Tkinter Label : 这个小工具,实现了显示框,在那里你可以把文本或图像。这个widget中显示的文本可以在任何时候你想要更新.




 w = Label ( master, option, ... )


  • master: 这代表了父窗口.

  • options: 下面是这个小工具最常用的选项列表。这些选项可以作为键 - 值对以逗号分隔.

Option Description
anchor 此选项控制文本的位置,如果部件比文本,还需要有更多的空间。默认为锚=中心,该中心可用空间的文本.
bg The normal background color displayed behind the label and indicator.
bitmap Set this option equal to a bitmap or image object and the label will display that graphic.
bd The size of the border around the indicator. Default is 2 pixels.
cursor 如果将此选项设置为游标名称(箭头,点等),鼠标光标会改变这种模式时,它超过了checkbutton.
font If you are displaying text in this label (with the text or textvariable option, the font option specifies in what font that text will be displayed.
fg If you are displaying text or a bitmap in this label, this option specifies the color of the text. If you are displaying a bitmap, this is the color that will appear at the position of the 1-bits in the bitmap.
height The vertical dimension of the new frame.
image To display a static image in the label widget, set this option to an image object.
justify Specifies how multiple lines of text will be aligned with respect to each other: LEFT for flush left, CENTER for centered (the default), or RIGHT for right-justified.
padx Extra space added to the left and right of the text within the widget. Default is 1.
pady Extra space added above and below the text within the widget. Default is 1.
relief Specifies the appearance of a decorative border around the label. The default is FLAT; for other values.
text To display one or more lines of text in a label widget, set this option to a string containing the text. Internal newlines ("\n") will force a line break.
textvariable To slave the text displayed in a label widget to a control variable of classStringVar, set this option to that variable.
underline You can display an underline (_) below the nth letter of the text, counting from 0, by setting this option to n. The default is underline=-1, which means no underlining.
width 宽字符(而不是像素)的标签。如果未设置此选项,将大小以适应其内容标签.
wraplength 你可以将此选项设置为所需的数量限制在每行的字符数。默认值为0,意味着线只换行符将被打破,.



from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

var = StringVar()
label = Label( root, textvariable=var, relief=RAISED ) var.set("Hey!? How are you doing?")


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