Isilon build for storage data

  1. Use VMware converter to convert node1 to ESX(参考silon_OneFS_Simulator_Install_Guilde.pdf的P31)
  2. Increase disk 2,3,4,5 (3.9G *4) size to 500GB each
  3. Modify network adapter to correct network segment
  4. Power on
  5. Answer ‘yes’ to format all disks
  6. Create a new cluster
  7. Password for root, admin:yes
  8. Use default UTF-8
  9. Internal IP range:,
  10. External IP range:,
  11. Keep the current Smartconnect Settings
  12. Gateway
  13. DNS, gni.local
  14. Login web admin:,

Join an existing cluster

  1. Enable NDMP: Data protection -> Backup ->  NDMP settings -> Enable
  2. Add NDMP administrator: ndmp, password: Emsee1234567890
  3. Create browser user account in Isilon system

In order to perform on-demand backups, or create datasets for scheduled backups in

Avamar Administrator, you must be able to browse the Isilon file system. These actions

require typing a password for a local Isilon user account with following privileges:




Although there are several methods for creating local Isilon user accounts, privileges can

only be assigned to roles using the command-line interface.

baas-isilon-1# isi auth users create av-browse-admin --password Emsee1234567890 --home-directory /ifs/home/av-browse-admin --enabled true

baas-isilon-1# isi auth roles create namespace

baas-isilon-1# isi auth roles modify namespace --add-user av-browse-admin

baas-isilon-1# isi auth roles modify namespace --add-priv ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_PAPI

baas-isilon-1# isi auth roles modify namespace --add-priv ISI_PRIV_NS_TRAVERSE

baas-isilon-1# isi auth roles modify namespace --add-priv ISI_PRIV_NS_IFS_ACCESS

  1. Prepare a Linux VM for Avamar NDMP accelerator/proxy: use SUSE11SP2 for VMware server
  2. Install Avamar Linux client package and NDMP package on the accelerator VM
  3. Run avsetupndmp
  4. Disable firewall on ndmp accelerator when necessary
    1. # service iptables save
      # service iptables stop
      # chkconfig iptables off


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