
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\base; use yii\validators\Validator; /**
* DynamicModel is a model class primarily used to support ad hoc data validation.
* DynamicModel是一种主要用于支持ad hoc数据验证模型类
* The typical usage of DynamicModel is as follows,
* ```php
* public function actionSearch($name, $email)
* {
* $model = DynamicModel::validateData(compact('name', 'email'), [
* [['name', 'email'], 'string', 'max' => 128],
* ['email', 'email'],
* ]);
* if ($model->hasErrors()) {
* // validation fails
* } else {
* // validation succeeds
* }
* }
* ```
* The above example shows how to validate `$name` and `$email` with the help of DynamicModel.
* 上面的例子演示了如何用DynamicModel验证用户名`$name`和邮箱`$email`
* The [[validateData()]] method creates an instance of DynamicModel, defines the attributes
* using the given data (`name` and `email` in this example), and then calls [[Model::validate()]].
* validateData() 方法会创建一个 DynamicModel 的实例对象。通过给定数据定义模型特性,之后调用Model::validate() 方法。
* You can check the validation result by [[hasErrors()]], like you do with a normal model.
* You may also access the dynamic attributes defined through the model instance, e.g.,
* 可以通过[[hasErrors()]]方法获取验证结果
* `$model->name` and `$model->email`.
* Alternatively, you may use the following more "classic" syntax to perform ad-hoc data validation:
* 除此之外,你也可以用如下的更加“classic(传统)”的语法来执行临时数据验
* ```php
* $model = new DynamicModel(compact('name', 'email'));
* $model->addRule(['name', 'email'], 'string', ['max' => 128])
* ->addRule('email', 'email')
* ->validate();
* ```
* DynamicModel implements the above ad-hoc data validation feature by supporting the so-called
* "dynamic attributes". It basically allows an attribute to be defined dynamically through its constructor
* or [[defineAttribute()]].
* 实现了上述特殊数据模型验证功能支持的“动态属性”。允许通过它的构造函数或 [[defineAttribute()]]来定义一个属性
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
class DynamicModel extends Model
private $_attributes = [];//动态模型内动态属性 /**
* Constructors.构造函数,用于将传入的属性赋值给_attributes,便于使用
* @param array $attributes the dynamic attributes (name-value pairs, or names) being defined被定义的动态属性
* @param array $config the configuration array to be applied to this object.用于该对象的配置数组。
public function __construct(array $attributes = [], $config = [])
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {//遍历传入的属性
if (is_integer($name)) {//如果是整型,说明只传入了属性名,将属性名写入_attributes
$this->_attributes[$value] = null;
} else {
$this->_attributes[$name] = $value;//按键值对的形式写入
} /**
* @inheritdoc 重写__get方法,从_attributes中取值
public function __get($name)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_attributes)) {
return $this->_attributes[$name];
} else {//否则调用父类的__get方法取属性值
return parent::__get($name);
} /**
* @inheritdoc 重写__set方法,给_attributes设置值
public function __set($name, $value)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_attributes)) {
$this->_attributes[$name] = $value;
} else {
parent::__set($name, $value);//调用父类的__set方法设置属性值
} /**
* @inheritdoc 同上 重写__isset方法,判断_attributes中是否设置$name值
public function __isset($name)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_attributes)) {
return isset($this->_attributes[$name]);
} else {
return parent::__isset($name);
} /**
* @inheritdoc 同上,重写__unset方法,删除_attributes中的$name属性值
public function __unset($name)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_attributes)) {
} else {
} /**
* Defines an attribute. 定义动态属性的方法
* @param string $name the attribute name 属性名
* @param mixed $value the attribute value 属性值
public function defineAttribute($name, $value = null)
$this->_attributes[$name] = $value;
} /**
* Undefines an attribute. 用于删除动态属性的方法
* @param string $name the attribute name 属性名
public function undefineAttribute($name)
} /**
* Adds a validation rule to this model. 添加验证规则
* You can also directly manipulate [[validators]] to add or remove validation rules.
* This method provides a shortcut.
* 可以直接调用[[validators]]来添加或者删除验证规则,本方法提供了一个短方法
* @param string|array $attributes the attribute(s) to be validated by the rule 进行验证的属性
* @param mixed $validator the validator for the rule.This can be a built-in validator name,
* a method name of the model class, an anonymous function, or a validator class name.
* 规则的验证。这是一个内置验证器的名字, 一个模型类的方法名,一个匿名函数或一个验证器类的名称。
* @param array $options the options (name-value pairs) to be applied to the validator
* (name-value)被应用到验证器
* @return static the model itself 模型本身
public function addRule($attributes, $validator, $options = [])
$validators = $this->getValidators();//所有的验证规则对象
//生成Validator对象,并且插入 $validators中
$validators->append(Validator::createValidator($validator, $this, (array) $attributes, $options)); return $this;
} /**
* Validates the given data with the specified validation rules.通过指定的规则验证给定的数据
* This method will create a DynamicModel instance, populate it with the data to be validated,
* create the specified validation rules, and then validate the data using these rules.
* @param array $data the data (name-value pairs) to be validated
* @param array $rules the validation rules. Please refer to [[Model::rules()]] on the format of this parameter.
* @return static the model instance that contains the data being validated
* @throws InvalidConfigException if a validation rule is not specified correctly.
public static function validateData(array $data, $rules = [])
/* @var $model DynamicModel */
$model = new static($data);//实例化调用类,将$data赋值给_attributes
if (!empty($rules)) {
$validators = $model->getValidators();//获取所有定义的验证规则
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
if ($rule instanceof Validator) {
} elseif (is_array($rule) && isset($rule[], $rule[])) { // attributes, validator type
$validator = Validator::createValidator($rule[], $model, (array) $rule[], array_slice($rule, ));
} else {//抛出异常
throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid validation rule: a rule must specify both attribute names and validator type.');
} $model->validate();//执行验证 return $model;
} /**
* @inheritdoc 返回所有的动态属性
public function attributes()
return array_keys($this->_attributes);


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