MVC(Model-View-Controller),它是专门针 对交互系统提出的,所以如果我们要构建一个交互系统,那么我们就可以直接应用MVC模式,然后 在该模式所搭建的场景的启发下去发现Model、View以及Controller,在这个大的场景的指导下根 据其它的需求(模式)构建一些小的场景对系统进行有效的分化。

Interaction-Oriented Architecture

The primary objective of interaction-oriented architecture is to separate the interaction of user from data abstraction and business data processing. The interaction-oriented software architecture decomposes the system into three major partitions −

  • Data module − Data module provides the data abstraction and all business logic.
  • Control module − Control module identifies the flow of control and system configuration actions.
  • View presentation module − View presentation module is responsible for visual or audio presentation of data output and it also provides an interface for user input.

Interaction-oriented architecture has two major styles − Model-View-Controller (MVC)

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