1.1.2 Part II -- Systems Programming 系统编程

This part presents those aspects of the architecture that are customarily used by programmers who write operating systems, device drivers, debuggers, and other software that supports applications programs in the protected mode of the 80386.


Chapter 4 Systems Architecture 系统架构

Many of the architectural features of the 80386 are used only by systems programmers. This chapter presents an overview of these aspects of the architecture.


The systems-level features of the 80386 architecture include:


  • Memory Management 内存管理
  • Protection 保护
  • Multitasking 多任务
  • Input/Output 输入/输出
  • Exceptions and Interrupts 异常和中断
  • Initialization 初始化
  • Coprocessing and Multiprocessing 协处理和多进程
  • Debugging 调试

These features are implemented by registers and instructions, all of which are introduced in the following sections. The purpose of this chapter is not to explain each feature in detail, but rather to place the remaining chapters of Part II in perspective. Each mention in this chapter of a register or instruction is either accompanied by an explanation or a reference to a following chapter where detailed information can be obtained.


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