juelrye n.珠宝
late 14c., juelrye "precious ornaments, jewel
juelrye (uncountable) Adornment with gems or jewels.
jewellery From Middle English juelrye


English Wikipedia has an article on:

Alternative forms
(US, sometimes Canada) jewelry


From Middle English juelrye, equivalent to jewel +? -ry.

(UK, US) enPR: jo?o??lrē, jo?ol?rē IPA(key): /?d?u??l?i/, /?d?u?l?i/
(alternate UK pronunciation) enPR: jo?o??l?rē, jo?o?l?rē IPA(key): /?d?u??l??i/, /?d?u?l??i/ (this pronunciation gives rise to the Cockney rhyming slang tomfoolery)


jewellery (usually uncountable, plural jewelleries)
1.(British spelling, Canadian) Collectively, personal ornamentation such as rings, necklaces, brooches and bracelets, made of precious metals and sometimes set with gemstones. [quotations ▼]
She had more jewellery ornamented about her than any three ladies needed.

tom (Cockney rhyming slang), tomfoolery (Cockney rhyming slang); see also Thesaurus:jewelry


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