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infinite auto load more & infinite scroll & load more

  1. "use strict";
  2. /**
  3. *
  4. * @author xgqfrms
  5. * @license MIT
  6. * @copyright xgqfrms
  7. *
  8. * @description scrollBottomAutoLoadMore
  9. * @augments
  10. * @example
  11. * @link
  12. *
  13. */
  14. // utils
  15. let log = console.log;
  16. let error = console.error;
  17. let box = document.querySelector(`[data-dom="outbox"]`);
  18. // bottom: 556.59375
  19. // height: 525.59375
  20. // left: 135
  21. // right: 405
  22. // top: 31
  23. // width: 270
  24. // x: 135
  25. // y: 31
  26. // height: 525.59375 ~= 526
  27. // ch = 526
  28. // 1562 - 1036 = 526
  29. // sh = 1562
  30. // st = 1036
  31. // ch = 526
  32. // cw = 253
  33. // oh = 526
  34. // ow = 270
  35. // sh = 1562
  36. // sw = 253
  37. // st = 1036
  38. let isTriggerOnce = true;
  39. const scrollBottomAutoLoadMore = (debug = false) => {
  40. for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
  41. let template = `<div class="innerbox" data-dom="innerbox">${i + 1}</div>`;
  42. box.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`, template);
  43. }
  44. let BoundingClientRect = box.getBoundingClientRect();
  45. let ClientRects = box.getClientRects();
  46. // log(`BoundingClientRect =`, BoundingClientRect);
  47. // log(`ClientRects`, ClientRects);
  48. // Event
  49. box.addEventListener(`scroll`, (e) => {
  50. // log(`e =`, e);
  51. // log(` =`,;
  52. // clientHeight, offsetHeight, scrollHeight
  53. let ch =;
  54. let cw =;
  55. // log(`ch =`, ch);
  56. // log(`cw =`, cw);
  57. let oh =;
  58. let ow =;
  59. // log(`oh =`, oh);
  60. // log(`ow =`, ow);
  61. let sh =;
  62. let sw =;
  63. // log(`sh =`, sh);
  64. // log(`sw =`, sw);
  65. let st =;
  66. // log(`st =`, st);
  67. let trigger = (sh - st) < (ch + 50) ? true : false;
  68. let triggerValue = (sh - st) < (ch + 50);
  69. if (trigger && isTriggerOnce) {
  70. alert(`trigger loadMore function!`);
  71. isTriggerOnce = false;
  72. for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  73. let template = `<div class="innerbox" data-dom="innerbox">${i + 1}</div>`;
  74. box.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`, template);
  75. }
  76. setTimeout(() => {
  77. alert(`Ajax & fetch data success!`);
  78. isTriggerOnce = true;
  79. }, 1000);
  80. } else {
  81. // do nothing
  82. // log(`sh =`, sh);
  83. // log(`st =`, st);
  84. // log(`ch =`, ch);
  85. log(`(sh - st) =`, (sh - st));
  86. log(`(ch - 50) =`, (ch + 50));
  87. log(`triggerValue =`, triggerValue);
  88. }
  89. // clientHeight: 526
  90. // clientWidth: 346
  91. // offsetHeight: 526
  92. // offsetLeft: 182
  93. // offsetTop: 31
  94. // offsetWidth: 363
  95. // scrollHeight: 1562
  96. // scrollLeft: 0
  97. // scrollTop: 1036
  98. // scrollWidth: 346
  99. });
  100. // MouseEvent
  101. box.addEventListener(`click`, (e) => {
  102. // log(`e =`, e);
  103. // log(` =`,;
  104. // pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, and clientY
  105. let px = e.pageX;
  106. let py = e.pageY;
  107. // let sx = e.screenX;
  108. // let sy = e.screenY;
  109. // let cx = e.clientX;
  110. // let cy = e.clientY;
  111. log(`px =`, px);
  112. log(`py =`, py);
  113. let lx = e.layerX;
  114. let ly = e.layerY;
  115. let mx = e.movementX;
  116. let my = e.movementY;
  117. let ox = e.offsetX;
  118. let oy = e.offsetY;
  119. });
  120. };
  121. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  122. console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed");
  123. scrollBottomAutoLoadMore();
  124. });
  125. // export default scrollBottomAutoLoadMore;
  126. // export {
  127. // scrollBottomAutoLoadMore,
  128. // };


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