/* set GPIO0 for RSSI interrupt / CCA */
txbuf[0] = CMD_GPIO_PIN_CFG;
txbuf[1] = 27; /* GPIO[0] = 27: CCA or 37: CCA_LATCH */
txbuf[2] = 0; /* GPIO[1] = DONOTHING */
txbuf[3] = 0; /* GPIO[2] = DONOTHING */
txbuf[4] = 0; /* GPIO[3] = DONOTHING */
txbuf[5] = 0; /* NIRQ = behavior not modified */
txbuf[6] = 0; /* SDO = behavior not modified*/
txbuf[7] = 0; /* GEN_CONFIG = GPIO outputs will have the highest drive strength*/
si446x_SendCommand(8, txbuf);

/* set RSSI threshold */
txbuf[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;
txbuf[1] = PROP_MODEM_GROUP;
txbuf[2] = 0x03; /* num of property */
txbuf[3] = PROP_MODEM_RSSI_THRESH;/* start address */
txbuf[4] = 30; /* MODEM_RSSI_THRESH: if < 30, CCA GPIO0 becomes low */
txbuf[5] = 0x0c; /* MODEM_RSSI_JUMP_THRESH: default */
txbuf[6] = 0x22; /* MODEM_RSSI_CONTROL: check thresh after latch, latch RSSI when sync word is detected */
si446x_SendCommand(5, txbuf);

  1. #include <reg51.h>
  2. #include <string.h>
  3. #include "radio.h"
  4. #include"spi.h"
  5. #include"uart.h"
  6. #define  U8 unsigned char
  8. #define SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_NO_ACK        "NO_ACK"
  9. #define SEND_OUT_ACK                   "ACK!"
  11. #define SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_NO_ACK_LEN     6
  12. #define SEND_OUT_ACK_LEN                4
  13. #define SNED_OUT_MSG_MAX_LEN            8       //It is the maxium length of the send out packet.
  14. extern idata U8 ItStatus1,ItStatus2;
  15. void delay_ms(unsigned int ms)
  16. {
  17. unsigned int i;
  18. unsigned char j;
  19. for(i=0;i<ms;i++)
  20. {
  21. for(j=0;j<200;j++);
  22. for(j=0;j<102;j++);
  23. }
  24. }
  25. void Init_Device(void)
  26. {
  27. //   Reset_Sources_Init();
  28. //   PCA_Init();
  29. //  Port_IO_Init();   // Oscillator_Init();
  30. // Timer0_Init();
  31. SPI_Init();
  32. EA = 1; //Enable Gloable interruption.
  33. //启动射频模块,模块的SDN引脚拉低后必须延时至少30ms,实际上可以直接把SDN引脚接地,这样就不用在程序中初始化了;
  34. RF_SDN=0;
  35. delay_ms(30);
  36. delay_ms(30);
  37. //        RF_SDN = 0;
  38. //        DelayMs(30);
  39. //        NSEL = 1;
  40. //        SCLK = 0;
  41. SpiWriteRegister(0x0B, 0xCA);
  42. SpiWriteRegister(0x0C, 0xCA);
  43. SpiWriteRegister(0x0D, 0xCA);
  44. //1.Blink the LED to show that the initialization is finished.
  45. //2.Wait for more than 16ms to wait for the radio chip to work correctly.
