time limit per test 2 seconds

memory limit per test 256 megabytes

input standard input

output standard output

Your security guard friend recently got a new job at a new security company. The company requires him to patrol an area of the city encompassing exactly N city blocks, but they let him choose which blocks. That is, your friend must walk the perimeter of a region whose area is exactly N blocks. Your friend is quite lazy and would like your help to find the shortest possible route that meets the requirements. The city is laid out in a square grid pattern, and is large enough that for the sake of the problem it can be considered infinite.


Input will consist of a single integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 106), the number of city blocks that must be enclosed by the route.


Print the minimum perimeter that can be achieved.















Here are some possible shapes for the examples:



     ②尝试周长:x*x ,x*(x+1), (x+1)*(x+1),只要块数大于n,输出最小值就可以了。

using namespace std;
int n,a;
int main()
else if(a*(a+1)>=n)printf("%d\n",4*a+2);
else if((a+1)*(a+1)>=n)printf("%d\n",4*a+4);return 0;

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