一. 概述

当input事件处理得慢就会触发ANR,那ANR内部原理是什么,哪些场景会产生ANR呢。 “工欲善其事必先利其器”,为了理解input ANR原理,前面几篇文章疏通了整个input框架的处理流程,都是为了这篇文章而做铺垫。在正式开始分析ANR触发原理以及触发场景之前,先来回顾一下input流程。

1.1 InputReader



  1. 调用EventHub的getEvents()读取节点/dev/input的input_event结构体转换成RawEvent结构体,RawEvent根据不同InputMapper来转换成相应的EventEntry,比如按键事件则对应KeyEntry,触摸事件则对应MotionEntry。

    • 转换结果:inut_event -> EventEntry;
  2. 将事件添加到mInboundQueue队列尾部,加入该队列前有以下两个过滤:
    • IMS.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing:事件分发前可增加业务逻辑;
    • IMS.filterInputEvent:可拦截事件,当返回值为false的事件都直接拦截,没有机会加入mInboundQueue队列,不会再往下分发;否则进入下一步;
    • enqueueInboundEventLocked:该事件放入mInboundQueue队列尾部;
    • mLooper->wake:并根据情况来唤醒InputDispatcher线程.
  3. KeyboardInputMapper.processKey()的过程, 记录下按下down事件的时间点.

1.2 InputDispatcher


  1. dispatchOnceInnerLocked(): 从InputDispatcher的mInboundQueue队列,取出事件EventEntry。另外该方法开始执行的时间点(currentTime)便是后续事件dispatchEntry的分发时间(deliveryTime)
  2. dispatchKeyLocked():满足一定条件时会添加命令doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible;
  3. enqueueDispatchEntryLocked():生成事件DispatchEntry并加入connection的outbound队列
  4. startDispatchCycleLocked():从outboundQueue中取出事件DispatchEntry, 重新放入connection的waitQueue队列;
  5. runCommandsLockedInterruptible():通过循环遍历地方式,依次处理mCommandQueue队列中的所有命令。而mCommandQueue队列中的命令是通过postCommandLocked()方式向该队列添加的。ANR回调命令便是在这个时机执行。
  6. handleTargetsNotReadyLocked(): 该过程会判断是否等待超过5s来决定是否调用onANRLocked().

流程15中sendMessage是将input事件分发到app端,当app处理完该事件后会发送finishInputEvent()事件. 接下来又回到pollOnce()方法.

1.3 UI Thread

  • “InputDispatcher”线程监听socket服务端,收到消息后回调InputDispatcher.handleReceiveCallback();
  • UI主线程监听socket客户端,收到消息后回调NativeInputEventReceiver.handleEvent().


二. ANR处理流程

ANR时间区别便是指当前这次的事件dispatch过程中执行findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked()方法到下一次执行resetANRTimeoutsLocked()的时间区间. 以下5个时机会reset. 都位于InputDispatcher.cpp文件:

  • resetAndDropEverythingLocked
  • releasePendingEventLocked
  • setFocusedApplication
  • dispatchOnceInnerLocked
  • setInputDispatchMode

简单来说, 主要是以下4个场景,会有机会执行resetANRTimeoutsLocked:

  • 解冻屏幕, 系统开/关机的时刻点 (thawInputDispatchingLw, setEventDispatchingLw)
  • wms聚焦app的改变 (WMS.setFocusedApp, WMS.removeAppToken)
  • 设置input filter的过程 (IMS.setInputFilter)
  • 再次分发事件的过程(dispatchOnceInnerLocked)

InputDispatcher线程 findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked()过程调用到handleTargetsNotReadyLocked,且满足超时5s的情况则会调用onANRLocked().

