

MySQL 5.7.5后only_full_group_by成为sql_mode的默认选项之一,这可能导致一些sql语句失效。


id group_id name score
1 A 小刚 20
2 B 小明 19
3 B 小花 17
4 C 小红 18

select name, group_id from game group by group_id(记为sql_make_group)

Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'game.name' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by


  1. 把group by字段group_id设成primary key 或者 unique NOT NULL。这个方法在实际操作中没什么意义。

  2. 使用函数any_value把报错的字段name包含起来。如,select any_value(name), group_id from game group by group_id




sudo vim /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf





sudo service mysql restart


name group_id
小刚 A
小明 B
小红 C


对于上述的报错信息,我的理解是select字段里包含了没有被group by条件唯一确定的字段name。






执行sql: select any_value(name) as name, group_id, min(score) as score from game group by group_id order by min(score)


name group_id score
小明 B 17
小红 C 18
小刚 A 20


所以单纯使用group by无法实现这样的需求。可以使用临时表的方法:

select id, name,t.group_id, t.score from (select group_id, min(score) as score from game group by group_id order by min(score)) t inner join game on t.group_id=game.group_id and t.score=game.score

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