1.$.ajax is the main method, allowing you to manually construct your AJAX request

2.eg: gets some data from a server

a function to be called when the data is retrieved, named the success callback.

control over how data is sent

3.$.get  eg:

3.$.post  eg:

The second argument is the data to be sent - it can be almost anything except a function: jQuery will figure out how to send it for you


  1. 【JS】Intermediate6:jQuery

    1.jQuery is far and away the most popular DOM library Used to allow modification and control of the ...

  2. 【js】初入AJAX

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  3. 【JS】Intermediate7:jQuery:DOM API

    1.jQuery also makes performing actions on many elements at the same time simple 2.eg:$('.note').css( ...

  4. 【JS】Intermediate9:jQuery: Other Tricks

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  5. 【JS】AJAX跨域-被调用方与调用方解决方案(二)

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  6. 【js】appendChild

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  8. 【js】Leetcode每日一题-完成所有工作的最短时间

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  2. struct--file_operations

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  3. 常用PHP运行环境一键安装包

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  4. noj [1479] How many (01背包||DP||DFS)

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  6. Python图形图像处理库的介绍之Image模块

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  7. SQL 中With as 的用法

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  8. HDU 2370 Convert Kilometers to Miles

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  9. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7caae74b0100zl17.html


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