2.1 onANRLocked

[-> InputDispatcher.cpp]

  1. void InputDispatcher::onANRLocked(
  2. nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<InputApplicationHandle>& applicationHandle,
  3. const sp<InputWindowHandle>& windowHandle,
  4. nsecs_t eventTime, nsecs_t waitStartTime, const char* reason) {
  5. float dispatchLatency = (currentTime - eventTime) * 0.000001f;
  6. float waitDuration = (currentTime - waitStartTime) * 0.000001f;
  7. ALOGI("Application is not responding: %s. "
  8. "It has been %0.1fms since event, %0.1fms since wait started. Reason: %s",
  9. getApplicationWindowLabelLocked(applicationHandle, windowHandle).string(),
  10. dispatchLatency, waitDuration, reason);
  11. //捕获ANR的现场信息
  12. time_t t = time(NULL);
  13. struct tm tm;
  14. localtime_r(&t, &tm);
  15. char timestr[64];
  16. strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%F %T", &tm);
  17. mLastANRState.clear();
  18. mLastANRState.append(INDENT "ANR:\n");
  19. mLastANRState.appendFormat(INDENT2 "Time: %s\n", timestr);
  20. mLastANRState.appendFormat(INDENT2 "Window: %s\n",
  21. getApplicationWindowLabelLocked(applicationHandle, windowHandle).string());
  22. mLastANRState.appendFormat(INDENT2 "DispatchLatency: %0.1fms\n", dispatchLatency);
  23. mLastANRState.appendFormat(INDENT2 "WaitDuration: %0.1fms\n", waitDuration);
  24. mLastANRState.appendFormat(INDENT2 "Reason: %s\n", reason);
  25. dumpDispatchStateLocked(mLastANRState);
  26. //将ANR命令加入mCommandQueue
  27. CommandEntry* commandEntry = postCommandLocked(
  28. & InputDispatcher::doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible);
  29. commandEntry->inputApplicationHandle = applicationHandle;
  30. commandEntry->inputWindowHandle = windowHandle;
  31. commandEntry->reason = reason;
  32. }

发生ANR调用onANRLocked()的过程会将doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible加入mCommandQueue。 在下一轮InputDispatcher.dispatchOnce的过程中会先执行runCommandsLockedInterruptible()方法,取出 mCommandQueue队列的所有命令逐一执行。那么ANR所对应的命令doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible,接下来看该方法。

3.2 doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible

[-> InputDispatcher.cpp]

  1. void InputDispatcher::doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible(
  2. CommandEntry* commandEntry) {
  3. mLock.unlock();
  4. //[见小节3.3]
  5. nsecs_t newTimeout = mPolicy->notifyANR(
  6. commandEntry->inputApplicationHandle, commandEntry->inputWindowHandle,
  7. commandEntry->reason);
  8. mLock.lock();
  9. //newTimeout =5s [见小节3.8]
  10. resumeAfterTargetsNotReadyTimeoutLocked(newTimeout,
  11. commandEntry->inputWindowHandle != NULL
  12. ? commandEntry->inputWindowHandle->getInputChannel() : NULL);
  13. }


3.3 NativeInputManager.notifyANR

[-> com_android_server_input_InputManagerService.cpp]

  1. nsecs_t NativeInputManager::notifyANR(const sp<InputApplicationHandle>& inputApplicationHandle,
  2. const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle, const String8& reason) {
  3. JNIEnv* env = jniEnv();
  4. jobject inputApplicationHandleObj =
  5. getInputApplicationHandleObjLocalRef(env, inputApplicationHandle);
  6. jobject inputWindowHandleObj =
  7. getInputWindowHandleObjLocalRef(env, inputWindowHandle);
  8. jstring reasonObj = env->NewStringUTF(reason.string());
  9. //调用Java方法[见小节3.4]
  10. jlong newTimeout = env->CallLongMethod(mServiceObj,
  11. gServiceClassInfo.notifyANR, inputApplicationHandleObj, inputWindowHandleObj,
  12. reasonObj);
  13. if (checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(env, "notifyANR")) {
  14. newTimeout = 0; //抛出异常,则清理并重置timeout
  15. }
  16. ...
  17. return newTimeout;
  18. }


  1. int register_android_server_InputManager(JNIEnv* env) {
  2. int res = jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/input/InputManagerService",
  3. gInputManagerMethods, NELEM(gInputManagerMethods));
  4. jclass clazz;
  5. FIND_CLASS(clazz, "com/android/server/input/InputManagerService");
  6. ...
  7. GET_METHOD_ID(gServiceClassInfo.notifyANR, clazz,
  8. "notifyANR",
  9. "(Lcom/android/server/input/InputApplicationHandle;Lcom/android/server/input/InputWindowHandle;Ljava/lang/String;)J");
  10. ...
  11. }


