Love means never having to say you're sorry.


Yesterday I heard an interesting story from one of my friend.

He and his wife have married for about 20 years.

When they drived to home yesterday evening, his wife talk about one couple of friends they both know.

The wife just asked him about the recent situation of the two, using 'he' and 'she' to refer to the two person.

My friend answered the question without thinking, and he knows who they are in his wife's question.

Very interesting.

And I see deep love and understanding in the story.

Maybe that kind of love is what I always seek for.

In the end, life teaches us what is important, and that is family.


After the lunar new year holiday, I desperately long to stay with my family in the whole year because I felt very comfrotable at home.

And my family also hope I can find a lover and have my own small family, thinking it as the top priority of this year.

Is it too difficult for me to find my lover?

Maybe, if considering my own characteristics.

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