class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT MessageLite {
inline MessageLite() {}
virtual ~MessageLite(); // Basic Operations ------------------------------------------------ // Get the name of this message type, e.g. "".
virtual string GetTypeName() const = ; // Construct a new instance of the same type. Ownership is passed to the
// caller.
virtual MessageLite* New() const = ; // Clear all fields of the message and set them to their default values.
// Clear() avoids freeing memory, assuming that any memory allocated
// to hold parts of the message will be needed again to hold the next
// message. If you actually want to free the memory used by a Message,
// you must delete it.
virtual void Clear() = ; // Quickly check if all required fields have values set.
virtual bool IsInitialized() const = ; // This is not implemented for Lite messages -- it just returns "(cannot
// determine missing fields for lite message)". However, it is implemented
// for full messages. See message.h.
virtual string InitializationErrorString() const; // If |other| is the exact same class as this, calls MergeFrom(). Otherwise,
// results are undefined (probably crash).
virtual void CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(const MessageLite& other) = ; // Parsing ---------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for parsing in protocol buffer format. Most of these are
// just simple wrappers around MergeFromCodedStream(). // Fill the message with a protocol buffer parsed from the given input
// stream. Returns false on a read error or if the input is in the
// wrong format.
bool ParseFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input);
// Like ParseFromCodedStream(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
bool ParsePartialFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input);
// Read a protocol buffer from the given zero-copy input stream. If
// successful, the entire input will be consumed.
bool ParseFromZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input);
// Like ParseFromZeroCopyStream(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
bool ParsePartialFromZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input);
// Read a protocol buffer from the given zero-copy input stream, expecting
// the message to be exactly "size" bytes long. If successful, exactly
// this many bytes will have been consumed from the input.
bool ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, int size);
// Like ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(), but accepts messages that are
// missing required fields.
bool ParsePartialFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input,
int size);
// Parse a protocol buffer contained in a string.
bool ParseFromString(const string& data);
// Like ParseFromString(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
bool ParsePartialFromString(const string& data);
// Parse a protocol buffer contained in an array of bytes.
bool ParseFromArray(const void* data, int size);
// Like ParseFromArray(), but accepts messages that are missing
// required fields.
bool ParsePartialFromArray(const void* data, int size); // Reads a protocol buffer from the stream and merges it into this
// Message. Singular fields read from the input overwrite what is
// already in the Message and repeated fields are appended to those
// already present.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to call input->LastTagWas()
// (for groups) or input->ConsumedEntireMessage() (for non-groups) after
// this returns to verify that the message's end was delimited correctly.
// ParsefromCodedStream() is implemented as Clear() followed by
// MergeFromCodedStream().
bool MergeFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input); // Like MergeFromCodedStream(), but succeeds even if required fields are
// missing in the input.
// MergeFromCodedStream() is just implemented as MergePartialFromCodedStream()
// followed by IsInitialized().
virtual bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input) = ; // Serialization ---------------------------------------------------
// Methods for serializing in protocol buffer format. Most of these
// are just simple wrappers around ByteSize() and SerializeWithCachedSizes(). // Write a protocol buffer of this message to the given output. Returns
// false on a write error. If the message is missing required fields,
// this may GOOGLE_CHECK-fail.
bool SerializeToCodedStream(io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
// Like SerializeToCodedStream(), but allows missing required fields.
bool SerializePartialToCodedStream(io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
// Write the message to the given zero-copy output stream. All required
// fields must be set.
bool SerializeToZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) const;
// Like SerializeToZeroCopyStream(), but allows missing required fields.
bool SerializePartialToZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) const;
// Serialize the message and store it in the given string. All required
// fields must be set.
bool SerializeToString(string* output) const;
// Like SerializeToString(), but allows missing required fields.
bool SerializePartialToString(string* output) const;
// Serialize the message and store it in the given byte array. All required
// fields must be set.
bool SerializeToArray(void* data, int size) const;
// Like SerializeToArray(), but allows missing required fields.
bool SerializePartialToArray(void* data, int size) const; // Make a string encoding the message. Is equivalent to calling
// SerializeToString() on a string and using that. Returns the empty
// string if SerializeToString() would have returned an error.
// Note: If you intend to generate many such strings, you may
// reduce heap fragmentation by instead re-using the same string
// object with calls to SerializeToString().
string SerializeAsString() const;
// Like SerializeAsString(), but allows missing required fields.
string SerializePartialAsString() const; // Like SerializeToString(), but appends to the data to the string's existing
// contents. All required fields must be set.
bool AppendToString(string* output) const;
// Like AppendToString(), but allows missing required fields.
bool AppendPartialToString(string* output) const; // Computes the serialized size of the message. This recursively calls
// ByteSize() on all embedded messages. If a subclass does not override
// this, it MUST override SetCachedSize().
virtual int ByteSize() const = ; // Serializes the message without recomputing the size. The message must
// not have changed since the last call to ByteSize(); if it has, the results
// are undefined.
virtual void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
io::CodedOutputStream* output) const = ; // Like SerializeWithCachedSizes, but writes directly to *target, returning
// a pointer to the byte immediately after the last byte written. "target"
// must point at a byte array of at least ByteSize() bytes.
virtual uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(uint8* target) const; // Returns the result of the last call to ByteSize(). An embedded message's
// size is needed both to serialize it (because embedded messages are
// length-delimited) and to compute the outer message's size. Caching
// the size avoids computing it multiple times.
// ByteSize() does not automatically use the cached size when available
// because this would require invalidating it every time the message was
// modified, which would be too hard and expensive. (E.g. if a deeply-nested
// sub-message is changed, all of its parents' cached sizes would need to be
// invalidated, which is too much work for an otherwise inlined setter
// method.)
virtual int GetCachedSize() const = ; private:

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