It is always morning somewhere in the world.


There may be always someone who can enjoy the sunshine.

If you always adapt yourself to the environments, you also can enjoy the sunshine.

I once felt that there was too much clouds on my sky and the light couldn't penetrate the heavy coulds and poured on me.

I had desperately hoped that the genial sunshine can shine on my face, but after experiencing a series failures, I found there were only chilly wind and biting raindrops.

It might be a picture tht was repeated across my past tens of years.

It should be brought to an end and I think I can give it an end and open a new chapter and a flourishing epoch.

The best work is not what is most difficult for you; it is what you do best.


But it may be impossible to get some improvements if we only do what we do best.

It may be unconfortable to do what is most difficult for us, but we can have the opportunities to challenge ourselves and to improve our abilities.

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