1. weblogic8.x 升到weblogic10时,需要升级ejb响应的描述符,否则会报错。

BEA-011114 - Error: For EJB modules, deployment plan overrides are not supported with DTD based deployment descriptors. The EJB module 'module' is attempting to apply a deployment plan to DTD based descriptors. Please update your EJB deployment descriptors to be schema based before attempting to apply the deployment plan override to this module. The weblogic.DDConverter utility can be used to automatically update your descriptors.

2. 使用ddconvert的方法

Upgrading our applications from one WebLogic Version to another WebLogic Version is a very common thing which we all do. Many times it happens that code wise there is no changes pushed to the Application but we want to upgrade the Deployment descriptors of our Applications.

Using the Latest deployment descriptors inside our Application helps us to use many new features added by the container vendor. Example:  If we are porting the Same Application from WLS8.1 to WLS10.1 .  If without upgrading the deployment descriptors in our Application if we will directly deploy the same old application to WLS10.1 then you wont get benefited by the new features added by the Container … like  Using “plan.xml” feature of WebLogic which allows us to Dynamically change the Deployment descriptors values in the Run time.  We will not be able to use the WorkManagers  in our Application which uses DTDs …because in WLS8.1 DTDs WorkManager Concept was not introduced….

So always Update your Deployment Descriptors …  while moving to a newer version of WebLogic.

In WLS9.x onwards also if your Application is using the Old DTD based Descriptors and If you want to upgrade them to the Current Version of WLS which u are using then Please follow the below steps:

Step-1). Open a command prompt and the run “setWLSEnv.cmd” (which is available inside %WL_HOME%\server\bin)
If you are using Unix based operating System then please run

“.  ./setWLSEnv.sh”
Note: There are 2 DOTs in above command…… the first DOT represents that set the Environment in the current Shell, AND the second ./ represents execute the script from the current directory. After this Verify that the Classpath is Set properly or not by running following command:

Step-2). In the same command prompt move Just beside your Application Directory. and run the following command
java weblogic.DDConverter -d . <Your Application Name>

java weblogic.DDConverter -d . TestWelcomePage.ear
java weblogic.DDConverter -d . TestEJB.jar
java weblogic.DDConverter -d . TestWebApp.war
In the current directory you will find that the Latest DDs are generated ….

- See more at: http://middlewaremagic.com/weblogic/?tag=weblogic-ddconverte#sthash.djpfrYXy.dpuf


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