//继承ServletResponse,发送回复信息,servlet容器创建一个HttpServletResponse对象,将它作为service函数的参数 public interface HttpServletResponse extends ServletResponse { /** * Adds the specified cookie to the response. This method can be called * multiple times to set more than one cookie. * @param cookie the Cookie to return to the client */ //添加cookie public void addCookie(Cookie cookie); /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the named response header * has already been set. */ //header中是否有name public boolean containsHeader(String name); /** * Encodes the specified URL by including the session ID in it, * or, if encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged. * The implementation of this method includes the logic to * determine whether the session ID needs to be encoded in the URL. * For example, if the browser supports cookies, or session * tracking is turned off, URL encoding is unnecessary. * <p>For robust session tracking, all URLs emitted by a servlet * should be run through this * method. Otherwise, URL rewriting cannot be used with browsers * which do not support cookies. * @param url the url to be encoded. * @return the encoded URL if encoding is needed; * the unchanged URL otherwise. */ //url编码 public String encodeURL(String url); /** * Encodes the specified URL for use in the * <code>sendRedirect</code> method or, if encoding is not needed, * returns the URL unchanged. The implementation of this method * includes the logic to determine whether the session ID * needs to be encoded in the URL. Because the rules for making * this determination can differ from those used to decide whether to * encode a normal link, this method is separated from the * <code>encodeURL</code> method. * <p>All URLs sent to the <code>HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect</code> * method should be run through this method. Otherwise, URL * rewriting cannot be used with browsers which do not support * cookies. * @param url the url to be encoded. * @return the encoded URL if encoding is needed; * the unchanged URL otherwise. * @see #sendRedirect * @see #encodeUrl */ //URL编码跳转 public String encodeRedirectURL(String url); /** * Sends an error response to the client using the specified * status. The server defaults to creating the * response to look like an HTML-formatted server error page * containing the specified message, setting the content type * to "text/html", leaving cookies and other headers unmodified. * If an error-page declaration has been made for the web application * corresponding to the status code passed in, it will be served back in * preference to the suggested msg parameter. * <p>If the response has already been committed, this method throws * an IllegalStateException. * After using this method, the response should be considered * to be committed and should not be written to. * @param sc the error status code * @param msg the descriptive message * @exception IOException If an input or output exception occurs * @exception IllegalStateException If the response was committed */ //给客户端返回特定是错误状态码和信息 public void sendError(int sc, String msg) throws IOException; /** * Sends an error response to the client using the specified status * code and clearing the buffer. * <p>If the response has already been committed, this method throws * an IllegalStateException. * After using this method, the response should be considered * to be committed and should not be written to. * @param sc the error status code * @exception IOException If an input or output exception occurs * @exception IllegalStateException If the response was committed * before this method call */ //发送错误状态码,清空缓存 public void sendError(int sc) throws IOException; /** * Sends a temporary redirect response to the client using the * specified redirect location URL. This method can accept relative URLs; * the servlet container must convert the relative URL to an absolute URL * before sending the response to the client. If the location is relative * without a leading '/' the container interprets it as relative to * the current request URI. If the location is relative with a leading * '/' the container interprets it as relative to the servlet container root. * * <p>If the response has already been committed, this method throws * an IllegalStateException. * After using this method, the response should be considered * to be committed and should not be written to. * * @param location the redirect location URL * @exception IOException If an input or output exception occurs * @exception IllegalStateException If the response was committed or if a partial URL is given and cannot be converted into a valid URL */ //跳转 public void sendRedirect(String location) throws IOException; /** * Sets a response header with the given name and * date-value. The date is specified in terms of * milliseconds since the epoch. If the header had already * been set, the new value overwrites the previous one. The * <code>containsHeader</code> method can be used to test for the * presence of a header before setting its value. * @param name the name of the header to set * @param date the assigned date value * @see #containsHeader * @see #addDateHeader */ //设置一个返回报文利用给定的name和date-value public void setDateHeader(String name, long date); /** * * Adds a response header with the given name and * date-value. The date is specified in terms of * milliseconds since the epoch. This method allows response headers * to have multiple values. * * @param name the name of the header to set * @param date the additional date value * * @see #setDateHeader */ //增加一个返回报文 public void addDateHeader(String name, long date); /** * Sets a response header with the given name and value. * If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the * previous one. The <code>containsHeader</code> method can be * used to test for the presence of a header before setting its value. * @param name the name of the header * @param value the header value If it contains octet string, * it should be encoded according to RFC 2047 * ( * @see #containsHeader * @see #addHeader */ //设置一个返回头部报文,利用给定的name和value public void setHeader(String name, String value); /** * Adds a response header with the given name and value. * This method allows response headers to have multiple values. * @param name the name of the header * @param value the additional header value If it contains * octet string, it should be encoded * according to RFC 2047 * ( * @see #setHeader */ //添加一个返回头部报文 public void addHeader(String name, String value); /** * Sets a response header with the given name and * integer value. If the header had already been set, the new value * overwrites the previous one. The <code>containsHeader</code> * method can be used to test for the presence of a header before * setting its value. * @param name the name of the header * @param value the assigned integer value * @see #containsHeader * @see #addIntHeader */ // public void setIntHeader(String name, int value); /** * Adds a response header with the given name and * integer value. This method allows response headers to have multiple * values. * * @param name the