通过PowerShell创建SharePoint Site Collection,代码如下:

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
function CreateTeamSite()
$webApps = Get-SPWebApplication
$webAppsUrl = $webApps.Url
if($webApps.count -eq )
Write-Host "You have only one web application:"
Write-Host $webApps.Url
$choice = Read-Host "Do you want to create a site collection under this web application? Type 'y' to create.'"
if($choice -eq "y")
$siteTitle = Read-Host "Enter the site collection's title:"
$siteUrl = $webAppsUrl+"sites/"+$siteTitle
Write-Host "Choose the site collecion's template:"
Write-Host "[1].Template1."
Write-Host "[2].Template2."
Write-Host "[3].Template3."
$choice = Read-Host "Enter the number to choose"
SwitchSiteTemplateAndCreateSite $choice $siteUrl
$choice = Read-Host "Type 'y' to continue"
if($choice -eq 'y')
Write-Host "Choose the web application:"
for($i=;$i -le $webApps.count-;$i++)
$tip = "[" + $i + "]." + $webApps[$i].Url
Write-Host $tip
$choice = Read-Host "Enter the number to choose"
$siteTitle = Read-Host "Enter the site collection's title"
$siteUrl = $webApps[$choice].Url + "sites/"+$siteTitle
Write-Host "Choose the site collecion's template:"
Write-Host "[1].Template1."
Write-Host "[2].Template2."
Write-Host "[3].Template3."
$choice = Read-Host "Enter the number to choose"
SwitchSiteTemplateAndCreateSite $choice $siteUrl
$choice = Read-Host "Type 'y' to continue"
if($choice -eq 'y')
function SwitchSiteTemplateAndCreateSite($choice,$siteUrl)
{$template = "Template1ID"}
{$template = "Template2ID"}
{$template = "Template3ID"}
if(($template -ne "Template1ID") -and ($template -ne "Template2ID") -and ($template -ne "Template3ID"))
$choice = Read-Host "Please enter the correct number."
SwitchSiteTemplateAndCreateSite $choice $siteUrl
Write-Host "Site collection creating..."
New-SPSite -Url $siteUrl -OwnerAlias "Administrator" -Language -Template $template
Write-Host "Site collection created successfully."



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