SpringMvc @RequestMapping原理
protected void doDispatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest processedRequest = request;
HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler = null;
boolean multipartRequestParsed = false; WebAsyncManager asyncManager = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request); try {
ModelAndView mv = null;
Exception dispatchException = null; try {
processedRequest = checkMultipart(request);
multipartRequestParsed = processedRequest != request; // Determine handler for the current request.
mappedHandler = getHandler(processedRequest);
if (mappedHandler == null || mappedHandler.getHandler() == null) {
noHandlerFound(processedRequest, response);
} // Determine handler adapter for the current request.
HandlerAdapter ha = getHandlerAdapter(mappedHandler.getHandler()); // Process last-modified header, if supported by the handler.
String method = request.getMethod();
boolean isGet = "GET".equals(method);
if (isGet || "HEAD".equals(method)) {
long lastModified = ha.getLastModified(request, mappedHandler.getHandler());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
String requestUri = urlPathHelper.getRequestUri(request);
logger.debug("Last-Modified value for [" + requestUri + "] is: " + lastModified);
if (new ServletWebRequest(request, response).checkNotModified(lastModified) && isGet) {
} if (!mappedHandler.applyPreHandle(processedRequest, response)) {
} try {
// Actually invoke the handler.
mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler());
finally {
if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
} applyDefaultViewName(request, mv);
mappedHandler.applyPostHandle(processedRequest, response, mv);
catch (Exception ex) {
dispatchException = ex;
processDispatchResult(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, mv, dispatchException);
catch (Exception ex) {
triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, ex);
catch (Error err) {
triggerAfterCompletionWithError(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, err);
finally {
if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
// Instead of postHandle and afterCompletion
mappedHandler.applyAfterConcurrentHandlingStarted(processedRequest, response);
// Clean up any resources used by a multipart request.
if (multipartRequestParsed) {
public final Object invokeForRequest(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
Object... providedArgs) throws Exception { Object[] args = getMethodArgumentValues(request, mavContainer, providedArgs);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Invoking [");
sb.append(getMethod().getName()).append("] method with arguments ");
Object returnValue = invoke(args);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Method [" + getMethod().getName() + "] returned [" + returnValue + "]");
return returnValue;
protected HandlerMethod lookupHandlerMethod(String lookupPath, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
List<Match> matches = new ArrayList<Match>(); List<T> directPathMatches = this.urlMap.get(lookupPath);
if (directPathMatches != null) {
addMatchingMappings(directPathMatches, matches, request);
} if (matches.isEmpty()) {
// No choice but to go through all mappings
addMatchingMappings(this.handlerMethods.keySet(), matches, request);
} if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
Comparator<Match> comparator = new MatchComparator(getMappingComparator(request));
Collections.sort(matches, comparator); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Found " + matches.size() + " matching mapping(s) for [" + lookupPath + "] : " + matches);
} Match bestMatch = matches.get(0);
if (matches.size() > 1) {
Match secondBestMatch = matches.get(1);
if (comparator.compare(bestMatch, secondBestMatch) == 0) {
Method m1 = bestMatch.handlerMethod.getMethod();
Method m2 = secondBestMatch.handlerMethod.getMethod();
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Ambiguous handler methods mapped for HTTP path '" + request.getRequestURL() + "': {" +
m1 + ", " + m2 + "}");
} handleMatch(bestMatch.mapping, lookupPath, request);
return bestMatch.handlerMethod;
else {
return handleNoMatch(handlerMethods.keySet(), lookupPath, request);
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