Rect(, , , );
- //Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
- bool[] equipBool = new bool[];
- int inToolWeapons = ;
- int inToolArmors = ;
- int inToolAccess = ;
- int inToolSkill = ;
- public Texture tStatusBox1;
- public Texture tStatusBox2;
- public Texture tSkillBox;
- public Item[] weapons;
- public Item[] armors;
- public Item[] access;
- public Texture[] skills;
- Item currentWeapon;
- Item currentArmors;
- Item currentAccess;
- Texture currentSkill;
- #endregion
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start()
- {
- isOpenMenu = false;
- guiWeaponCon = new GUIContent(uneuip);
- guiArmorCon = new GUIContent(uneuip);
- //guiAccessCon = new GUIContent(uneuip); //位置 要调节下 目前位置有点错位
- guiSkillCon = new GUIContent(uneuip);
- //选项卡一初始化
- if (items.Length > )
- {
- items[].SetUpItemName();
- currentItem = items[];
- }
- }
- // Update is called once per frame
- void Update()
- {
- if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.M))//当通过名称指定的按键被用户按住时返回true
- {
- isOpenMenu = true;
- }
- }
- void OnGUI()
- {
- GUI.skin = customSkin;
- if (isOpenMenu)
- {
- int windowId = ;
- myWindow = GUI.Window(windowId, myWindow, WindowFunction, "Hello Window");
- #region Mathf.Clamp 限制
- // 限制value的值在min和max之间, 如果value小于min,返回min。 如果value大于max,返回max,否则返回value
- myWindow.x = Mathf.Clamp(myWindow.x, , Screen.width - myWindow.width);// [klæmp] vt.& vi. 夹紧,夹住;锁住;把(砖等)堆高
- myWindow.y = Mathf.Clamp(myWindow.y, , Screen.height - myWindow.height);
- #endregion
- }
- }
- void WindowFunction(int windowId)
- {
- //begin 关闭按钮
- if (GUI.Button(closeButton, "", GUI.skin.GetStyle("closeButton")))
- {
- isOpenMenu = false;//单击关闭按钮:窗口菜单关闭
- }
- //end
- //beign 选项卡
- //返回int类型,被选择按钮的索引号
- toolsCount = GUI.Toolbar(tabButton, toolsCount, toolsName, GUI.skin.GetStyle("tabButton"));//工具栏
- //end
- //begin 选项卡图片
- GUI.DrawTexture(imgRect, img);
- //end
- GUI.DragWindow();//拖动窗口
- #region 实现Status窗口
- switch (toolsCount)
- {
- case :
- StatusWindow();
- break;
- case :
- ItemWindow();
- break;
- case :
- EquipWindow();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡一
- /// </summary>
- void StatusWindow()
- {
- GUI.Box(stateBox, "");
- GUI.Box(weaponBox, "");//['wepən] n. 武器,兵器
- GUI.DrawTexture(box1Rect, box1);
- GUI.DrawTexture(box2Rect, box2);
- //GUI.Box(equipBox, "");
- //GUI.Box(equipWeanponBox, "");
- //GUI.DrawTexture(statTextureEquip, tStatusBox2);
- //GUI.DrawTexture(skillBoxEquip, tSkillBox);
- GUI.DrawTexture(box3Rect, box3);
- GUI.Label(hpLabel, hp.ToString() + "/" + fullHP.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(mpLabel, mp.ToString() + "/" + fullMP.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(lvLabel, lv.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(expLabel, exp.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(nextLabel, next.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(atkLabel, atk.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(defLabel, def.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(agiLabel, agi.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(intLabel, ints.ToString(), "TextAmount");
- GUI.Label(lucLable, luc.ToString());
- GUI.Label(weaponLable, guiWeaponCon, "TextItem");
- GUI.Label(armorLable, guiArmorCon, "TextItem");
- GUI.Label(accessLable, guiAccessCon, "TextItem");
- GUI.Label(skillLable, guiSkillCon, "TextItem");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡二
- /// </summary>
- void ItemWindow()
- {
- int inItems = ;
- GUI.Box(rItemBox, "");
- GUI.Box(rTipBox, "");
- //定义纵向滚动条
- scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition, new Rect(, , , * inItems));
- GUIContent[] itemsContent = new GUIContent[inItems];
- for (int i = ; i < inItems; i++)
- {
- if (items.Length > )
- {
- if (i == )
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(currentItem.itemName, currentItem.icon, "Test Hello World Hello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello World ********************");
- }
- else
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(currentItem.itemName, currentItem.icon, "This key is" + i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent("None", "");
- }
- }
- inToolItem = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(, , , * inItems), inToolItem, itemsContent, , GUI.skin.GetStyle("SelectedItem"));//SelectionGrid()选择表格,创建一个网格按钮
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- //下部分滚动条
- string sInfos = itemsContent[inToolItem].tooltip;
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInfos))
