1. login

ssh fetch@<robot ip or robot name>

2.  set robot master

modify .bashrc in robot's computer using ssh

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<robot ip or robot name>:11311

export ROS_IP=<robot ip>

modify .bashrc in local computer

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<robot ip or robot name>:11311

export ROS_IP=<local ip>

3. using "rostopic list" to check ros communication

Normally, you will see the robot's topic list on both sides.

4. run launch file

roslaunch slam_karto karto_slam.launch

5. view map building in rviz

From the local side, run "rosrun rviz rviz" or "rviz" and check the map building.

However, I am meeting a problem here that I cannot see map is being built.

By checking "rostopic echo /map", I find no data is published on /map.

Solution: Replace "odom_combined" by "odom" in launch file.

Problem: Robot Model Status Error in remote PC rviz show

Potential reason: running nodes like rviz on both sides are limited by bandwidth

Solution: only run nodes in the remote side

6. navigate the robot in rviz

  To conduct the navigation by clicking in rviz like in stage_ros, there are two places to be modified.

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