[Python-MATLAB] 在Python中调用MATLAB的API
MATLAB Engine API的使用文档:
1、MATLAB 2015a 32位的
2、Python 2.7.13 32位的
C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\MATLAB Production Server\R2015a\extern\engines\python
由于这个文件夹是在C盘的,安装时有可能会遇到写权限的问题。如果出现write permission,可以通过右击该文件夹,选择 属性->安全->编辑,给当前用户赋予完全控制的权限。
> python setup.py install
import matlab.engine if __name__ == '__main__':
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab('MATLAB_R2015a')
a = eng.sqrt(4.0)
print type(a),a
import matlab.engine
A = matlab.int8([1,2,3,4,5])
print type(A),A.size,A #输出:
<class 'matlab.mlarray.int8'> (1, 5) [[1,2,3,4,5]]
Attribute or Method |
Purpose |
Size of array returned as a |
Reshape array as specified by sequence |
import matlab.engine
A = matlab.double([[1,2,3,4,5], [6,7,8,9,10]])
import matlab.engine
A = matlab.int8([1,2,3,4,5])
print(A[0]) #输出:
print A[0][3]
import matlab.engine
A = matlab.int8([1,2,3,4,5])
print(A[0][1:4]) #输出:
A = matlab.double([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]);
A[0] = [10,20,30,40]
print(A) #输出:
[[10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0],[5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0]] A = matlab.int8([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]);
A[0][2:4] = [30,40]
A[0][6:8] = [70,80]
Note: Slicing MATLAB arrays behaves differently from slicing a Python list. Slicing a MATLAB array returns a view instead of a shallow copy.
Given a MATLAB array and a Python list with the same values, assigning a slice results in different results as shown by the following code.
A = matlab.int32([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])
L = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
A[0] = A[0][::-1]
L[0] = L[0][::-1]
[[2, 1], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
import matlab.engine
A = matlab.int8([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
Constructor Call in Python |
No constructor. When a function returns a handle to a MATLAB object, the engine returns a |
[a] In Python 2.7 on Windows, [b] In Python 2.7 on Windows, [c] Logicals cannot be made into an array of complex numbers. |
import matlab.engine
from numpy import * if __name__ == '__main__':
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab('MATLAB_R2015a')
A = matlab.double([[1,2],[5,6]])
print type(A),A.size,A
print eng.eig(A)
Examples and How To
Install MATLAB Engine API for Python
To start the MATLAB engine within a Python session, you first must install the engine API as a Python package.
Install MATLAB Engine API for Python in Nondefault Locations
By default, the installer builds the engine API for Python in the
folder. The installer installs the engine in the default Python folder.matlabroot
Start and Stop MATLAB Engine for Python
Options for starting the MATLAB Engine for Python.
Connect Python to Running MATLAB Session
How to connect the MATLAB Engine for Python to a shared MATLAB session that is already running on your local machine.
Call MATLAB Functions from Python
How to return an output argument from a MATLAB function. How to read multiple outputs from a function. What to do when the MATLAB function does not return an output argument.
Call MATLAB Functions Asynchronously from Python
This example shows how to call the MATLAB sqrt
function asynchronously from Python and retrieve the square root later.
Call User Script and Function from Python
This example shows how to call a MATLAB script to compute the area of a triangle from Python.
Redirect Standard Output and Error to Python
This example shows how to redirect standard output and standard error from a MATLAB function to Python StringIO
Use MATLAB Engine Workspace in Python
This example shows how to add variables to the MATLAB engine workspace in Python.
Use MATLAB Handle Objects in Python
This example shows how to create an object from a MATLAB handle class and call its methods in Python.
This example shows how to create a MATLAB array in Python and pass it as the input argument to the MATLAB sqrt
Sort and Plot MATLAB Data from Python
This example shows how to sort data about patients into lists of smokers and nonsmokers in Python and plot blood pressure readings for the patients with MATLAB.
Get Help for MATLAB Functions from Python
From Python, you can access supporting documentation for all MATLAB functions.
Get Started with MATLAB Engine API for Python
The MATLAB Engine API for Python provides a Python package named matlab
that enables you to call MATLAB functions from Python.
System Requirements for MATLAB Engine API for Python
What you need to write and build MATLAB engine applications.
Pass Data to MATLAB from Python
When you pass Python data as input arguments to MATLAB functions, the MATLAB Engine for Python converts the data into equivalent MATLAB data types.
Handle Data Returned from MATLAB to Python
When MATLAB functions return output arguments, the MATLAB Engine API for Python converts the data into equivalent Python data types.
MATLAB Arrays as Python Variables
The matlab
Python package provides array classes to represent arrays of MATLAB numeric types as Python variables so that MATLAB arrays can be passed between Python and MATLAB.
Default Numeric Types in MATLAB and Python
MATLAB stores all numeric values as double-precision floating point numbers by default.
Limitations to MATLAB Engine API for Python
The engine cannot start or connect to MATLAB on a remote machine.
Troubleshoot MATLAB Errors in Python
When a MATLAB function raises an error, the MATLAB Engine for Python stops the function and catches the exception raised by MATLAB.
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