3.4 IMS.notifyANR

[-> InputManagerService.java]

  1. private long notifyANR(InputApplicationHandle inputApplicationHandle,
  2. InputWindowHandle inputWindowHandle, String reason) {
  3. //[见小节3.5]
  4. return mWindowManagerCallbacks.notifyANR(
  5. inputApplicationHandle, inputWindowHandle, reason);
  6. }


3.5 InputMonitor.notifyANR

[-> InputMonitor.java]

  1. public long notifyANR(InputApplicationHandle inputApplicationHandle,
  2. InputWindowHandle inputWindowHandle, String reason) {
  3. AppWindowToken appWindowToken = null;
  4. WindowState windowState = null;
  5. boolean aboveSystem = false;
  6. synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) {
  7. if (inputWindowHandle != null) {
  8. windowState = (WindowState) inputWindowHandle.windowState;
  9. if (windowState != null) {
  10. appWindowToken = windowState.mAppToken;
  11. }
  12. }
  13. if (appWindowToken == null && inputApplicationHandle != null) {
  14. appWindowToken = (AppWindowToken)inputApplicationHandle.appWindowToken;
  15. }
  16. //输出input事件分发超时log
  17. if (windowState != null) {
  18. Slog.i(WindowManagerService.TAG, "Input event dispatching timed out "
  19. + "sending to " + windowState.mAttrs.getTitle()
  20. + ". Reason: " + reason);
  21. int systemAlertLayer = mService.mPolicy.windowTypeToLayerLw(
  22. WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT);
  23. aboveSystem = windowState.mBaseLayer > systemAlertLayer;
  24. } else if (appWindowToken != null) {
  25. Slog.i(WindowManagerService.TAG, "Input event dispatching timed out "
  26. + "sending to application " + appWindowToken.stringName
  27. + ". Reason: " + reason);
  28. } else {
  29. Slog.i(WindowManagerService.TAG, "Input event dispatching timed out "
  30. + ". Reason: " + reason);
  31. }
  32. mService.saveANRStateLocked(appWindowToken, windowState, reason);
  33. }
  34. if (appWindowToken != null && appWindowToken.appToken != null) {
  35. //【见小节3.6.1】
  36. boolean abort = appWindowToken.appToken.keyDispatchingTimedOut(reason);
  37. if (! abort) {
  38. return appWindowToken.inputDispatchingTimeoutNanos; //5s
  39. }
  40. } else if (windowState != null) {
  41. //【见小节3.6.2】
  42. long timeout = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().inputDispatchingTimedOut(
  43. windowState.mSession.mPid, aboveSystem, reason);
  44. if (timeout >= 0) {
  45. return timeout * 1000000L; //5s
  46. }
  47. }
  48. return 0;
  49. }

发生input相关的ANR时在system log输出ANR信息,并且tag为WindowManager. 主要有3类log:

  • Input event dispatching timed out sending to [windowState.mAttrs.getTitle()]
  • Input event dispatching timed out sending to application [appWindowToken.stringName)]
  • Input event dispatching timed out sending.

3.6 DispatchingTimedOut

3.6.1 Token.keyDispatchingTimedOut

[-> ActivityRecord.java :: Token]

  1. final class ActivityRecord {
  2. static class Token extends IApplicationToken.Stub {
  3. public boolean keyDispatchingTimedOut(String reason) {
  4. ActivityRecord r;
  5. ActivityRecord anrActivity;
  6. ProcessRecord anrApp;
  7. synchronized (mService) {
  8. r = tokenToActivityRecordLocked(this);
  9. if (r == null) {
  10. return false;
  11. }
  12. anrActivity = r.getWaitingHistoryRecordLocked();
  13. anrApp = r != null ? r.app : null;
  14. }
  15. //[见小节3.7]
  16. return mService.inputDispatchingTimedOut(anrApp, anrActivity, r, false, reason);
  17. }
  18. ...
  19. }
  20. }