  46. //        TurnOnAllLEDs();
  47. //        DelayMs(20);
  48. delay_ms(20);
  49. //        TurnOffAllLEDs();
  50. }
  51. void main(void)
  52. {
  53. U8 length,temp8, *str, sendLen;
  54. U8 payload[10];
  55. //Initialize the MCU:
  56. UART_Init();
  57. Init_Device();
  58. UART_Send_Str("MCU初始化完毕....\n");
  59. //读取中断状态寄存器清除中断标志以便释放NIRQ引脚
  60. //如果中断来了,那么NIRQ引脚会被拉低;如果这时候中断状态寄存器0x03和0x04被读取,那么NIRQ引脚会被释放恢复高电平
  61. ItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03);                                                                                                        //read the Interrupt Status1 register
  62. ItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04);                                                                                                        //read the Interrupt Status2 register
  63. //SW reset,软件复位这个模块主控芯片
  64. SpiWriteRegister(0x07, 0x80);                                                                                                                //write 0x80 to the Operating & Function Control1 register
  65. //        DelayMs(20);
  66. delay_ms(20);
  67. delay_ms(20);
  68. //wait for POR interrupt from the radio (while the nIRQ pin is high)
  69. //wait for chip ready interrupt from the radio (while the nIRQ pin is high)
  70. //等待软复位完成,当软复位完成后有中断发生。客户也可以在这里直接延时至少20ms而不用等待中断来;等待至少20ms后复位完成,这时候必须读中断状态寄存器释放中断引脚
  71. while ( NIRQ == 1);
  72. //read interrupt status registers to clear the interrupt flags and release NIRQ pin
  73. ItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03);                                                                                                        //read the Interrupt Status1 register
  74. ItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04);                                                                                                        //read the Interrupt Status2 register
  75. //根据不同的射频参数初始化射频模块;
  76. RF_init();
  77. UART_Send_Str("RF芯片si4432初始化完毕....\n");
  78. //Enable two interrupts:
  79. // a) one which shows that a valid packet received: 'ipkval'
  80. // b) second shows if the packet received with incorrect CRC: 'icrcerror'
  81. //设置中断使能寄存器,这里设置为只有当有效的数据包被接收或者接收到的数据包数据CRC校验出错才来中断;具体设置参考0x05和0x06寄存器
  82. SpiWriteRegister(0x05, 0x03);                                                                                                                        //write 0x03 to the Interrupt Enable 1 register
  83. SpiWriteRegister(0x06, 0x00);                                                                                                                        //write 0x00 to the Interrupt Enable 2 register
  84. //output dummy data.
  85. PB1_TX = 1;
  86. PB2_TX = 1;
  89. //设置模块处于接收状态,当没有按键按下的时候一直处于接收状态,等待接收数据
  90. RFSetRxMode();
  91. UART_Send_Str("模块处于接收状态....\n");
  92. /*MAIN Loop*/
  93. while(1)
  94. {
  95. //当按键被按下就有一个数据包被发出;
  96. if(PB1_TX == 0)
  97. {
  98. while( PB1_TX == 0 );
  99. UART_Send_Str("按键按下,开始发送....\n");
  100. RFFIFOSendData(sendLen, str);
  101. //after packet transmission set the interrupt enable bits according receiving mode
  102. //Enable two interrupts:
  103. // a) one which shows that a valid packet received: 'ipkval'
  104. // b) second shows if the packet received with incorrect CRC: 'icrcerror'
  105. //设置中断使能寄存器,这里设置为只有当有效的数据包被接收或者接收到的数据包数据CRC校验出错才来中断;具体设置参考0x05和0x06寄存器
  106. SpiWriteRegister(0x05, 0x03);                                                                                                 //write 0x03 to the Interrupt Enable 1 register
  107. SpiWriteRegister(0x06, 0x00);                                                                                                 //write 0x00 to the Interrupt Enable 2 register
  108. //发射完毕后设置模块让它又工作在接收状态下;
  109. RFSetRxMode();
  110. UART_Send_Str("发送完毕,恢复到接收状态....\n");
  111. }
  112. //check whether interrupt occured
  113. //查询中断是否到来,如果中断来了,根据我们前面中断使能寄存器的设置,说明有效数据包已经收到,或者收到的数据包CRC校验出错;
  114. //如果客户采用中断触发的方式,那么服务程序必须包括这些内容。在中断服务程序中必须判断被使能的那些中断的状态位是否被置位,然后根据不同的
  115. //状态位进行处理
  116. if( NIRQ == 0 )
  117. {
  118. //设置模块处于空闲模式,处理收到的数据包,不继续接收数据
  119. RFSetIdleMode();
  120. UART_Send_Str("中断来了....\n");
  121. /*CRC Error interrupt occured*/
  122. //判断是否由于CRC校验出错引发的中断;在RFSetIdleMode中已经读出了中断状态寄存器的值
  123. if( (ItStatus1 & 0x01) == 0x01 )
  124. {
  125. //reset the RX FIFO
  126. //如果是CRC校验出错,那么接收FIFO复位;
  127. SpiWriteRegister(0x08, 0x02);                                                                                                //write 0x02 to the Operating Function Control 2 register
  128. SpiWriteRegister(0x08, 0x00);                                                                                                //write 0x00 to the Operating Function Control 2 register
  129. //blink all LEDs to show the error
