





An Optimal strategy of Aerial Disaster Relief Response System


  Analyzing the influence of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, we recommend a transportable disaster response system to the HELP, Inc., including number and locations of Cargo containers. And we make strategy for medical packages delivery and video reconnaissance of road networks.

  We cluster cities on the island and select three areas according to the limitation of the number of containers and the level of urgency. Then we establish a relief utility-cost model, which can measure the profitability according to the severity of the disaster in different areas and the population density of the area. Optimizing the utility-cost model, we determine the number of the containers in each area.

  In order to determine the locations of containers from many ports around each area, we establish a multi-objective optimization model with two objectives: minimizing the cost of medical packages delivery and the cost of video reconnaissance of road networks. We determine the best locations of containers by optimizing the multi-objective program.

  Aiming at two missions in relief, we select drones according to their medical packages delivery ability and video reconnaissance ability. By means of the AHP method, we select type B drone and type F drone as the best types in road reconnaissance and medical delivery respectively. And with the constraints of the demand in each area and the limitation capacity of containers and cargo bays, we determine the number of drones and medical packages.

  Constructing the graph of main roads in each area, we define the value of each edge measured by the length of corresponding road. Applying genetic algorithm to maximize the value of roads to be videoed, we design the best flight route of video reconnaissance.

  The sensitivity analysis shows the strong robustness of our model. Variation of key parameters cause moderate changes to the computing result.

  Keywords: relief utility-cost model; multi-objective optimization; AHP method; graph; Genetic Algorithm




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