
yum install NetworkManager


Usage: nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }

g[eneral] NetworkManager's general status and operations
n[etworking] overall networking control
r[adio] NetworkManager radio switches
c[onnection] NetworkManager's connections
d[evice] devices managed by NetworkManager
a[gent] NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent
m[onitor] monitor NetworkManager changes

nmcli connection {show | up | down | modify | add | edit | clone | delete | monitor | reload | load| import | export} [ARGUMENTS...]

show [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] ID...

id, uuid, path and apath keywords can be used if ID is ambiguous. Optional ID-specifying
keywords are: id
the ID denotes a connection name. uuid
the ID denotes a connection UUID. path
the ID denotes a D-Bus static connection path in the format of
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/num or just num. apath
the ID denotes a D-Bus active connection path in the format of
/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/num or just num. It is possible to filter the output using the global --fields option. Use the following values: profile
only shows static profile configuration. active
only shows active connection data (when the profile is active).

nmcli device {status | show | set | connect | reapply | modify | disconnect | delete | monitor |wifi | lldp} [ARGUMENTS...]

 Show and manage network interfaces.

Print status of devices. This is the default action if no command is specified to nmcli device. show [ifname]
Show detailed information about devices. Without an argument, all devices are examined. To get
information for a specific device, the interface name has to be provided. set [ifname] ifname [autoconnect {yes | no}] [managed {yes | no}]
Set device properties. connect ifname
Connect the device. NetworkManager will try to find a suitable connection that will be
activated. It will also consider connections that are not set to auto connect. If --wait option is not specified, the default timeout will be seconds. reapply ifname
Attempt to update device with changes to the currently active connection made since it was last
applied. modify ifname {option value | [+|-]setting.property value}...
Modify the settings currently active on the device. This command lets you do temporary changes to a configuration active on a particular device.
The changes are not preserved in the connection profile. See nm-settings() for the list of available properties. Please note that some properties can't
be changed on an already connected device. You can also use the aliases described in PROPERTY ALIASES section. The syntax is the same as
of the nmcli connection modify command. disconnect ifname...
Disconnect a device and prevent the device from automatically activating further connections
without user/manual intervention. Note that disconnecting software devices may mean that the
devices will disappear. If --wait option is not specified, the default timeout will be seconds. delete ifname...
Delete a device. The command removes the interface from the system. Note that this only works
for software devices like bonds, bridges, teams, etc. Hardware devices (like Ethernet) cannot
be deleted by the command. If --wait option is not specified, the default timeout will be seconds. monitor [ifname...]
Monitor device activity. This command prints a line whenever the specified devices change
state. Monitors all devices in case no interface is specified. The monitor terminates when all
specified devices disappear. If you want to monitor device addition consider using the global
monitor with nmcli monitor command. wifi [list [ifname ifname] [bssid BSSID]]
List available Wi-Fi access points. The ifname and bssid options can be used to list APs for a
particular interface or with a specific BSSID, respectively.