3.6.2 AMS.inputDispatchingTimedOut

  1. public long inputDispatchingTimedOut(int pid, final boolean aboveSystem, String reason) {
  2. ...
  3. ProcessRecord proc;
  4. long timeout;
  5. synchronized (this) {
  6. synchronized (mPidsSelfLocked) {
  7. proc = mPidsSelfLocked.get(pid); //根据pid查看进程record
  8. }
  9. timeout = getInputDispatchingTimeoutLocked(proc);
  10. }
  11. //【见小节3.7】
  12. if (!inputDispatchingTimedOut(proc, null, null, aboveSystem, reason)) {
  13. return -1;
  14. }
  15. return timeout;
  16. }

inputDispatching的超时为KEY_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT,即timeout = 5s。

3.7 AMS.inputDispatchingTimedOut

  1. public boolean inputDispatchingTimedOut(final ProcessRecord proc,
  2. final ActivityRecord activity, final ActivityRecord parent,
  3. final boolean aboveSystem, String reason) {
  4. ...
  5. final String annotation;
  6. if (reason == null) {
  7. annotation = "Input dispatching timed out";
  8. } else {
  9. annotation = "Input dispatching timed out (" + reason + ")";
  10. }
  11. if (proc != null) {
  12. ...
  13. //通过handler机制,交由“ActivityManager”线程执行ANR处理过程。
  14. mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
  15. public void run() {
  16. appNotResponding(proc, activity, parent, aboveSystem, annotation);
  17. }
  18. });
  19. }
  20. return true;
  21. }

appNotResponding会输出现场的重要进程的trace等信息。 再回到【小节3.2】处理完ANR后再调用resumeAfterTargetsNotReadyTimeoutLocked。

3.8 resumeAfterTargetsNotReadyTimeoutLocked

[-> InputDispatcher.cpp]

  1. void InputDispatcher::resumeAfterTargetsNotReadyTimeoutLocked(nsecs_t newTimeout,
  2. const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel) {
  3. if (newTimeout > 0) {
  4. //超时时间增加5s
  5. mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime = now() + newTimeout;
  6. } else {
  7. // Give up.
  8. mInputTargetWaitTimeoutExpired = true;
  9. // Input state will not be realistic. Mark it out of sync.
  10. if (inputChannel.get()) {
  11. ssize_t connectionIndex = getConnectionIndexLocked(inputChannel);
  12. if (connectionIndex >= 0) {
  13. sp<Connection> connection = mConnectionsByFd.valueAt(connectionIndex);
  14. sp<InputWindowHandle> windowHandle = connection->inputWindowHandle;
  15. if (windowHandle != NULL) {
  16. const InputWindowInfo* info = windowHandle->getInfo();
  17. if (info) {
  18. ssize_t stateIndex = mTouchStatesByDisplay.indexOfKey(info->displayId);
  19. if (stateIndex >= 0) {
  20. mTouchStatesByDisplay.editValueAt(stateIndex).removeWindow(
  21. windowHandle);
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }
  25. if (connection->status == Connection::STATUS_NORMAL) {
  26. CancelationOptions options(CancelationOptions::CANCEL_ALL_EVENTS,
  27. "application not responding");
  28. synthesizeCancelationEventsForConnectionLocked(connection, options);
  29. }
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }

四. input死锁监测机制

4.1 IMS.start

[-> InputManagerService.java]

  1. public void start() {
  2. ...
  3. Watchdog.getInstance().addMonitor(this);
  4. ...
  5. }

InputManagerService实现了Watchdog.Monitor接口, 并且在启动过程将自己加入到了Watchdog线程的monitor队列.

4.2 IMS.monitor


  1. public void monitor() {
  2. synchronized (mInputFilterLock) { }
  3. nativeMonitor(mPtr);
  4. }


  1. static void nativeMonitor(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong ptr) {
  2. NativeInputManager* im = reinterpret_cast<NativeInputManager*>(ptr);
  3. im->getInputManager()->getReader()->monitor(); //见小节4.3
  4. im->getInputManager()->getDispatcher()->monitor(); //见小节4.4
  5. }

4.3 InputReader.monitor

[-> InputReader.cpp]

  1. void InputReader::monitor() {
  2. //请求和释放一次mLock,来确保reader没有发生死锁的问题
  3. mLock.lock();
  4. mEventHub->wake();
  5. mReaderIsAliveCondition.wait(mLock);
  6. mLock.unlock();
  7. //监测EventHub[见小节4.3.1]
  8. mEventHub->monitor();
  9. }


