May 03rd 2017 Week 18th Wednesday
Truth needs no colour; beauty, no pencil.
There is no absoulte truth and everlasting beauty.
We always need to revise the truth according to the current reality, because things always change.
And even the most beautiful face may be carved with wrinkles by the time.
Wrinkles must be written upon our brows, but we can let them not be written upon the heart.
We can grow old, but our spirits should never grow old.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.
From Emerson.
Recently I always feel anxious, because I doubt whether I can make a good change in my life, whether I can uplift a family.
But after I chatted with my girlfriend, I found I got rid of the anxiety temporarily.
They always exist. And the best way to free me of the weight and pain of live, I think, may be to put my love, real love to those who love me.
That is not a healing song, we'd better to sing it in private, and pluck up courage to greet the next sunrise.
Can the world be somewhat better to me?
Today, besides what we have talked as above, we would like to start a small but interesting discussion about the difference between living alone and living with your parents.
I have left my paretnts and lived alone for about ten years, so I think I am qualified to give some conclusions.
But for what I will list as below, I would keep reserved opinions about some of them.
1. Living alone, with heavier financial burden, we will learn that better managing our money is very important.
But living with our parents, the help from them can be the excuse for us to ignore financial management.
Then we will take extra time and price to learn that, because we eventually will live alone.
2. Living alone, we will learn to do all kinds of household chores for taking care of ourselves.
Living with our parents, our moms take care of us well.
Houseworks are very boring, because we have to do them over and over again, but we must learn to do them, a clean and clear environment will be very beneficial.
3. Living alone, we will learn to brave the worst.
Living with our parents, we can hide in their shelters.
We can't hide in the shelters of our parents for the whole life, we will go out and live alone sooner or later, now that they have given us all they have, we must leave and do something on my own to repay their love.
Stay tuned, we will continue the discussion tomorrow.
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