# Kibana is served by a back end server. This controls which port to use.
# server.port: 5601 # The host to bind the server to.
# server.host: "" # If you are running kibana behind a proxy, and want to mount it at a path,
# specify that path here. The basePath can't end in a slash.
# server.basePath: "" # The maximum payload size in bytes on incoming server requests.
# server.maxPayloadBytes: 1048576 # The Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries.
# elasticsearch.url: "http://localhost:9200" # preserve_elasticsearch_host true will send the hostname specified in `elasticsearch`. If you set it to false,
# then the host you use to connect to *this* Kibana instance will be sent.
# elasticsearch.preserveHost: true # Kibana uses an index in Elasticsearch to store saved searches, visualizations
# and dashboards. It will create a new index if it doesn't already exist.
# kibana.index: ".kibana" # The default application to load.
# kibana.defaultAppId: "discover" # If your Elasticsearch is protected with basic auth, these are the user credentials
# used by the Kibana server to perform maintenance on the kibana_index at startup. Your Kibana
# users will still need to authenticate with Elasticsearch (which is proxied through
# the Kibana server)
# elasticsearch.username: "user"
# elasticsearch.password: "pass" # SSL for outgoing requests from the Kibana Server to the browser (PEM formatted)
# server.ssl.cert: /path/to/your/server.crt
# server.ssl.key: /path/to/your/server.key # Optional setting to validate that your Elasticsearch backend uses the same key files (PEM formatted)
# elasticsearch.ssl.cert: /path/to/your/client.crt
# elasticsearch.ssl.key: /path/to/your/client.key # If you need to provide a CA certificate for your Elasticsearch instance, put
# the path of the pem file here.
# elasticsearch.ssl.ca: /path/to/your/CA.pem # Set to false to have a complete disregard for the validity of the SSL
# certificate.
# elasticsearch.ssl.verify: true # Time in milliseconds to wait for elasticsearch to respond to pings, defaults to
# request_timeout setting
# elasticsearch.pingTimeout: 1500 # Time in milliseconds to wait for responses from the back end or elasticsearch.
# This must be > 0
# elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 30000 # Header names and values that are sent to Elasticsearch. Any custom headers cannot be overwritten
# by client-side headers.
# elasticsearch.customHeaders: {} # Time in milliseconds for Elasticsearch to wait for responses from shards.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 0 # Time in milliseconds to wait for Elasticsearch at Kibana startup before retrying
# elasticsearch.startupTimeout: 5000 # Set the path to where you would like the process id file to be created.
# pid.file: /var/run/kibana.pid # If you would like to send the log output to a file you can set the path below.
# logging.dest: stdout # Set this to true to suppress all logging output.
# logging.silent: false # Set this to true to suppress all logging output except for error messages.
# logging.quiet: false # Set this to true to log all events, including system usage information and all requests.
# logging.verbose: false



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