.ascx.g.cs文件不能生成 The name ‘InitializeControl’ does not exist in the current context - Visual Web part Sharepoint
InitializeControl doesn't exsit
SharePoint 2013 Visual web parts either of type sandbox solution or farm
solution you might face a the following error:
“The name InitializeControl” does not exist with
the current context”

the error, as shown in the image above this error occurs on the OnInit
method is part of the web part life cycle, which is responsible for
initialization the controls inside the web part (as example label, button, textbox and
you will realize that this issue relates to controls inside the web
designer file of type “ascx.g.cs” is missing, this file is responsible for
drawing the controls that are mapped with the visual web

This issue
could occur by two reasons, as follows
solution is not using an existing or valid URL, by checking the SharePoint URL
please make sure that the URL is valid and exists, try to map the URL and build
your solution and check the result if the error still
the error still exists and the URL you are using is correct then we will do some
manual steps on top of visual studio as follows
new item
user control as shown below, its better to name this user control by the same
name of your visual web part, as example if your web part called Visual Web part
1, then for the User control name it as Visual Web part 1

user control will resides under the ControlTemplates folder (Mapped folder) as
shown below

sure to delete the “VisualWebPart1.ascx” as shown below

we will drag the VisualWebPart1.ascx that resides in the ControlTemplates folder
and drop it under the VisualWebPart1 , this will add the new user control
including its designer under the VisualWebPart1, your solution should look like

Now try to add “Label” as example and build your solution, the result is
great and the error has gone.
repeat same steps for any new visual web part?
The answer is No, simply you can remove
the old web part , then add a new visual web part and the Visual Studio will
automatically create the “ascx.designer.cs” file for you ,so consider your
visual was stuck but then it works properly.
referring to:http://samer-othman.blogspot.com/2013/03/how-to-fix-error-name-initializecontrol.html
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