  130. //闪灯提示,客户移植代码的时候这个闪灯操作根据不同客户不同操作
  131. //        TurnOnAllLEDs();
  132. //        DelayMs(2);
  133. UART_Send_Str("CRC校验出错中断....\n");
  134. //        TurnOffAllLEDs();
  135. }
  136. /*packet received interrupt occured*/
  137. //判断是否是数据包已经被正确接收。
  138. if( (ItStatus1 & 0x02) == 0x02 )
  139. {
  140. //Read the length of the received payload
  141. //数据包已经被正确接收,读取收到的数据包长度
  142. length = SpiReadRegister(0x4B);                                                                                        //read the Received Packet Length register
  143. //根据长度判断相应的操作。客户可以不做这些,而直接从FIFO读出收到的数据;
  144. //check whether the received payload is not longer than the allocated buffer in the MCU
  145. if(length <= SNED_OUT_MSG_MAX_LEN)
  146. {
  147. //Get the reeived payload from the RX FIFO
  148. //直接从FIFO中读取收到的数据。客户只要读出FIFO的数据就算收到数据。
  149. for(temp8=0;temp8 < length;temp8++)
  150. {
  151. payload[temp8] = SpiReadRegister(0x7F);                                                //read the FIFO Access register
  152. }
  153. for(temp8=0;temp8 < length;temp8++)
  154. {
  155. UART_Send_Byte(payload[temp8]);        //向串口发送接收到的数据
  156. }
  157. UART_Send_Str("向串口发送接收到的数据....\n");
  158. //check whether the acknowledgement packet received
  159. //判断是否是预先设定的数据;一般应用情况客户可以不理会这个,这个判断只是我们demo板的应用。客户只要读出FIFO的数据就算收到数据;
  160. if(( length == SEND_OUT_ACK_LEN ) || (length == SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_NO_ACK_LEN))
  161. {
  162. if((memcmp(&payload[0], SEND_OUT_ACK, SEND_OUT_ACK_LEN - 1) == 0 )
  163. || (memcmp(&payload[0], SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_NO_ACK, SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_NO_ACK_LEN - 1) == 0))
  164. {
  165. //blink LED2 to show that ACK received
  166. //        RxLEDOn();
  167. //Show the Rx LED for about 10ms
  168. UART_Send_Str("数据包已经被正确接收....\n");
  169. //        DelayMs(2);
  170. //        TurnOffAllLEDs();
  171. }
  172. }
  173. //check whether an expected packet received, this should be acknowledged
  174. //判断是否是需要发送回答信号的数据包。这个只是根据收到的数据做的不同操作,在客户那里可能是根据收到的数据做的特定的操作,例如控制某个开关
  175. if( length == SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_WITH_ACK_LEN )
  176. {
  177. //必须发送应答信号,启动发送
  178. if( memcmp(&payload[0], SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_WITH_ACK, SEND_OUT_MESSAGE_WITH_ACK_LEN - 1) == 0 )
  179. {
  180. //blink LED2 to show that the packet received
  181. //RxLEDOn();
  182. //Show the Rx LED for about 10ms
  183. //        DelayMs(2);
  184. UART_Send_Str("发送应答....\n");
  185. //        TurnOffAllLEDs();
  186. //发送应答信号。
  187. /*send back an acknowledgement*/
  189. //after packet transmission set the interrupt enable bits according receiving mode
  190. //Enable two interrupts:
  191. // a) one which shows that a valid packet received: 'ipkval'
  192. // b) second shows if the packet received with incorrect CRC: 'icrcerror'
  193. SpiWriteRegister(0x05, 0x03);                                                                 //write 0x03 to the Interrupt Enable 1 register
  194. SpiWriteRegister(0x06, 0x00);                                                                 //write 0x00 to the Interrupt Enable 2 register
  195. //read interrupt status registers to release all pending interrupts
  196. ItStatus1 = SpiReadRegister(0x03);                                                        //read the Interrupt Status1 register
  197. ItStatus2 = SpiReadRegister(0x04);                                                        //read the Interrupt Status2 register
  198. }
  199. }
  200. }
  201. }
  202. //reset the RX FIFO
  203. SpiWriteRegister(0x08, 0x02);                                                                                                        //write 0x02 to the Operating Function Control 2 register
  204. SpiWriteRegister(0x08, 0x00);                                                                                                        //write 0x00 to the Operating Function Control 2 register
  205. RFSetRxMode();
  206. }
  207. }
  208. }</pre>
  209. <p>
  210. </p>
  211. <br>
  212. <p>
  213. <br>
  214. </p>

2013-12-25 20:51:19    评分



2013-12-25 22:06:48    评分



2013-12-27 11:44:02    评分


4432应该是兼容的吧? Si4438与Si446x收发器产品引脚兼容以及软件兼容哦(是针对全球部署智能电表和智能电网产品而设计的sub-GHz ISM频段产品)。

2014-01-02 14:34:25    评分



回LS的: 并不完全兼容,下面是我请世强的杨工提供的采用Si4438的部分代码,大家可以参考下,完整的代码可以找深圳世强的FAE杨工要。大家可以对比研究下。

  1. #include "compiler_defs.h"
  2. #include "c8051f960_defs.h"
  3. #include "hardware_defs.h"
  4. #include "control_IO.h"
  5. #include "spi.h"
  6. #include "Si446x_B0_defs.h"
  7. #include "ezrp_next_api.h"
  8. #include "modem_params.h"
  9. // Define capacitor bank value
  10. #define CAP_BANK_VALUE    0x48    // Capacitor bank value for adjusting the XTAL frequency
