12 Essential Bootstrap Tools for Web Designers
12 Essential Bootstrap Tools for Web Designers
Posted by vikas on June 6, 2014, filed in: Tools, Web Design
Bootstrap is a great front end website development platform providing a lot of components together, that are essential for developing effective and efficient Websites. This provides a great level of convenience to the web developers, web designers, who work full time on designing websites, providing them quick and easy access to all their web development platform components at a single place. Bootstrap turned out to be the number one project on Github, with really out of the world records, which it broke. Bootstrap is compatible with each and every new web browser, and also has backward compatibility option Internet Explorer 7. The platform is responsive, that is, that the websites designed or re-scaled according to the end user device, where it is being viewed, like one a tablet, phone or a desktop, the adjustments will be done accordingly by the code itself. Bootstrap uses HTML5 and CSS3, helping you kick-start your web app development process.
The bootstrap can be given the most shortest definition to be an HTML5 and CSS3 authoring tool, that eases the development process, saving the developer’s time, and efforts, effectively producing wonderful results, resulting in a happy client, a happy visitor, and happy you.
This platform have lot of highly useful tools with great features for web designers. Few days ago, we have shared some best bootstrap frameworks for developers, Today we round up best bootstrap tools over the internet. Share your thought with us.
1) Easel
2) Layoutit
Layoutit is very useful tool that help to make your frontend coding easier with our needing to be expert in Javascript, HTML5, CSS3.
3) Jetstrap
Jetstrap is another wonderful tool for web developers, designers, web based interface building tool for twitter bootstrap. Jetstrap helps you get awesome websites up and running fast, with less work and digging through docs.
4) Get kickstrap
Kickstrap seamlessly combines Bootstrap with top-tier web technologies. It’s so advanced, it can run an authenticated, database-driven web app without a native backend.Kickstrap’s partnership with JSPM.io provides a strong front-end package dependency manager built on Require.js.
5) Flatstrap
Flatstrap is open source platform to develop effective and creative website up and running over the web.
6) Bootstrap Designer
Bootstrap Designer is an online design tool, producing awesome HTML5 templates based on Bootstrap framework. Use Bootstrap Designer to create various design styles: minimalist style, black & white, grunge, typographic-driven, monochromatic look, clean & creative, etc.
7) Bootply
Bootply is a complete HTML, CSS and Javascript bootstrap editor and builder for designers and developers.
8) Bootstrap Magic
Using this bootstrap magic framework, developers can create your own new and fresh twitter bootstrap themes.
9) Font Awesome
Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.
10) Webflow
Webflow is the top drag-and-drop website builder for designing custom, professional websites without code.Webflow automatically generates beautiful code for you as you design. You don’t have to write code yourself or hire a developer to do it for you.
11) fBoot Strapp
Fbootstrapp is a toolkit designed to kickstart development of facebook iframe apps in both relevant sizes. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more, styled in the typical facebook look and feel.
12) x-Editable
This library allows you to create editable elements on your page. It can be used with any engine (bootstrap, jquery-ui, jquery only) and includes both popup and inline modes.
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