Hi,  Can you tell me the differences between subpage and secondary  page and when to use which ? I need to display about 100 fields  of our custom interface record on 4 different pages or tabs (I  want the look just like the page with 3 tabs of "Workforce Admin  > Personal Info > Biographical > Modify a person"). But I am not  sure which page type (subpage or secondary page) would be the  best to use.  Note: all the fields is coming from the same record. 
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, 


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2 Replies


Sidharth Ghai replied May 4, 2007

Brian  Sub and secondary have totally different contexts. A sub page is  utilized where you wanna display/ capture similar information  for various entities, for example, capturing an address, for a  company or for a person, would need similar information like  street address, state county, country etc.. In those situations  a sub page would be used, to design once and reuse at multiple  places. 
A Secondary page is used to display/ capture secondary  information about an entity. A secondary page could use various  sub pages, but the reverse is not true. 
For your case, I don't see any usage of either of the pages as  you said its a custom component used to display multiple fields  information on several pages, I would go for a subpage having  key information displayed on the top of each page and then show  relevant information on subsequent pages. 
Hope this helps!!

sg replied May 4, 2007

Modify Person is built using multiple "normal" pages (not sub or  secondary pages). 
Sub page is generally used for reuse; i.e. you have the same 4 fields  appearing the same way on several different pages. Then you'd use a  subpage with those fields and include the subpage in all those pages. 
Secondary page is used mostly as a pop-up type page to show additional  information or to collect additional information. 
For your requirement, I'd simply use a component with multiple pages  (just like the Modify Person). 
One alternative is to make use a grid (if you are going to show data in  a grid) and you can use tab separators to show multiple tabs within the  grid (don't know what tools you are on but in later tools this is an  option).

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