PetaPoco 笔记
PetaPoco是一款适用于.Net 和Mono的微小、快速、单文件的微型ORM。
- 微小,没有依赖项……单个的C#文件可以方便的添加到任何项目中。
- 工作于严格的没有装饰的Poco类,和几乎全部加了特性的Poco类
- Insert/Delete/Update/Save and IsNew 等帮助方法。
- 分页支持:自动得到总行数和数据
- 支持简单的事务
- 更好的支持参数替换,包括从对象属性中抓取命名的参数。
- 很好的性能,剔除了Linq,并通过Dynamic方法快速的为属性赋值
- T4模板自动生成Poco类
- 查询语言是Sql……不支持别扭的fluent或Linq语法(仁者见仁,智者见智)
- 包含一个低耦合的Sql Builder类,让内联的Sql更容易书写
- 为异常信息记录、值转换器安装和数据映射提供钩子。(Hooks for logging exceptions, installing value converters and mapping columns to properties without attributes.)
- 兼容SQL Server, SQL Server CE, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle。
- 可以在.NET 3.5 或Mono 2.6或更高版本上运行
- 在.NET 4.0 和Mono 2.8下支持dynamic
- NUnit单元测试
- 开源(Apache License)
- 所有功能大约用了1500行代码
// Create a PetaPoco database object
var db=new PetaPoco.Database("connectionStringName"); // Show all articles
foreach (var a in db.Query<article>("SELECT * FROM articles"))
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", a.article_id, a.title);
long count=db.ExecuteScalar<long>("SELECT Count(*) FROM articles");
var a = db.SingleOrDefault<article>("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE article_id=@0", ));
var result=db.Page<article>(, , // <-- page number and items per page
"SELECT * FROM articles WHERE category=@0 ORDER BY date_posted DESC", "coolstuff");
public class Page<T> where T:new()
public long CurrentPage { get; set; }
public long ItemsPerPage { get; set; }
public long TotalPages { get; set; }
public long TotalItems { get; set; }
public List<T> Items { get; set; }
获取数据的方式Query 和 Fetch:
db.Execute("DELETE FROM articles WHERE draft<>0");
Inserts、Updates 和 Deletes:
// Create the article
var a=new article();
a.title="My new article";
a.content="PetaPoco was here";
a.date_created=DateTime.UtcNow; // Insert it
db.Insert("articles", "article_id", a); // by now a.article_id will have the id of the new article
// Get a record
var a=db.SingleOrDefault<article>("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE article_id=@0", ); // Change it
a.content="PetaPoco was here again"; // Save it
db.Update("articles", "article_id", a);
db.Update("articles", "article_id", new { title="New title" }, );
// Delete an article extracting the primary key from a record
db.Delete("articles", "article_id", a); // Or if you already have the ID elsewhere
db.Delete("articles", "article_id", null, );
// Represents a record in the "articles" table
public class article
public long article_id { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public DateTime date_created { get; set; }
public bool draft { get; set; }
public string content { get; set; }
// Insert a record
var a=new article();
a.title="My new article";
a.content="PetaPoco was here";
db.Insert(a); // Update it
a.content="Blah blah";
db.Update(a); // Delete it
// Delete an article
db.Delete<article>("WHERE article_id=@0", ); // Update an article
db.Update<article>("SET title=@0 WHERE article_id=@1", "New Title", );
public class article
public long SomeCalculatedFieldPerhaps
get; set;
// Represents a record in the "articles" table
public class article
[PetaPoco.Column]publiclong article_id { get; set;}
[PetaPoco.Column]publicstring title { get; set;}
[PetaPoco.Column]publicDateTime date_created { get; set;}
[PetaPoco.Column]public bool draft { get; set;}
[PetaPoco.Column]publicstring content { get; set;}
T4 模板:
- PetaPoco.Core.ttinclude - includes all the helper routines for reading the DB schema(数据库模式)
- PetaPoco.Generator.ttinclude - the actual template that defines what's generated(实体模板)
- - the template itself that includes various settings and includes the two other ttinclude files.(模板本身)
use the template:
- Add the three files to you C# project
- Make sure you have a connection string and provider name set in your app.config or web.config file
- Edit ConnectionStringName property in (ie: change it from "jab" to the name of your connection string)
- Save
运行一个不以select开头的查询, PetaPoco会自动的将它加上。
IsNew 和Save 方法:
using (var scope=db.Transaction)
// Do transacted updates here // Commit
注意:为了使用事务,所有操作都需要相同的PetaPoco Database对象实例。
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