Grunt Part 1
Grunt Part 1
Objectives and Outcomes
In this exercise, you will learn to use Grunt, the task runner. You will install Grunt CLI and install Grunt packages using NPM. Thereafter you will configure a Grunt file with a set of tasks to build and serve your web project. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to:
- Install Grunt CLI and Grunt packages in your project
- Configure a Grunt file with a set of tasks to build a web project from a source, and serve the built project using a server.
Installing Grunt
- At the command prompt, type the following to install Grunt command-line interface (CLI):
This will install the Grunt CLI globally so that you can use them in all projects.
- Next install Grunt to use within your project. To do this, go to the conFusion folder and type the following at the prompt:
This will install local per-project Grunt to use within your project.
Creating a Grunt File
- Next you need to create a Grunt file containing the configuration for all the tasks to be run when you use Grunt. To do this, create a file named Gruntfile.js in the conFusion folder.
- Next, add the following code to Gruntfile.js to set up the file to configure Grunt tasks:
This sets up the Grunt module ready for including the grunt tasks inside the function above.
Compiling SCSS to CSS
- Next, we are going to set up our first Grunt task. The SASS task converts the SCSS code to CSS. To do this, you need to include some Grunt modules that help us with the tasks. Install the following modules by typing the following at the prompt:
The first one installs the Grunt module for SCSS to CSS conversion. The time-grunt module generates time statistics about how much time each task consumes, and jit-grunt enables us to include the necessary downloaded Grunt modules when needed for the tasks.
- Now, configure the SASS task in the Gruntfile as follows, by including the code inside the function in Gruntfile.js:
- Now you can run the grunt SASS task by typing the following at the prompt:
Watch and Serve Tasks
- The final step is to use the Grunt modules watch and browser-sync to spin up a web server and keep a watch on the files and automatically reload the browser when any of the watched files are updated. To do this, install the following grunt modules:
- After this, we will configure the browser-sync and watch tasks by adding the following code to the Grunt file:
- Then add the following task to the Grunt file:
- Now if you type the following at the command prompt, it will start the server, and open the web page in your default browser. It will also keep a watch on the files in the css folder, and if you update any of them, it will compile the scss file into css file and load the updated page into the browser (livereload)
- Do a Git commit with the message "Grunt Part 1".
In this exercise you have learnt how to configure a Grunt file to perform several tasks. You were able to start a server with livereload to serve the web page.
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