  11. // Note that it may varies on different test cards
  12. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  13. /*            GLOBAL variables                        */
  14. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  15. // Set up modem parameters database; data is retrieved from modem_params.h header file which is
  16. // automatically generated by the WDS (Wireless Development Suite)
  17. SEG_CODE U8 ModemTrx1[] = {7, MODEM_MOD_TYPE_7};
  18. SEG_CODE U8 ModemTrx2[] = {5, MODEM_CLKGEN_BAND_5};
  19. SEG_CODE U8 ModemTrx3[] = {11, SYNTH_PFDCP_CPFF_11};
  20. SEG_CODE U8 ModemTrx4[] = {12, FREQ_CONTROL_INTE_12};
  21. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx1[] = {11, MODEM_MDM_CTRL_11};
  22. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx2[] = {14, MODEM_BCR_OSR_1_14};
  23. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx3[] = {12, MODEM_AFC_GEAR_12};
  24. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx4[] = {5, MODEM_AGC_CONTRL_5};
  25. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx4_1[] = {7, MODEM_AGC_WINDOW_SIZE_7};
  26. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx5[] = {9, MODEM_FSK4_GAIN1_9};
  27. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx6[] = {8, MODEM_OOK_PDTC_8};
  28. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx7[] = {8, MODEM_RAW_SEARCH_8};
  29. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx8[] = {6, MODEM_ANT_DIV_MODE_6};
  30. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx9[] = {13, MODEM_CHFLT_RX1_CHFLT_COE13_7_0_13};
  31. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx10[] = {13, MODEM_CHFLT_RX1_CHFLT_COE4_7_0_13};
  32. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx11[] = {13, MODEM_CHFLT_RX2_CHFLT_COE13_7_0_13};
  33. SEG_CODE U8 ModemRx12[] = {13, MODEM_CHFLT_RX2_CHFLT_COE4_7_0_13};
  34. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  35. /*            LOCAL function prototypes                         */
  36. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  37. void MCU_Init(void);
  38. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  39. /*            MAIN function                             */
  40. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  41. void main(void)
  42. {
  44. SEGMENT_VARIABLE(bButtonNumber, U8, SEG_XDATA);
  45. BIT fValidPacket;
  46. //initialize the MCU peripherals
  47. MCU_Init();
  48. InitIO();
  49. // Reset the radio
  50. EZRP_PWRDN = 1;
  51. // Wait ~300us (SDN pulse width)
  52. for(wDelay=0; wDelay<330; wDelay++);
  53. // Wake up the chip from SDN
  54. EZRP_PWRDN = 0;
  55. // Wait for POR (power on reset); ~5ms
  56. for(wDelay=0; wDelay<5500; wDelay++);
  57. // Start the radio
  58. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_POWER_UP;          // Use API command to power up the radio IC
  59. abApi_Write[1] = 0x01;              // Write global control registers
  60. abApi_Write[2] = 0x00;              // Write global control registers
  61. bApi_SendCommand(3,abApi_Write);        // Send command to the radio IC
  62. // Wait for boot
  63. if (vApi_WaitforCTS())                // Wait for CTS
  64. {
  65. while (1) {}    // Stop if radio power-up error
  66. }
  67. // Read ITs, clear pending ones
  68. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_GET_INT_STATUS;      // Use interrupt status command
  69. abApi_Write[1] = 0;               // Clear PH_CLR_PEND
  70. abApi_Write[2] = 0;               // Clear MODEM_CLR_PEND
  71. abApi_Write[3] = 0;               // Clear CHIP_CLR_PEND
  72. bApi_SendCommand(4,abApi_Write);        // Send command to the radio IC
  73. bApi_GetResponse(8, abApi_Read );         // Make sure that CTS is ready then get the response
  74. // Set TRX parameters of the radio IC; data retrieved from the WDS-generated modem_params.h header file
  75. bApi_SendCommand(ModemTrx1[0],&ModemTrx1[1]);       // Send API command to the radio IC
  76. vApi_WaitforCTS();                    // Wait for CTS
  77. bApi_SendCommand(ModemTrx2[0],&ModemTrx2[1]);
  78. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  79. bApi_SendCommand(ModemTrx3[0],&ModemTrx3[1]);
  80. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  81. bApi_SendCommand(ModemTrx4[0],&ModemTrx4[1]);
  82. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  83. // Set Rx parameters of the radio IC
  84. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx1[0],&ModemRx1[1]);       // Send API command to the radio IC
  85. vApi_WaitforCTS();                    // Wait for CTS
  86. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx2[0],&ModemRx2[1]);
  87. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  88. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx3[0],&ModemRx3[1]);
