
__getattribute__(self, name) #当特性name被访问时自动调用(只能在新式类中使用)
__getattr__(self, name) #当特性name被访问且对象没有相应的特性时被自动调用
__setattr__(self, name, value) #当试图给特性name赋值时会被自动调用
__delattr__(self, name) #当试图删除特性name时被自动调用 #*相比于使用property有点复杂,但是特殊方法用途很广


class Demo5(object):
def __init__(self):
self._value1 = None
self._value2 = None def __setattr__(self, key, value):
print("try to set the value of the %s property" % (key,))
if key == 'newValue':
self._value1, self._value2 = value
print("the property key is not newValue, now create or set it through __dict__")
self.__dict__[key] = value def __getattr__(self, item):
print("try to get the value of %s " % (item,))
if item == 'newValue':
return self._value1, self._value2
print("the %s item is not exist" % (item,))
#raise AttributeError def __delattr__(self, item):
if item == 'newValue':
print("delete the value of newValue")
del self._value1
del self._value2
print("delete other values ,the value name is %s" % item) if __name__ == "__main__":
testDemo = Demo5()
testDemo.newValue = "name","helloworld"
print("print the value of property:", testDemo.newValue)
del testDemo.newValue


try to set the value of the _value1 property
the property key is not newValue, now create or set it through __dict__
try to set the value of the _value2 property
the property key is not newValue, now create or set it through __dict__
try to get the value of newValue
(None, None)
try to set the value of the newValue property
try to set the value of the _value1 property
the property key is not newValue, now create or set it through __dict__
try to set the value of the _value2 property
the property key is not newValue, now create or set it through __dict__
try to get the value of newValue
('print the value of property:', ('name', 'helloworld'))
try to get the value of notExist
the notExist item is not exist
delete the value of newValue
delete other values ,the value name is _value1
delete other values ,the value name is _value2

**其实,我们可以发现在使用__setatter__ , __getatter__,__delatter__这些接口时会对其他的值造成影响,因为这个是通用的必须调用的接口。

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