

 namespace System
{ public interface ICloneable
object Clone();




 namespace CloneablePoint
// The Point now supports "clone-ability."
public class Point : ICloneable
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public PointDescription desc = new PointDescription(); public Point( int xPos, int yPos, string petName )
X = xPos; Y = yPos;
desc.PetName = petName;
public Point( int xPos, int yPos )
X = xPos; Y = yPos;
public Point() { } // Override Object.ToString().
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("X = {0}; Y = {1}; Name = {2};\nID = {3}\n",
X, Y, desc.PetName, desc.PointID);
} // Return a copy of the current object.
// Now we need to adjust for the PointDescription member.
public object Clone()
// 这个复制每个Ponit字段成员
Point newPoint = (Point)this.MemberwiseClone();
return newPoint;
 namespace CloneablePoint
// This class describes a point.
public class PointDescription
public string PetName { get; set; }
public Guid PointID { get; set; } public PointDescription()
PetName = "No-name";
PointID = Guid.NewGuid();
 namespace CloneablePoint
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Object Cloning *****\n");
Console.WriteLine("Cloned p3 and stored new Point in p4");
Point p3 = new Point(, , "Jane");
Point p4 = (Point)p3.Clone(); Console.WriteLine("Before modification:");
Console.WriteLine("p3: {0}", p3);
Console.WriteLine("p4: {0}", p4);
p4.desc.PetName = "My new Point";
p4.X = ; Console.WriteLine("\nChanged p4.desc.petName and p4.X");
Console.WriteLine("After modification:");
Console.WriteLine("p3: {0}", p3);
Console.WriteLine("p4: {0}", p4);




namespace CloneablePoint
public class Point : ICloneable
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public PointDescription desc = new PointDescription(); public Point( int xPos, int yPos, string petName )
X = xPos; Y = yPos;
desc.PetName = petName;
public Point( int xPos, int yPos )
X = xPos; Y = yPos;
public Point() { } public override string ToString()
return string.Format("X = {0}; Y = {1}; Name = {2};\nID = {3}\n",
X, Y, desc.PetName, desc.PointID);
} public object Clone()
Point newPoint = (Point)this.MemberwiseClone(); PointDescription currentDesc = new PointDescription();
currentDesc.PetName = this.desc.PetName;
newPoint.desc = currentDesc;
return newPoint;


namespace CloneablePoint
public class PointDescription
public string PetName { get; set; }
public Guid PointID { get; set; } public PointDescription()
PetName = "No-name";
PointID = Guid.NewGuid();


namespace CloneablePoint
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun with Object Cloning *****\n");
Console.WriteLine("Cloned p3 and stored new Point in p4");
Point p3 = new Point(, , "Jane");
Point p4 = (Point)p3.Clone(); Console.WriteLine("Before modification:");
Console.WriteLine("p3: {0}", p3);
Console.WriteLine("p4: {0}", p4);
p4.desc.PetName = "My new Point";
p4.X = ; Console.WriteLine("\nChanged p4.desc.petName and p4.X");
Console.WriteLine("After modification:");
Console.WriteLine("p3: {0}", p3);
Console.WriteLine("p4: {0}", p4);


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