一、Containerd 镜像操作

1 基本参数

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr c
ctr containers - manage containers USAGE:
ctr containers command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS:
create create container
delete, del, remove, rm delete one or more existing containers
info get info about a container
list, ls list containers
label set and clear labels for a container
checkpoint checkpoint a container
restore restore a container from checkpoint OPTIONS:
--help, -h show help

2 镜像操作



--platform 选项指定对应平台的镜像。当然对应的也有推送镜像的命令 ctr image push,如果是私有镜像则在推送的时候可以通过 --user 来自定义仓库的用户名和密码。

拉取镜像添加了--all-platforms会将所有平台都下载下来(amd64 、arm、386 、ppc64le ),否则默认下载当前平台。

拉取镜像可以使用 ctr image pull 来完成,比如拉取 Docker Hub 官方镜像 nginx:alpine,需要注意的是镜像地址需要加上 docker.io Host 地址。

 ctr i pull docker.io/library/nginx:alpine --all-platforms

3 查看镜像

  • 查看镜像可以使用 i 或者image

  • -q 只打印镜像名称

ctr i ls
ctr i ls -q

4 检测本地镜像

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr image check
docker.io/library/nginx:alpine application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json sha256:b87c350e6c69e0dc7069093dcda226c4430f3836682af4f649f2af9e9b5f1c74 complete (7/7) 9.7 MiB/9.7 MiB true

主要查看其中的 STATUScomplete 表示镜像是完整可用的状态。

5 tag重新打标签

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i tag docker.io/library/nginx:alpine docker.io/library/nginx:nginxxyz
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i ls -q
docker.io/library/nginx:nginxxyz # 新增tag

6 删除镜像

使用:delete, del, remove, rm remove one or more images by reference。都可以进行删除。

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i rm docker.io/library/nginx:nginxxyz
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i ls -q

7 mount镜像



使用--rw Enable write support on the mount 可以开启只读。

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# mkdir /home/xyz
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i ls -q
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i mount docker.io/library/nginx:alpine /home/xyz/
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ls /home/xyz
bin docker-entrypoint.d etc lib mnt proc run srv tmp var
dev docker-entrypoint.sh home media opt root sbin sys usr


[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i unmount /home/xyz
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ls /home/xyz

8 推送镜像

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr i push -k docker.io/library/nginx:alpine
index-sha256:b87c350e6c69e0dc7069093dcda226c4430f3836682af4f649f2af9e9b5f1c74: waiting |--------------------------------------|
elapsed: 0.1 s total: 0.0 B (0.0 B/s)
ctr: content digest sha256:36f21d30317cff60a6ab8328cca93dbe554020ba0320c78e964040512d0f27a0: not found

跳过ssl验证--skip-verify, -k skip SSL certificate validation。

9 导入导出

  • import
  • export
  • 默认export导出的为OCI tar,只要我们容器支持OCI,基本上都是可以使用的
  • 同时导出可以使用--platform导出其它平台的(例如arm)
  • --all-platforms为导出所有平台
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ls
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ctr i ls -q
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ctr i export --all-platforms nginx.tar docker.io/library/nginx:alpine
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ctr i export nginx_i4t.com.tar docker.io/library/nginx:alpine
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ls
nginx_i4t.com.tar nginx.tar
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]#
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ctr i rm docker.io/library/nginx:alpine
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ctr i import nginx.tar
unpacking docker.io/library/nginx:alpine (sha256:b87c350e6c69e0dc7069093dcda226c4430f3836682af4f649f2af9e9b5f1c74)...done
[root@ecs-65685 xyz]# ctr i ls -q

二、Containerd 容器操作

1 基本参数

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr c create -h
ctr containers create - create container USAGE:
ctr containers create [command options] [flags] Image|RootFS CONTAINER [COMMAND] [ARG...] OPTIONS:
--snapshotter value snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value. [$CONTAINERD_SNAPSHOTTER]
--snapshotter-label value labels added to the new snapshot for this container.
--config value, -c value path to the runtime-specific spec config file
--cwd value specify the working directory of the process
--env value specify additional container environment variables (e.g. FOO=bar)
--env-file value specify additional container environment variables in a file(e.g. FOO=bar, one per line)
--label value specify additional labels (e.g. foo=bar)
--mount value specify additional container mount (e.g. type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/host,options=rbind:ro)
--net-host enable host networking for the container
--privileged run privileged container
--read-only set the containers filesystem as readonly
--runtime value runtime name (default: "io.containerd.runc.v2")
--runtime-config-path value optional runtime config path
--tty, -t allocate a TTY for the container
--with-ns value specify existing Linux namespaces to join at container runtime (format '<nstype>:<path>')
--pid-file value file path to write the task's pid
--gpus value add gpus to the container
--allow-new-privs turn off OCI spec's NoNewPrivileges feature flag
--memory-limit value memory limit (in bytes) for the container (default: 0)
--device value file path to a device to add to the container; or a path to a directory tree of devices to add to the container
--cap-add value add Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--cap-drop value drop Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--seccomp enable the default seccomp profile
--seccomp-profile value file path to custom seccomp profile. seccomp must be set to true, before using seccomp-profile
--apparmor-default-profile value enable AppArmor with the default profile with the specified name, e.g. "cri-containerd.apparmor.d"
--apparmor-profile value enable AppArmor with an existing custom profile
--rdt-class value name of the RDT class to associate the container with. Specifies a Class of Service (CLOS) for cache and memory bandwidth management.
--rootfs use custom rootfs that is not managed by containerd snapshotter
--no-pivot disable use of pivot-root (linux only)
--cpu-quota value Limit CPU CFS quota (default: -1)
--cpu-period value Limit CPU CFS period (default: 0)
--rootfs-propagation value set the propagation of the container rootfs

2 创建一个nginx容器

  • -n 指定命名空间
  • c 是简写 containers, c, container   manage containers
  • create 创建容器
  • --net-host 使用宿主机网络
  • docker.io/xx/xxx:xxx 镜像地址
  • nginx 容器名称
ctr -n xyz c create --net-host docker.io/library/nginx:alpine nginx

3 查看容器列表

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr -n xyz c ls
nginx docker.io/library/nginx:alpine io.containerd.runc.v2
nginx1 docker.io/library/nginx:alpine io.containerd.runc.v2

4 只获取容器名称

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr -n xyz c ls -q

5 通过info参数查看容器的相关信息(类似于 docker inspect 功能)

ctr -n xyz c info nginx|less

6 删除容器

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr -n xyz c ls -q
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr -n xyz container rm nginx1
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr -n xyz c ls -q

除了使用 rm 子命令之外也可以使用 delete 或者 del 删除容器。


ctr export导出或者import导入提示:ctr: content digest sha256:xxxxx: not found。

[root@ecs-65685 ~]# ctr image export --all-platforms nginx.tar docker.io/library/nginx:alpine
ctr: content digest sha256:36f21d30317cff60a6ab8328cca93dbe554020ba0320c78e964040512d0f27a0: not found

2 现象:

  • 直接导入某个镜像可能会出现类似于 ctr: content digest sha256:xxxxx: not found


  • 删除下载好的镜像
  • 拉取镜像、导出镜像时,都加上--all-platforms 时
  • 再次import和export,不需要添加--all-platforms

四、Containerd-1.6.5 命名空间和task使用


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