RFC 5988 - Web Linking  https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988#section-5.1


5.5. Examples

   For example:

   Link: <http://example.com/TheBook/chapter2>; rel="previous";
title="previous chapter" indicates that "chapter2" is previous to this resource in a logical
navigation path. Similarly, Link: </>; rel="http://example.net/foo" indicates that the root resource ("/") is related to this resource
with the extension relation type "http://example.net/foo". Nottingham Standards Track [Page 9]

RFC 5988                       Web Linking                  October 2010

   The example below shows an instance of the Link header encoding
multiple links, and also the use of RFC 2231 encoding to encode both
non-ASCII characters and language information. Link: </TheBook/chapter2>;
rel="previous"; title*=UTF-8'de'letztes%20Kapitel,
rel="next"; title*=UTF-8'de'n%c3%a4chstes%20Kapitel Here, both links have titles encoded in UTF-8, use the German
language ("de"), and the second link contains the Unicode code point
U+00E4 ("LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS"). Note that link-values can convey multiple links between the same
target and context IRIs; for example: Link: <http://example.org/>;
rel="start http://example.net/relation/other" Here, the link to "http://example.org/" has the registered relation
type "start" and the extension relation type

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