- {
- sInfos = "show items information here ";
- }
- GUIStyle style = GUI.skin.GetStyle("label");
- if (GUI.tooltip != "")
- {
- float fHeight = style.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(GUI.tooltip), 330.0f);//计算高度
- scrollPosition2 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition2, new Rect(, , , fHeight));
- GUI.Label(new Rect(, , , fHeight), GUI.tooltip);
- }
- else
- {
- float fHeight = style.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(sInfos), 330.0f);//计算高度
- scrollPosition2 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition2, new Rect(, , , fHeight));
- GUI.Label(new Rect(, , , fHeight), sInfos);
- }
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 选项卡3
- /// </summary>
- void EquipWindow()
- {
- GUI.Box(equipBox, "");
- GUI.Box(equipWeanponBox, "");
- GUI.DrawTexture(statTextureEquip, tStatusBox2);
- GUI.DrawTexture(skillBoxEquip, tSkillBox);
- SetupEuiqipBox();
- }
- void SetupEuiqipBox()
- {
- GUIContent[] equipContent = { guiWeaponCon, guiArmorCon, guiAccessCon, guiSkillCon };
- for (int i = ; i < equipBool.Length; i++)
- {
- if (equipBool[i])
- {
- GUI.Label(equipRect[i], equipContent[i], "DisabledClick ");
- switch (i)
- {
- case :
- ShowWeapon();
- break;
- case :
- ShowArmor();//['ɑ:mə] 装甲;盔甲;
- break;
- case :
- ShowAccess();
- break;
- case :
- ShowSkill();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (GUI.Button(equipRect[i], equipContent[i], "SelectedItem"))
- {
- equipBool[i] = true;
- for (int j = ; j < equipBool.Length; j++)
- {
- if (i != j)
- {
- equipBool[j] = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void ShowWeapon()
- {
- int inItems = ;
- GUIContent[] itemsContent = new GUIContent[inItems];
- for (int i = ; i < inItems; i++)
- {
- if (i == )
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(uneuip, "");
- }
- else
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(weapons[].name, weapons[].icon, "");
- }
- }
- scrollPosition3 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition3, new Rect(, , , * inItems));
- inToolWeapons = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(, , , * inItems), inToolWeapons, itemsContent, , GUI.skin.GetStyle("SelectedItem"));
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- guiWeaponCon = itemsContent[inToolWeapons];
- }
- void ShowArmor()
- {
- int inItems = ;
- GUIContent[] itemsContent = new GUIContent[inItems];
- for (int i = ; i < inItems; i++)
- {
- if (i == )
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(uneuip, "");
- }
- else
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(armors[].name, armors[].icon, "");
- }
- }
- scrollPosition3 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition3, new Rect(, , , * inItems));
- inToolArmors = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(, , , * inItems), inToolWeapons, itemsContent, , GUI.skin.GetStyle("SelectedItem"));
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- guiWeaponCon = itemsContent[inToolArmors];
- }
- void ShowAccess()
- {
- int inItems = ;
- GUIContent[] itemsContent = new GUIContent[inItems];
- for (int i = ; i < inItems; i++)
- {
- if (i == )
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(uneuip, "");
- }
- else
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(access[].name, access[].icon, "");
- }
- }
- scrollPosition3 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition3, new Rect(, , , * inItems));
- inToolAccess = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(, , , * inItems), inToolWeapons, itemsContent, , GUI.skin.GetStyle("SelectedItem"));
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- guiWeaponCon = itemsContent[inToolAccess];
- }
- void ShowSkill()
- {
- int inItems = ;
- GUIContent[] itemsContent = new GUIContent[inItems];
- for (int i = ; i < inItems; i++)
- {
- if (i == )
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(tSkillBox);
- }
- else
- {
- itemsContent[i] = new GUIContent(skills[i-]);
- }
- }
- scrollPosition3 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(, , , ), scrollPosition3, new Rect(, , , ));
- inToolSkill = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(, , , ), inToolWeapons, itemsContent, inItems, GUI.skin.GetStyle("SelectedItem"));
- GUI.EndScrollView();
- if (inToolSkill != )
- {
- guiSkillCon = itemsContent[inToolSkill];
- }
- else
- {
- guiSkillCon = new GUIContent("");
- }
- }
- }
有个问题,还没解决就是GUI.Button() 没有执行,所以看下面效果就没有出来。。。
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