IOS错误Could not produce class with ID
Unity 5.3.5f1 (IL2CPP)编译IOS版本
XCode Version 7.2.1 (7C1002)
Mac OS X 10.11.3 (15D21) (Mac mini)
iPhone 5,6 ,iPad
Could not produce class with ID
Could not produce class with ID XXX.
This could be caused by a class being stripped from the build even though it is needed. Try disabling 'Strip Engine Code' in Player Settings.:<LoadWWWIEnumerator>c__Iterator99:MoveNext()
1. 在上面的错误提示中,有提示 disabling “Strip Engine Code”
所以我们要做的就是在Player Setting – Other Setting,去掉勾选 Strip Engine
如果要Strip Engine
如果要Strip Engine,那就需要把不想被strip的添加进来。
1. 新建link.xml放在Assets目录下,里面添加不想被strip的dll的名字
<!-- The following assemblies contain namespaces that should be fully preserved
even when assembly stripping is used. Not excluding the assemblies below from
stripping can result in crashes or various exceptions. -->
<assembly fullname="Vuforia.UnityExtensions">
<namespace fullname="Vuforia" preserve="all"/>
<assembly fullname="System">
<namespace fullname="System.Runtime.InteropServices" preserve="all"/>
<namespace fullname="System.Collections.Generic;" preserve="all"/>
<namespace fullname="System.Linq;" preserve="all"/>
<namespace fullname="System.Text.RegularExpressions;" preserve="all"/>
<namespace fullname="System.IO;" preserve="all"/>
<namespace fullname="System;" preserve="all"/>
如果提示的ID的是Editor的,比如 AnimatorController(ID 91)属于Editor包里的,不能用link.xm加回来,可以在Resource下建一个空的prefab,在上面挂一个AnimatorController,打包时留下这个prefab就可以确保这个类不被strip掉了。
ios平台,默认勾选了 Strip Engine Code,且Script Background为I2CPP
android平台,默认disabled Strip Engine Code,且Script Background为Mono2x
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