  1. void InputReader::loopOnce() {
  2. size_t count = mEventHub->getEvents(timeoutMillis, mEventBuffer, EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE);
  3. ...
  4. {
  5. AutoMutex _l(mLock);
  6. mReaderIsAliveCondition.broadcast();
  7. if (count) {
  8. processEventsLocked(mEventBuffer, count);
  9. }
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. mQueuedListener->flush();
  13. }

4.3.1 EventHub.monitor

[-> EventHub.cpp]

  1. void EventHub::monitor() {
  2. //请求和释放一次mLock,来确保reader没有发生死锁的问题
  3. mLock.lock();
  4. mLock.unlock();
  5. }

4.4 InputDispatcher

[-> InputDispatcher.cpp]

  1. void InputDispatcher::monitor() {
  2. mLock.lock();
  3. mLooper->wake();
  4. mDispatcherIsAliveCondition.wait(mLock);
  5. mLock.unlock();
  6. }


  1. void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {
  2. nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;
  3. {
  4. AutoMutex _l(mLock);
  5. mDispatcherIsAliveCondition.broadcast();
  6. if (!haveCommandsLocked()) {
  7. dispatchOnceInnerLocked(&nextWakeupTime);
  8. }
  9. if (runCommandsLockedInterruptible()) {
  10. nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;
  11. }
  12. }
  13. nsecs_t currentTime = now();
  14. int timeoutMillis = toMillisecondTimeoutDelay(currentTime, nextWakeupTime);
  15. mLooper->pollOnce(timeoutMillis); //进入epoll_wait
  16. }

4.5 小节

通过将InputManagerService加入到Watchdog的monitor队列,定时监测是否发生死锁. 整个监测过涉及EventHub, InputReader, InputDispatcher, InputManagerService的死锁监测. 监测的原理很简单,通过尝试获取锁并释放锁的方式.

最后, 可通过adb shell dumpsys input来查看手机当前的input状态, 输出内容分别为EventHub.dump(), InputReader.dump(),InputDispatcher.dump()这3类,另外如果发生过input ANR,那么也会输出上一个ANR的状态.


五. 总结

5.1 ANR分类

由小节[3.5] InputMonitor.notifyANR完成, 当发生ANR时system log中会出现以下信息, 并且TAG=WindowManager:

Input event dispatching timed out xxx. Reason: + reason, 其中xxx取值:

  • 窗口类型: sending to windowState.mAttrs.getTitle()
  • 应用类型: sending to application appWindowToken.stringName
  • 其他类型: 则为空.


5.1.1 reason类型

由小节[2.3.1]checkWindowReadyForMoreInputLocked完成, ANR reason主要有以下几类:

  1. 无窗口, 有应用:Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.
  2. 窗口暂停: Waiting because the [targetType] window is paused.
  3. 窗口未连接: Waiting because the [targetType] window’s input channel is not registered with the input dispatcher. The window may be in the process of being removed.
  4. 窗口连接已死亡:Waiting because the [targetType] window’s input connection is [Connection.Status]. The window may be in the process of being removed.
  5. 窗口连接已满:Waiting because the [targetType] window’s input channel is full. Outbound queue length: [outboundQueue长度]. Wait queue length: [waitQueue长度].
  6. 按键事件,输出队列或事件等待队列不为空:Waiting to send key event because the [targetType] window has not finished processing all of the input events that were previously delivered to it. Outbound queue length: [outboundQueue长度]. Wait queue length: [waitQueue长度].
  7. 非按键事件,事件等待队列不为空且头事件分发超时500ms:Waiting to send non-key event because the [targetType] window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500ms ago. Wait queue length: [waitQueue长度]. Wait queue head age: [等待时长].


  • targetType: 取值为”focused”或者”touched”
  • Connection.Status: 取值为”NORMAL”,”BROKEN”,”ZOMBIE”

另外, findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked, findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked这两个方法中可以通过实现 updateDispatchStatisticsLocked()来分析anr问题.