  89. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  90. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx4[0],&ModemRx4[1]);
  91. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  92. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx4_1[0],&ModemRx4_1[1]);
  93. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  94. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx5[0],&ModemRx5[1]);
  95. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  96. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx6[0],&ModemRx6[1]);
  97. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  98. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx7[0],&ModemRx7[1]);
  99. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  100. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx8[0],&ModemRx8[1]);
  101. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  102. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx9[0],&ModemRx9[1]);
  103. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  104. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx10[0],&ModemRx10[1]);
  105. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  106. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx11[0],&ModemRx11[1]);
  107. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  108. bApi_SendCommand(ModemRx12[0],&ModemRx12[1]);
  109. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  110. // Enable packet received and CRC error interrupt only
  111. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;      // Use property command
  112. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_INT_CTL_GROUP;    // Select property group
  113. abApi_Write[2] = 4;               // Number of properties to be written
  114. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_INT_CTL_ENABLE;   // Specify property
  115. abApi_Write[4] = 0x01;                   // INT_CTL: PH interrupt enabled
  116. abApi_Write[5] = 0x18;              // INT_CTL_PH: PH PACKET_RX & CRC2_ERR interrupt enabled
  117. abApi_Write[6] = 0x00;              // INT_CTL_MODEM: -
  118. abApi_Write[7] = 0x00;              // INT_CTL_CHIP_EN: -
  119. bApi_SendCommand(8,abApi_Write);        // Send API command to the radio IC
  120. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  121. // Configure Fast response registers
  122. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  123. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_FRR_CTL_GROUP;      // Select property group
  124. abApi_Write[2] = 4;               // Number of properties to be written
  125. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_FRR_CTL_A_MODE;     // Specify property (1st)
  126. abApi_Write[4] = 0x04;              // FRR A: PH IT pending
  127. abApi_Write[5] = 0x06;              // FRR B: Modem IT pending
  128. abApi_Write[6] = 0x0A;              // FRR C: Latched RSSI
  129. abApi_Write[7] = 0x00;              // FRR D: disabled
  130. bApi_SendCommand(8,abApi_Write);        // Send API command to the radio IC
  131. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  132. //Set packet content
  133. //Set preamble length
  134. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  135. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_PREAMBLE_GROUP;     // Select property group
  136. abApi_Write[2] = 1;               // Number of properties to be written
  137. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_PREAMBLE_CONFIG_STD_1;  // Specify property
  138. abApi_Write[4] = 20;              // 20 bits preamble detection threshold
  139. bApi_SendCommand(5,abApi_Write);        // Send API command to the radio IC
  140. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  141. // Set preamble pattern
  142. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  143. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_PREAMBLE_GROUP;     // Select property group
  144. abApi_Write[2] = 1;               // Number of properties to be written
  145. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_PREAMBLE_CONFIG;      // Specify property
  146. abApi_Write[4] = 0x31;              // Use `1010` pattern, length defined in bytes
  147. bApi_SendCommand(5,abApi_Write);        // Send API command to the radio IC
  148. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  149. // Set sync word
  150. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  151. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_SYNC_GROUP;       // Select property group
  152. abApi_Write[2] = 3;               // Number of properties to be written
  153. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_SYNC_CONFIG;        // Specify property
  154. abApi_Write[4] = 0x01;              // SYNC_CONFIG: 2 bytes sync word
  155. abApi_Write[5] = 0xB4;              // SYNC_BITS_31_24: 1st sync byte: 0x2D; NOTE: LSB transmitted first!
