

Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.



注意到 4,9,40,90,400,900这些特殊的数字的区别就不难写出代码了。

class Solution {
    int romanToInt(string s) {
        int ret=0;
         for(auto iter = s.begin() ; iter!=s.end() ; ++iter)
             if((iter+1)!=s.end() && tonum(*iter) < tonum(*(iter+1)))
                    ret += tonum(*(iter+1))-tonum(*iter);
                ret += tonum(*iter);
         return ret;

    int tonum(char ch)
            case 'I' : return 1;
            case 'V' : return 5;
            case 'X' : return 10;
            case 'L' : return 50;
            case 'C' : return 100;
            case 'D' : return 500;
            case 'M' : return 1000;


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