按照下面的步骤, 问题解决.


Per Microsoft DDK, Microsoft storport.sys maintains a device queue for each device it controls and the storport interface allows the underlying miniport to set the maximum queue depth of the device queue.

The maximum queue depth value, as was told by Microsoft port driver developer, is 254. Qlogic sets the default value to 32.

Please note that the Microsoft storport.sys driver has total control of the queue depth of the device queue, qlogic miniport merely sets the value using the predefined storport interface call and procedure as informed by Microsoft.


Please use the following procedure to change the qd parameter:

  • 1. Click on "Start", select "Run", and open the REGEDIT/REGEDT32 program.
  • 2. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and follow the tree structure down to the QLogic driver as follows:








  • 3. Double click on DriverParameter:REG_SZ:qd=32
  • 4. If the string "qd=" does not exist, append to end of string ;qd=32
  • 5. Enter a value upto 254 (0xFE). The default value is 32 (0x20). (这里我设置的是64.)
  • 6. Click OK.
  • 7. Exit the Registry Editor, then shutdown and reboot the system.


Articles helped fix this issue




Why this would work


Troubleshooting Storage Performance in vSphere – Storage Queues


SQL Server and HBA Queue Depth Mashup



Further reading


Troubleshooting Storage Performance in vSphere – Part 1 – The Basics


Troubleshooting Storage Performance in vSphere – Part 2

Troubleshooting Storage Performance in vSphere (Part 3) – SSD Performance

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