  156. abApi_Write[6] = 0x2B;              // SYNC_BITS_23_16: 2nd sync byte: 0xD4; NOTE: LSB transmitted first!
  157. bApi_SendCommand(7,abApi_Write);        // Send command to the radio IC
  158. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  159. // General packet config (set bit order)
  160. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  161. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_PKT_GROUP;        // Select property group
  162. abApi_Write[2] = 1;               // Number of properties to be written
  163. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_PKT_CONFIG1;        // Specify property
  164. abApi_Write[4] = 0x00;              // Payload data goes MSB first
  165. bApi_SendCommand(5,abApi_Write);        // Send command to the radio IC
  166. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  167. // Set RSSI latch to sync word
  168. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  169. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_MODEM_GROUP;        // Select property group
  170. abApi_Write[2] = 1;               // Number of properties to be written
  171. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_MODEM_RSSI_CONTROL;   // Specify property
  172. abApi_Write[4] = 0x12;              // RSSI average over 4 bits, latch at sync detect
  173. bApi_SendCommand(5,abApi_Write);        // Send API command to the radio IC
  174. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  175. // Configure the GPIOs
  176. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_GPIO_PIN_CFG;        // Use GPIO pin configuration command
  177. #ifdef ONE_SMA_WITH_RF_SWITCH
  178. // If RF switch is used
  179. // Select Tx state to GPIO2, Rx state to GPIO0
  180. abApi_Write[1] = 0x21;              // Configure GPIO0 as Rx state
  181. abApi_Write[2] = 0x13;              // Configure GPIO1 as Tx data
  182. abApi_Write[3] = 0x20;              // Configure GPIO2 as Tx state
  183. abApi_Write[4] = 0x10;              // Configure GPIO3 as Tx data CLK
  184. #else
  185. abApi_Write[1] = 0x10;              // Configure GPIO0 as Tx data CLK
  186. abApi_Write[2] = 0x13;              // Configure GPIO1 as Tx data
  187. abApi_Write[3] = 0x20;              // Configure GPIO2 as Tx state
  188. abApi_Write[4] = 0x21;              // Configure GPIO3 as Rx state
  189. #endif
  190. bApi_SendCommand(5,abApi_Write);        // Send command to the radio IC
  191. vApi_WaitforCTS();
  192. // Adjust XTAL clock frequency
  193. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_SET_PROPERTY;        // Use property command
  194. abApi_Write[1] = PROP_GLOBAL_GROUP;       // Select property group
  195. abApi_Write[2] = 1;               // Number of properties to be written
  196. abApi_Write[3] = PROP_GLOBAL_XO_TUNE;     // Specify property
  197. abApi_Write[4] = CAP_BANK_VALUE;        // Set cap bank value to adjust XTAL clock frequency
  198. bApi_SendCommand(5,abApi_Write);        // Send command to the radio IC
  199. vApi_WaitforCTS();                // Wait for CTS
  200. // Read ITs, clear pending ones
  201. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_GET_INT_STATUS;  // Use interrupt status command
  202. abApi_Write[1] = 0;           // Clear PH_CLR_PEND
  203. abApi_Write[2] = 0;           // Clear MODEM_CLR_PEND
  204. abApi_Write[3] = 0;           // Clear CHIP_CLR_PEND
  205. bApi_SendCommand(4,abApi_Write);    // Send command to the radio IC
  206. bApi_GetResponse(8,abApi_Read);     // Get the response
  207. // Start Rx
  208. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_START_RX;      // Use start Rx command
