Configure the MySQL account associate to the domain user via MySQL Windows Authentication Plugin
在此记录如何将之前一次做第三发软件在配置的过程。 将AD user通过代理映射到mysql 用户。
The server-side Windows authentication plugin is included only in commercial distributions. It is not included in MySQL community distributions. The client-side plugin is included in all distributions, including community distributions. The Windows authentication plugin should work on Windows 2000 Professional and up. It requires MySQL Server 5.5.16 or newer.
这个只在商业版上有这种Windows authentication plugin
On the server side:
1. Install the Windows Authentication Plugin:
Method 1). Put these lines in my.ini(C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server5.5) file:
Then restart MySQL service.
Method 2). Launch MySQL server as root user and run the following commands:
mysql>install plugin authentication_windows_server soname 'authentication_windows.dll';
mysql>show plugins;
Installed the Windows Authentication Plugin successfully if you see the following information.
2. Using the Windows Authentication Plugin to create user map to domain groups or users:
1). Create the proxy MySQL account "win_proxy" for Windows users(xxx.test\\administrator, xxx.test\\dzuser2) to connect to, and configure this account so that users and groups map to the appropriate MySQL accounts("mysql_admin", "mysql_user"):
c:\>mysql --user=root --password=password
mysql>create user win_proxy identified with authentication_windows as 'xxx.test\\administrator=mysql_admin, xxx.test\\dzuser2=mysql_user';
2). For proxying to work, the proxied accounts must exist, so create them and grant some privileges to them:
mysql>create user mysql_admin identified by 'password';
mysql>create user mysql_user identified by 'password';
mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to 'mysql_admin'@'%'; all privileges on MySQL instance
mysql>grant all privileges on mysql.* to 'mysql_user'@'%';privileges on mysql database
3). Grant the PROXY privilege for each of the proxied accounts to the proxy account:
mysql>grant proxy on mysql_admin to win_proxy;
mysql>grant proxy on mysql_user to win_proxy;
Now the Windows users "xxx.test\\administrator" can connect to the MySQL server as "win_proxy" and when authenticated have the privileges of the account "mysql_admin".
"xxx.test\\dzuser2" can connect to the MySQL server as "win_proxy" and when authenticated have the privileges of the account "mysql_user"
Check the configuration whether take effect on the client side:
1. Logon the OS as user "xxx.test\\administrator":
c:\>mysql -u win_proxy -h10.100.xx.xx (the MySQL server IP)
mysql> select user(),current_user(),@@proxy_user;
| user() | current_user() | @@proxy_user |
| win_proxy@xxx | mysql_admin@% | 'win_proxy'@'%' |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
Domain user "xxx.test\\administrator" map to the MySQL account "mysql_admin" successfully.
2. Logon the OS as user "xxx.test\\dzuser2":
c:\>mysql -u win_proxy -h10.100.60.38 (the MySQL server IP)
mysql> select user(),current_user(),@@proxy_user;
| user() | current_user() | @@proxy_user |
| win_proxy@xxx | mysql_user@% | 'win_proxy'@'%' |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
Domain user "xxx.test\\dzuser2" map to the MySQL account "mysql_user" successfully.
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