Apache Traffic Server服务搭建
- 作为一个反向代理
- 作为一个web代理缓存
- 部署在多级缓存
- #官网
- https://trafficserver.apache.org/
- 安装环境
- yum install 'liblz*' -y
- yum install net-tools -y
- yum install gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel -y
- yum install autoconf automake pkgconfig libtool -y
- yum install perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-URI.noarch -y
- yum install openssl-devel tcl-devel expat-devel -y
- yum install pcre pcre-devel zlib-devel xz-devel -y
- yum install libcap libcap-devel flex hwloc hwloc-devel -y
- yum install lua-devel curl curl-devel sqlite-devel bzip2 -y
- 1.安装pcre
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# wget http://ftp.exim.llorien.org/pcre/pcre-8.36.tar.gz
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# tar xf pcre-8.36.tar.gz
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# cd pcre-8.36
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/trafficserver/pcre
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# make && make instal
- 2.安装trafficserver
- [root@web_01 ~]# cd /usr/local/src/
- [root@web_01 src]# wget https://mirrors.aliyun.com/apache/trafficserver/trafficserver-5.3.2.tar.bz2
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# tar xf trafficserver-5.3.2.tar.bz2
- [root@web_01 pcre-8.36]# cd trafficserver-5.3.2
- [root@web_01 trafficserver-5.3.2]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/trafficserver --with-pcre=/usr/local/trafficserver/pcre --enable-example-plugins --enable-experimental-plugins
- [root@web_01 trafficserver-5.3.2]# make && make install
- 注:--enable-example-plugins --enable-experimental-plugins 这两条指令是为了安装ATS官方集成的插件
- [root@web_01 trafficserver-5.3.2]# cd /usr/local/trafficserver/bin/
- [root@web_01 bin]# ./trafficserver start
- Starting Apache Traffic Server: [ Ok
五、Traffic Server进程管理
- [root@localhost ~]# ps aux|grep traffic
- root 7469 0.0 0.0 129628 7248 ? Ssl 04:57 0:02 /usr/local/tcacheserver/bin/traffic_cop
- 176 7472 0.0 0.0 501692 19660 ? Sl 04:57 0:30 /usr/local/tcacheserver/bin/traffic_manager
- 176 7482 19.8 20.8 15253324 10279168 ? Sl 04:57 118:31 /usr/local/tcacheserver/bin/traffic_server
- traffic_server 进程是ATS的事务处理引擎。负责接收和处理协议请求以及从本地缓存或源服务器提供资源。
- traffic_manager进程是用来命令和控制ATS的工具,负责启动、监控以及重新配置端口、统计接口、集群管理以及VIP故障转移。
- traffic_top进程监控traffic_server和traffic_manager进程的健康状况。
- #修改records.config文件
- #25行
- CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports STRING 80
- #29行
- CONFIG proxy.config.http.insert_response_via_str INT 2
- #添加
- CONFIG proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled INT 1
- #添加
- CONFIG proxy.config.log.xml_config_file STRING logs_xml.config
- #添加
- CONFIG proxy.config.diags.show_location INT 1
- #修改remap.config文件添加如下:
- regex_map http://(.*) http://$1
- #修改logs_xml.config文件添加如下:
- <LogFormat>
- <Name = "ats_access_log"/>
- <Format = "%<cqtd>/%<cqtt> %<cqhm> \"%<cquuc>\" %<pssc> %<ttms> %<cqhl>
- %<psql> %<crc> \"%<chi>\" %<pqsn> \"%<{Referer}cqh>\" \"%<psct>\" \"%<{User-agent}cqh>\"
- %<csssc> %<pqsi>"/>
- </LogFormat>
- <LogObject>
- <Format = "ats_access_log"/>
- <Filename = "access"/>
- <Protocols = "http"/>
- <RollingEnabled = "3"/>
- <RollingIntervalSec = "7200"/>
- <RollingSizeMb = "2048"/>
- </LogObject>
- #修改storage.config文件
- var/trafficserver 4G
- #重启服务
- [root@controller bin]# pwd
- /usr/local/trafficserver/bin
- [root@controller bin]# ./trafficserver restart
- #测试
- [root@controller bin]# curl -vx -o /dev/null 'http://news.sohu.com/'
- * About to connect() to proxy port 80 (#0)
- * Trying
- % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
- Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
- > GET http://news.sohu.com/ HTTP/1.1
- > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
- > Host: news.sohu.com
- > Accept: */*
- > Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
- >
- < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- < Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
- < Content-Length: 170289
- < Server: ATS/5.3.2
- < Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 03:26:44 GMT
- < Cache-Control: max-age=120
- < X-From-Sohu: X-SRC-Cached
- < FSS-Cache: EXPIRED from 9206494.16415464.10543436
- < Accept-Ranges: bytes
- < FSS-Proxy: Powered by 3308164.4618894.4645016
- < Age: 0
- < Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
- < Via: http/1.1 controller (ApacheTrafficServer/5.3.2 [cSsSfU])
- <
- { [data not shown]
- 100 166k 100 166k 0 0 152k 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 152k
- * Connection #0 to host left intact
- [root@controller bin]# ./traffic_top
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