  209. abApi_Write[1] = 0;           // Set channel number
  210. abApi_Write[2] = 0x00;          // Start Rx immediately
  211. abApi_Write[3] = 0x00;          // 8 bytes to receive
  212. abApi_Write[4] = 0x08;          // 8 bytes to receive
  213. abApi_Write[5] = 0x00;          // No change if Rx timeout
  214. abApi_Write[6] = 0x03;          // Ready state after Rx
  215. abApi_Write[7] = 0x03;          // Ready state if Rx invalid
  216. bApi_SendCommand(8,abApi_Write);    // Send API command to the radio IC
  217. vApi_WaitforCTS();            // Wait for CTS
  218. // Turn off LEDs
  219. ClearLed(1);
  220. ClearLed(2);
  221. ClearLed(3);
  222. ClearLed(4);
  223. while(1)
  224. {
  225. if(EZRP_NIRQ == 0)
  226. {
  227. // Read PH IT registers to see the cause for the IT
  228. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_GET_PH_STATUS;   // Use packet handler status command
  229. abApi_Write[1] = 0x00;          // Dummy byte for a proper CTS response
  230. bApi_SendCommand(2,abApi_Write);    // Send command to the radio IC
  231. bApi_GetResponse(1,abApi_Read);     // Make sure that CTS is ready then get the response
  232. if((abApi_Read[0] & 0x10) == 0x10)    // Check if packet received
  233. {// Packet received
  234. // Get RSSI
  235. bApi_GetFastResponseRegister(CMD_FAST_RESPONSE_REG_C,1,abApi_Read);
  236. // Read the FIFO
  237. bApi_ReadRxDataBuffer(8,abApi_Read);
  238. fValidPacket = 0;
  239. // Check the packet content
  240. if ((abApi_Read[0]=='B') && (abApi_Read[1]=='U') && (abApi_Read[2]=='T') && (abApi_Read[3]=='T') && (abApi_Read[4]=='O') && (abApi_Read[5]=='N'))
  241. {
  242. bButtonNumber = abApi_Read[6] & 0x07; // Get button info
  243. if((bButtonNumber > 0) && (bButtonNumber < 5))
  244. {
  245. SetLed(bButtonNumber);          // Turn on the appropriate LED
  246. for(wDelay=0; wDelay<30000; wDelay++);  // Wait to show LED
  247. ClearLed(bButtonNumber);        // Turn off the corresponding LED
  248. fValidPacket = 1;
  249. }
  250. }
  251. // Packet content is not what was expected
  252. if(fValidPacket == 0)
  253. {
  254. SetLed(1);                // Blink all LEDs
  255. SetLed(2);
  256. SetLed(3);
  257. SetLed(4);
  258. for(wDelay=0; wDelay<30000; wDelay++);
  259. ClearLed(1);
  260. ClearLed(2);
  261. ClearLed(3);
  262. ClearLed(4);
  263. }
  264. }
  265. // Read ITs, clear pending ones
  266. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_GET_INT_STATUS;  // Use interrupt status command
  267. abApi_Write[1] = 0;           // Clear PH_CLR_PEND
  268. abApi_Write[2] = 0;           // Clear MODEM_CLR_PEND
  269. abApi_Write[3] = 0;           // Clear CHIP_CLR_PEND
  270. bApi_SendCommand(4,abApi_Write);    // Send command to the radio IC
  271. bApi_GetResponse(8,abApi_Read);     // Get the response
  272. // Start Rx
  273. abApi_Write[0] = CMD_START_RX;      // Use start Rx command
  274. abApi_Write[1] = 0;           // Set channel number
  275. abApi_Write[2] = 0x00;          // Start Rx immediately
  276. abApi_Write[3] = 0x00;          // 8 bytes to receive
  277. abApi_Write[4] = 0x08;          // 8 bytes to receive
  278. abApi_Write[5] = 0x00;          // No change if Rx timeout
  279. abApi_Write[6] = 0x03;          // Ready state after Rx
  280. abApi_Write[7] = 0x03;          // Ready if Rx invalid
  281. bApi_SendCommand(8,abApi_Write);    // Send API command to the radio IC
  282. vApi_WaitforCTS();            // Wait for CTS
  283. }
  284. }
  285. }

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