2014-04-25 20:27


解法:这题真心牛,我的第一反应是发呆,因为对引用计数的了解仅限于这个名词,完全没办法建立模型。之后仔细把题解读了两遍之后,照样敲了一遍代码。然后边调试边阅读才有了些理解。引用计数有四点需要注意:1. 引用计数是个非负整数。2. 引用计数是对于一个实体变量的,所有指向这个实体的指针共用这个计数,所以就有了代码中的那种写法。3. 指针进行析构的时候,引用计数减一。4. 增加一个指针的时候,引用计数加一。


 // 13.8 Implement a smart pointer class, which is capable of automatic garbage collection. Count of reference is the key to this problem.
// Answer:
// int *ref_count;
// referece count must be int *, instead of int. Think about why.
// The destructor function is called for (*ref_count) times, only at the last time the real data is freed.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; template <class T>
class Pointer {
Pointer(T *ptr) {
data = ptr;
ref_count = new int();
}; Pointer(Pointer<T> &p) {
data = p.data;
ref_count = p.ref_count;
}; Pointer<T>& operator = (Pointer<T> &p) {
if (this == &p) {
// nothing to do.
return *this;
if (*ref_count > ) {
data = p.data;
ref_count = p.ref_count;
++(*ref_count); return *this;
}; T getData() {
return *data;
}; void setData(const T &val) {
*data = val;
}; ~Pointer() {
T *data;
int *ref_count; void remove() {
if (*ref_count == ) {
// if the reference count becomes 0, the data is never to be found again.
// it must be freed.
delete data;
data = nullptr;
delete ref_count;
ref_count = nullptr;
}; int main()
int *ptr = new int();
Pointer<int> p1(ptr);
Pointer<int> p2(p1); cout << p1.getData() << endl;
cout << p2.getData() << endl; return ;

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