5.2 drop事件分类

由小节[2.1.2] dropInboundEventLocked完成,输出事件丢弃的原因:

  1. DROP_REASON_POLICY: “inbound event was dropped because the policy consumed it”;
  2. DROP_REASON_DISABLED: “inbound event was dropped because input dispatch is disabled”;
  3. DROP_REASON_APP_SWITCH: “inbound event was dropped because of pending overdue app switch”;
  4. DROP_REASON_BLOCKED: “inbound event was dropped because the current application is not responding and the user has started interacting with a different application””;
  5. DROP_REASON_STALE: “inbound event was dropped because it is stale”;


  • doDispatchCycleFinishedLockedInterruptible的过程, 会记录分发时间超过2s的事件,
  • findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked的过程, 可以统计等待时长信息.



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  7. Android 系统 root 破解原理分析 (续)

    上文<Android系统root破解原理分析>介绍了Android系统root破解之后,应用程序获得root权限的原理.有一些网友提出对于root破解过程比较感兴趣,也提出了疑问.本文将会 ...

  8. 【Android漏洞复现】StrandHogg漏洞复现及原理分析_Android系统上的维京海盗

    文章作者MG1937 CNBLOG博客:ALDYS4 QQ:3496925334 0x00 StrandHogg漏洞详情 StrandHogg漏洞 CVE编号:暂无 [漏洞危害] 近日,Android ...

  9. 老李推荐:第5章5节《MonkeyRunner源码剖析》Monkey原理分析-启动运行: 获取系统服务引用

    老李推荐:第5章5节<MonkeyRunner源码剖析>Monkey原理分析-启动运行: 获取系统服务引用   上一节我们描述了monkey的命令处理入口函数run是如何调用optionP ...


  1. 【软件构造】第三章第三节 抽象数据型(ADT)

    第三章第三节 抽象数据型(ADT) 3-1节研究了“数据类型”及其特性 ; 3-2节研究了方法和操作的“规约”及其特性:在本节中,我们将数据和操作复合起来,构成ADT,学习ADT的核心特征,以及如何设 ...

  2. Mapping (RESOURCE) not found :和BeanFactory not initialized or already closed - call 'refresh' before access记录

    1.Mapping (RESOURCE) not found :cn/sxx/model/Supplier.hbm.xml : origin(cn/sxx/model/Supplier.hbm.xml ...

  3. UVa-1585-得分

    #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char s[100]; int T; scanf("%d&q ...

  4. django扩展User模型(model),profile

    from django.contrib.auth.models import User # Create your models here. class Profile(models.Model): ...

  5. 自定义ngCloak

    场景: 一个非常复杂的表单页面,页面有5个标签,第五个标签中又有5个标签,也就是说一共有9个标签,每个标签中都有一个表单,表单之间相互关联.所有表单项(包括复合的),有80多个数据.全部东西写在一个h ...

  6. 洛谷 1196 [NOI2002]银河英雄传说【模板】带权并查集

    [题解] 经典的带权并查集题目. 设cnt[i]表示i前面的点的数量,siz[i]表示第i个点(这个点是代表元)所处的联通块的大小:合并的时候更新siz.旧的代表元的cnt,路径压缩的时候维护cnt即 ...

  7. PS日记一

    shift+alt 从中心开始画圆 PHOTOSHOP是处理位图的软件, 栅格化是将矢量图形如:(Illustrator,或者CoreIDRAW中绘画的图形), 包括文字,这些矢量图文转换(也叫栅格化 ...

  8. 【04】如何确定ruby安装好

        [04]如何确定ruby安装好     命令行里输入 ruby -v 如果正确输出了 ruby 版本号,就OK了       是不是在Windows平台安装的?如果是,先按照楼上说得打开命令行 ...

  9. 大数据学习——Linux上常用软件安装

    4.1 Linux系统软件安装方式 Linux上的软件安装有以下几种常见方式: 1.二进制发布包 软件已经针对具体平台编译打包发布,只要解压,修改配置即可 2.RPM发布包 软件已经按照redhat的 ...

  10. kafka直连方式消费多个topic

    一个消费者组可以消费多个topic,以前写过一篇一个消费者消费一个topic的,这次的是一个消费者组通过直连方式消费多个topic,做了小测试,结果是正确的,通过查看zookeeper的客户端,zoo ...