 This section presents various examples of nmcli usage. If you want even more, please refer to
nmcli-examples() manual page. nmcli -t -f RUNNING general
tells you whether NetworkManager is running or not. nmcli -t -f STATE general
shows the overall status of NetworkManager. nmcli radio wifi off
switches Wi-Fi off. nmcli connection show
lists all connections NetworkManager has. nmcli -p -m multiline -f all con show
shows all configured connections in multi-line mode. nmcli connection show --active
lists all currently active connections. nmcli -f name,autoconnect c s
shows all connection profile names and their auto-connect property. nmcli -p connection show "My default em1"
shows details for "My default em1" connection profile. nmcli --show-secrets connection show "My Home WiFi"
shows details for "My Home WiFi" connection profile with all passwords. Without --show-secrets
option, secrets would not be displayed. nmcli -f active connection show "My default em1"
shows details for "My default em1" active connection, like IP, DHCP information, etc. nmcli -f profile con s "My wired connection"
shows static configuration details of the connection profile with "My wired connection" name. nmcli -p con up "My wired connection" ifname eth0
activates the connection profile with name "My wired connection" on interface eth0. The -p
option makes nmcli show progress of the activation. nmcli con up 6b028a27-6dc9---e9ad1dd43761 ap :3A::7C::D3
connects the Wi-Fi connection with UUID 6b028a27-6dc9---e9ad1dd43761 to the AP with
BSSID :3A::7C::D3. nmcli device status
shows the status for all devices. nmcli dev disconnect em2
disconnects a connection on interface em2 and marks the device as unavailable for
auto-connecting. As a result, no connection will automatically be activated on the device until
the device's 'autoconnect' is set to TRUE or the user manually activates a connection. nmcli -f GENERAL,WIFI-PROPERTIES dev show wlan0
shows details for wlan0 interface; only GENERAL and WIFI-PROPERTIES sections will be shown. nmcli -f CONNECTIONS device show wlp3s0
shows all available connection profiles for your Wi-Fi interface wlp3s0. nmcli dev wifi
lists available Wi-Fi access points known to NetworkManager. nmcli dev wifi con "Cafe Hotspot 1" password caffeine name "My cafe"
creates a new connection named "My cafe" and then connects it to "Cafe Hotspot 1" SSID using
password "caffeine". This is mainly useful when connecting to "Cafe Hotspot 1" for the first
time. Next time, it is better to use nmcli con up id "My cafe" so that the existing connection
profile can be used and no additional is created. nmcli -s dev wifi hotspot con-name QuickHotspot
creates a hotspot profile and connects it. Prints the hotspot password the user should use to
connect to the hotspot from other devices. nmcli dev modify em1 ipv4.method shared
starts IPv4 connection sharing using em1 device. The sharing will be active until the device is
disconnected. nmcli dev modify em1 ipv6.address :db8::a:bad:c0de
temporarily adds an IP address to a device. The address will be removed when the same
connection is activated again. nmcli connection add type ethernet autoconnect no ifname eth0
non-interactively adds an Ethernet connection tied to eth0 interface with automatic IP
configuration (DHCP), and disables the connection's autoconnect flag. nmcli c a ifname Maxipes-fik type vlan dev eth0 id
non-interactively adds a VLAN connection with ID . The connection will use eth0 and the VLAN
interface will be named Maxipes-fik. nmcli c a ifname eth0 type ethernet ipv4.method disabled ipv6.method link-local
non-interactively adds a connection that will use eth0 Ethernet interface and only have an IPv6
link-local address configured. nmcli connection edit ethernet-em1-
edits existing "ethernet-em1-2" connection in the interactive editor. nmcli connection edit type ethernet con-name "yet another Ethernet connection"
adds a new Ethernet connection in the interactive editor. nmcli con mod ethernet- connection.autoconnect no
modifies 'autoconnect' property in the 'connection' setting of 'ethernet-2' connection. nmcli con mod "Home Wi-Fi" wifi.mtu
modifies 'mtu' property in the 'wifi' setting of 'Home Wi-Fi' connection. nmcli con mod em1- ipv4.method manual ipv4.addr ",,"
sets manual addressing and the addresses in em1- profile. nmcli con modify ABC +ipv4.dns
appends a Google public DNS server to DNS servers in ABC profile. nmcli con modify ABC -ipv4.addresses ""
removes the specified IP address from (static) profile ABC. nmcli con import type openvpn file ~/Downloads/frootvpn.ovpn
imports an OpenVPN configuration to NetworkManager. nmcli con export corp-vpnc /home/joe/corpvpn.conf
exports NetworkManager VPN profile corp-vpnc as standard Cisco (vpnc) configuration.


nmcli con show

2、修改IP:nmcli con mod eth0 ipv6.addresses fec0:fec0:fe19:2192::49:20/64

3、激活配置:nmcli con up eth0

4、验证运行生效 nmcli、ifconfig、ip a

5、验证已经写入配置文件 less /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

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