
















定时器-->Synchronizing Timer原件。



The purpose of the SyncTimer is to block threads until X number of threads have been blocked, and then they are all released at once. A SyncTimer can thus create large instant loads at various points of the test plan.

Control Panel


Attribute Description Required
Name Descriptive name for this timer that is shown in the tree. No
Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by Number of threads to release at once. Setting it to 0 is equivalent to setting it to Number of threads in Thread Group. Yes
Timeout in milliseconds If set to 0, Timer will wait for the number of threads to reach the value in "Number of Simultaneous Users to Group". If superior to 0, then timer will wait at max "Timeout in milliseconds" for the number of Threads. If after the timeout interval the number of users waiting is not reached, timer will stop waiting. Defaults to 0 No
If timeout in milliseconds is set to 0 and number of threads never reaches "Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by" then Test will pause infinitely. Only a forced stop will stop it. Setting Timeout in milliseconds is an option to consider in this case.
Synchronizing timer blocks only within one JVM, so if using Distributed testing ensure you never set "Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by" to a value superior to the number of users of its containing Thread group considering 1 injector only.

The purpose of SycTimeType is to stop threads until X threads are blocked, and they are immediately released. Therefore, synchronous timer can create large immediate load at every point of the test plan.



该元件只有两个指标:Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by:每次释放的线程数

          Timeout in milliseconds:超时时间,超时时间后达不到设置的线程数时,会丢弃继续请求


#If timeout in milliseconds is set to 0 and number of threads never reaches "Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by" then Test will pause infinitely. Only a forced stop will stop it. Setting Timeout in milliseconds is an option to consider in this case.


#Synchronizing timer blocks only within one JVM, so if using Distributed testing ensure you never set "Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by" to a value superior to the number of users of its containing Thread group considering 1 injector only.



设置Synchronizing Timer





用到组件:定时器-->Constant Throughput Timer(恒定吞吐量定时器)

This timer introduces variable pauses, calculated to keep the total throughput (in terms of samples per minute) as close as possible to a give figure. Of course the throughput will be lower if the server is not capable of handling it, or if other timers or time-consuming test elements prevent it.

N.B. although the Timer is called the Constant Throughput timer, the throughput value does not need to be constant. It can be defined in terms of a variable or function call, and the value can be changed during a test. The value can be changed in various ways:

  • using a counter variable
  • using a JavaScript or BeanShell function to provide a changing value
  • using the remote BeanShell server to change a JMeter property

See Best Practices for further details.

Note that the throughput value should not be changed too often during a test - it will take a while for the new value to take effect.

Control Panel


Attribute Description Required
Name Descriptive name for this timer that is shown in the tree. No
Target Throughput Throughput we want the timer to try to generate. Yes
Calculate Throughput based on
  • this thread only - each thread will try to maintain the target throughput. The overall throughput will be proportional to the number of active threads.
  • all active threads in current thread group - the target throughput is divided amongst all the active threads in the group. Each thread will delay as needed, based on when it last ran.
  • all active threads - the target throughput is divided amongst all the active threads in all Thread Groups. Each thread will delay as needed, based on when it last ran. In this case, each other Thread Group will need a Constant Throughput timer with the same settings.
  • all active threads in current thread group (shared) - as above, but each thread is delayed based on when any thread in the group last ran.
  • all active threads (shared) - as above; each thread is delayed based on when any thread last ran.





This thread only :分别控制每个线程的吞吐量,选择这种模式时,总的吞吐量为设置的 target Throughput 乘以线程的数量。

如果我们这里选择此种模式,然后设定了是10个线程,那么我们前面的Target throughput就应该填写1200/10=120 或 20/10*60=120了;

All active threads : 设置的target Throughput 将分配在每个活跃线程上,每个活跃线程在上一次运行结束后等待合理的时间后再次运行。活跃线程指同一时刻同时运行的线程。

如果我们这里选择此种模式,然后设定了是10个线程,那么我们前面的Target throughput就应该填写1200/10=120 或 20/10*60=120了;

All active threads in current thread group :设置的target Throughput将分配在当前线程组的每一个活跃线程上,当测试计划中只有一个线程组时,该选项和All active threads选项的效果完全相同。

All active threads (shared ):与All active threads 的选项基本相同,唯一的区别是,每个活跃线程都会在所有活跃线程上一次运行结束后等待合理的时间后再次运行。

All cative threads in current thread group (shared ):与All active threads in current thread group 基本相同,唯一的区别是,每个活跃线程都会在所有活跃线程的上一次运行结束后等待合理的时间后再次运行。



1、这里的20 QPS应该是指Jmeter发送请求的QPS,而不是服务器处理的QPS;--因为假如我们以20 QPS的速度向服务器发送请求,但是服务器每秒最多只能处理8个请求,那么我们无论如何都无法测得服务器在20 QPS的情况下的性能数据;

2、难点在于让Jmeter【稳定地】以20 QPS的速度向服务器发送请求;

使用组件Constant Throughput Timer。




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