Can't install '*' from pristine store, because no checksum is recorded for this file

svn同步时,提示clean up,但clean up 时提示:

Error:Error performing cleanup for 'E:\project\projectProjectIDEA\baseProduct1.0\parent\trunk\recruit': svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with 'E:\project\projectProjectIDEA\baseProduct1.0', work item 5814 (file-install parent/trunk/train/src/main/java/com/pro/modules/train/service/ 1 0 1 1)
svn: E155017: Can't install 'E:\project\projectProjectIDEA\baseProduct1.0\parent\trunk\train\src\main\java\com\pro\modules\train\service\' from pristine store, because no checksum is recorded for this file
1.安装sqlite3(windows 下载sqlite-tools-win*.zip,下载地址:



  sqlite3 项目路径\.svn\wc.db
  select * from work_queue; 查看正在运行的队列
  delete from work_queue; 清空队列

6.再去svn clean up即可


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