English trip V1 - B 5.Is It Cold Outside? 外面很冷? Teacher:Corrine Key: weather
In this lesson you will learn to talk about the weather. 本节课将学习到关于天气
词汇(Key Word )
# 关于表述天气的词
snowing v. 下雪(snow的ing形式)
snowy adj. 下雪的,多雪的;被雪覆盖的;洁白无瑕的
sunny adj. 阳光充足的,和煦的;快活的;性情开朗的
windy adj. 多风的,有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的
hot adj. 热的;辣的;热情的;激动的;紧迫的
rainy adj. 下雨的;多雨的
sun - sunny n.太阳 - adj.阳光明媚
cloud - cloudy n.云 - adj. 多云的;阴天的;愁容满面的
partky cloudy 局部阴天
rain - rainy n.雨 - adj. 下雨的;多雨的
snow - snowy n. 雪,积雪;下雪 - adj. 下雪的,多雪的;被雪覆盖的;洁白无瑕的
sleet - sleeting vi. 下雨夹雪;下冰雹 v. 下雨夹雪(sleet的ing形式)
storm - stormy n. 暴风雨;大动荡 adj. 暴风雨的;猛烈的;暴躁的
lightning 闪电
thunder 雷 ['θʌndɚ]
hail - hailing 冰雹
wind - windy n. 风;呼吸;气味;卷绕 adj. 多风的,有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的
fog - foggy n. 雾;烟雾,尘雾;迷惑 adj. 有雾的;模糊的,朦胧的
ice - icy n. 冰;冰淇淋;矜持;(俚)钻石 adj. 冰冷的;冷淡的;结满冰的
tornado n. [气象] 龙卷风;旋风;暴风;大雷雨
typhoon n. [气象] 台风
rainbow n. 彩虹 ['renbo]
clear sky 晴空;晴朗的天空
hot 热
warm 温暖
cold 冷
freezing 非常冷
weather forecaster/reporter 天气预报员/记者
forecast vt. 预报,预测;预示 n. 预测,预报;预想 vi. 进行预报,作预测
April 四月
August 八月
cold 寒冷的;冷淡的
July 七月
March 三月
rainy 多雨的;下雨的
September 九月
snow n.雪;vi.降雪
sunny adj.阳光充足的;
spring n.春天;弹簧;泉水
summer 夏季
fall 秋天 ;autumn 秋天
winter n. 冬季;年岁;萧条期
temperature n. 温度;体温;气温;发烧
degrees n. 角度,学历;度数(degree的复数)
warm adj. 温暖的;热情的
weather n.天气;气象
windy adj.多风的;有风的
fog n. 雾;烟雾,尘雾;迷惑
Where are you from? 你从哪里来?
What's the weather like in your country? 你们国家的天气怎样?
Is it cold or warm in fall? 秋天是暖和还是冷呢?
It's often windy in March. 三月一般多风
It snows sometimes. 有时候会下雪
1. Where are you from?
2. I'm from Greece
3. What's the weather like in your country?
4. It's very nice
5. What's the weather like in spring?
6. It's often windy in March.It's always warm in April and May,but it rains sometimes.
7. What's the weather like in summer?
8. It's always hot in June,July and Augst.The sun shines every day.
9. Is it cold or warm in fall?
10. It's always warm in September and October.It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes.
11. Is it very cold in winter?
12. It's cold in December and January.It snows sometimes.
It's sunny in May.
It often rains.
It's not cold, but it's not hot, either.
It's warm.
It's sometimes windy.
Questions about weather:
1. What's the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?
2. What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样?
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow/next week/next month? 明天的天气怎么样?
4. What's your favorite kind of weather? What kind of weather do you NOT like? 你最喜欢的天气是什么? 你不喜欢什么样的天气?
5. Does your city usually have good weather? No, it doesn't
6. Which do you like better: rain or snow?Why? I like rain,Because help me sleep better
7. Which do you like better: very hot weather or very cold weather?Why? neither, both is not good weather
8. How can you keep dry when you go out in rainy weather? 在阴雨天气外出时怎么能保持干爽? I take an umbrella or drive a car
Make a weather forecast for a city.
We are gonig to describe the weather in Chengdu for the next week/month.
It will be rainy heavily,but we will still have a high temperature of 40 C° after that.
This is the hottest June in 10 years.
(suggestions) So, if you like the sunshine, it's the best time for the beach. If you don't like hot days, you can just stay at home. # suggestions n. 民众意见箱;员工意见箱 还可以用 advice
And remember to take an umbrella with you if you go out.
must / mustn't
We use must when we want to say that it's important to do something. e.g. It's very cold outside;you must wear a coat.
We use mustn't when we want to saythat something is not allowed. e.g. You mustn't somoke here.
The Polar Bear
PBC: Mum, am I real polar bear?
PBM: Yes,dear,of course you are.
PBC: Really?
PBM: Yes,son. I'm a polar bear. Your dad's a polar bear. Your grandparents are polar bears. Your sisters are polar bears.Your brothers are polar bears.
PBC: I know that, mum. But am I a real polar bear?
PBM: Of course you are. Be quiet and eat your fish.
PBC: But I'm not a polar bear,I'm sure.
PBM: Listen to me. You are a real polar bear.Why do you ask the same question again and again?
PBC: Because I'm freezing!
Extra Vocabulary
polar bear 北极熊
freezing adj. 极冷的;冰冻的
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