The UNION ALL operator may be what you are looking for.

With this operator, you can concatenate the resultsets from multiple queries together, preserving all of the rows from each. Note that a UNION operator (without the ALL keyword) will eliminate any "duplicate" rows which exist in the resultset. The UNION ALL operator preserves all of the rows from each query (and will likely perform better since it doesn't have the overhead of performing the duplicate check and removal operation).

The number of columns and data type of each column must match in each of the queries. If one of the queries has more columns than the other, we sometimes include dummy expressions in the other query to make the columns and datatypes "match". Often, it's helpful to include an expression (an extra column) in the SELECT list of each query that returns a literal, to reveal which of the queries was the "source" of the row.

SELECT 'q1' AS source, a, b, c, d FROM t1 WHERE ...
SELECT 'q2', t2.fee,,, 'fum' FROM t2 JOIN t3 ON ...
SELECT 'q3', '1', '2', buckle, my_shoe FROM t4


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