
6.042 Mathematics for Computer Science

6.042 Mathematics for Computer Science的更多相关文章

  1. Mathematics for Computer Science (Eric Lehman / F Thomson Leighton / Albert R Meyer 著)

    I Proofs1 What is a Proof?2 The Well Ordering Principle3 Logical Formulas4 Mathematical Data Types5 ...

  2. [转载] A set of top Computer Science blogs

    This started out as a list of top Computer Science blogs, but it more closely resembles a set: the o ...

  3. Will Georgia Tech's $7K online M.S. in computer science program make the grade?

    https://newatlas.com/georgia-tech--graduate-computer-science-degree-mooc/28763/ Georgia Tech to offe ...

  4. What every computer science major should know 每一个计算机科学专业的毕业生都应该都知道的

    Given the expansive growth in the field, it's become challenging to discern what belongs in a modern ...

  5. Discovering the Computer Science Behind Postgres Indexes

    This is the last in a series of Postgres posts that Pat Shaughnessy wrote based on his presentation ...

  6. Mathematics for Computer Graphics数学在计算机图形学中的应用 [转]

    最近严重感觉到数学知识的不足! http://bbs.gameres.com/showthread.asp?threadid=10509 [译]Mathematics for Computer Gra ...

  7. Computer Science Theory for the Information Age-4: 一些机器学习算法的简介

    一些机器学习算法的简介 本节开始,介绍<Computer Science Theory for the Information Age>一书中第六章(这里先暂时跳过第三章),主要涉及学习以 ...

  8. Computer Science Theory for the Information Age-1: 高维空间中的球体

    高维空间中的球体 注:此系列随笔是我在阅读图灵奖获得者John Hopcroft的最新书籍<Computer Science Theory for the Information Age> ...

  9. Intro to Computer Science Class Online (CS101) - Udacity

    Intro to Computer Science Class Online (CS101) - Udacity Building a Search Engine


  1. MD5签名

    /// <summary>        /// 校验签名        /// </summary>        /// <param name="mode ...

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  3. Java50道经典习题-程序6 求最大公约数及最小公倍数

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  7. java使用Redis2--保存对象

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