name of the header * @param value the assigned integer value * * @see #setIntHeader */ public void addIntHeader(String name, int value); /** * Sets the status code for this response. This method is used to * set the return status code when there is no error (for example, * for the status codes SC_OK or SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY). If there * is an error, and the caller wishes to invoke an error-page defined * in the web application, the <code>sendError</code> method should be used * instead. * <p> The container clears the buffer and sets the Location header, preserving * cookies and other headers. * * @param sc the status code * * @see #sendError */ //设置状态 public void setStatus(int sc); /** * @deprecated As of version 2.1, due to ambiguous meaning of the * message parameter. To set a status code * use <code>setStatus(int)</code>, to send an error with a description * use <code>sendError(int, String)</code>. * Sets the status code and message for this response. * @param sc the status code * @param sm the status message */ public void setStatus(int sc, String sm); /* * Server status codes; see RFC 2068. */ /** * Status code (100) indicating the client can continue. */ //状态码 public static final int SC_CONTINUE = 100; /** * Status code (101) indicating the server is switching protocols * according to Upgrade header. */ public static final int SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101; /** * Status code (200) indicating the request succeeded normally. */ public static final int SC_OK = 200; /** * Status code (201) indicating the request succeeded and created * a new resource on the server. */ public static final int SC_CREATED = 201; /** * Status code (202) indicating that a request was accepted for * processing, but was not completed. */ public static final int SC_ACCEPTED = 202; /** * Status code (203) indicating that the meta information presented * by the client did not originate from the server. */ public static final int SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203; /** * Status code (204) indicating that the request succeeded but that * there was no new information to return. */ public static final int SC_NO_CONTENT = 204; /** * Status code (205) indicating that the agent <em>SHOULD</em> reset * the document view which caused the request to be sent. */ public static final int SC_RESET_CONTENT = 205; /** * Status code (206) indicating that the server has fulfilled * the partial GET request for the resource. */ public static final int SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206; /** * Status code (300) indicating that the requested resource * corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with * its own specific location. */ public static final int SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300; /** * Status code (301) indicating that the resource has permanently * moved to a new location, and that future references should use a * new URI with their requests. */ public static final int SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301; /** * Status code (302) indicating that the resource has temporarily * moved to another location, but that future references should * still use the original URI to access the resource. * * This definition is being retained for backwards compatibility. * SC_FOUND is now the preferred definition. */ public static final int SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302; /** * Status code (302) indicating that the resource reside * temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might * be altered on occasion, the client should continue to use the * Request-URI for future requests.(HTTP/1.1) To represent the * status code (302), it is recommended to use this variable. */ public static final int SC_FOUND = 302; /** * Status code (303) indicating that the response to the request * can be found under a different URI. */ public static final int SC_SEE_OTHER = 303; /** * Status code (304) indicating that a conditional GET operation * found that the resource was available and not modified. */ public static final int SC_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; /** * Status code (305) indicating that the requested resource * <em>MUST</em> be accessed through the proxy given by the * <code><em>Location</em></code> field. */ public static final int SC_USE_PROXY = 305; /** * Status code (307) indicating that the requested resource * resides temporarily under a different URI. The temporary URI * <em>SHOULD</em> be given by the <code><em>Location</em></code> * field in the response. */ public static final int SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; /** * Status code (400) indicating the request sent by the client was * syntactically incorrect. */ public static final int SC_BAD_REQUEST = 400; /** * Status code (401) indicating that the request requires HTTP * authentication. */ public static final int SC_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; /** * Status code (402) reserved for future use. */ public static final int SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402; /** * Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request * but refused to fulfill it. */ public static final int SC_FORBIDDEN = 403; /** * Status code (404) indicating that the requested resource is not * available. */ public static final int SC_NOT_FOUND = 404; /** * Status code (405) indicating that the method specified in the * <code><em>Request-Line</em></code> is not allowed for the resource * identified by the <code><em>Request-URI</em></code>. */ public static final int SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405; /** * Status code (406) indicating that the resource identified by the * request is only capable of generating response entities which have * content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept * headers sent in the request. */ public static final int SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; /** * Status code (407) indicating that the client <em>MUST</em> first * authenticate itself with the proxy. */ public static final int SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407; /** * Status code (408) indicating that the client did not produce a * request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. */ public static final int SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408; /** * Status code (409) indicating that the request could not be * completed due to a conflict with the current state of the * resource. */ public static final int SC_CONFLICT = 409; /** * Status code (410) indicating that the resource is no longer * available at the server and no forwarding address is known. * This condition <em>SHOULD</em> be considered permanent. */ public static final int SC_GONE = 410; /** * Status code (411) indicating that the request cannot be handled * without a defined <code><em>Content-Length</em></code>. */ public static final int SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; /** * Status code (412) indicating that the precondition given in one * or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it * was tested on the server. */ public static final int SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412; /** * Status code (413) indicating that the server is refusing to process * the request because the request entity is larger than the server is * willing or able to process. */ public static final int SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413; /** * Status code (414) indicating that the server is refusing to service * the request because the <code><em>Request-URI</em></code> is longer * than the server is willing to interpret. */ public static final int SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414; /** * Status code (415) indicating that the server is refusing to service * the request because the entity of the request is in a format not * supported by the requested resource for the requested method. */ public static final int SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415; /** * Status code (416) indicating that the server cannot serve the * requested byte range. */ public static final int SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416; /** * Status code (417) indicating that the server could not meet the * expectation given in the Expect request header. */ public static final int SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417; /** * Status code (500) indicating an error inside the HTTP server * which prevented it from fulfilling the request. */ public static final int SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; /** * Status code (501) indicating the HTTP server does not support * the functionality needed to fulfill the request. */ public static final int SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501; /** * Status code (502) indicating that the HTTP server received an * invalid response from a server it consulted when acting as a * proxy or gateway. */ public static final int SC_BAD_GATEWAY = 502; /** * Status code (503) indicating that the HTTP server is * temporarily overloaded, and unable to handle the request. */ public static final int SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503; /** * Status code (504) indicating that the server did not receive * a timely response from the upstream server while acting as * a gateway or proxy. */ public static final int SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504; /** * Status code (505) indicating that the server does not support * or refuses to support the HTTP protocol version that was used * in the request message. */ public static final int SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505; }
public class HttpServletResponseWrapper extends ServletResponseWrapper implements HttpServletResponse { /** * Constructs a response adaptor wrapping the given response. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the response is null */ public HttpServletResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) { super(response); } private HttpServletResponse _getHttpServletResponse() { return (HttpServletResponse) super.getResponse(); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call addCookie(Cookie cookie) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) { this._getHttpServletResponse().addCookie(cookie); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call containsHeader(String name) * on the wrapped response object. */ public boolean containsHeader(String name) { return this._getHttpServletResponse().containsHeader(name); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call encodeURL(String url) * on the wrapped response object. */ public String encodeURL(String url) { return this._getHttpServletResponse().encodeURL(url); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to return encodeRedirectURL(String url) * on the wrapped response object. */ public String encodeRedirectURL(String url) { return this._getHttpServletResponse().encodeRedirectURL(url); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call encodeUrl(String url) * on the wrapped response object. */ public String encodeUrl(String url) { return this._getHttpServletResponse().encodeUrl(url); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to return encodeRedirectUrl(String url) * on the wrapped response object. */ public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url) { return this._getHttpServletResponse().encodeRedirectUrl(url); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call sendError(int sc, String msg) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void sendError(int sc, String msg) throws IOException { this._getHttpServletResponse().sendError(sc, msg); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call sendError(int sc) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void sendError(int sc) throws IOException { this._getHttpServletResponse().sendError(sc); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to return sendRedirect(String location) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void sendRedirect(String location) throws IOException { this._getHttpServletResponse().sendRedirect(location); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call setDateHeader(String name, long date) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void setDateHeader(String name, long date) { this._getHttpServletResponse().setDateHeader(name, date); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call addDateHeader(String name, long date) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void addDateHeader(String name, long date) { this._getHttpServletResponse().addDateHeader(name, date); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to return setHeader(String name, String value) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void setHeader(String name, String value) { this._getHttpServletResponse().setHeader(name, value); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to return addHeader(String name, String value) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void addHeader(String name, String value) { this._getHttpServletResponse().addHeader(name, value); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call setIntHeader(String name, int value) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void setIntHeader(String name, int value) { this._getHttpServletResponse().setIntHeader(name, value); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call addIntHeader(String name, int value) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void addIntHeader(String name, int value) { this._getHttpServletResponse().addIntHeader(name, value); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call setStatus(int sc) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void setStatus(int sc) { this._getHttpServletResponse().setStatus(sc); } /** * The default behavior of this method is to call setStatus(int sc, String sm) * on the wrapped response object. */ public void setStatus(int sc, String sm) { this._getHttpServletResponse().setStatus(sc, sm); } }
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