本文主要参考博客:http://chengjunwang.com/en/2013/08/learn-basic-epidemic-models-with-python/。该博客有一些笔误,并且有些地方表述不准确,推荐大家阅读Albert-Laszlo Barabasi写得书Network Science,大家可以在如下网站直接阅读传染病模型这一章:http://barabasi.com/networksciencebook/chapter/10#contact-networks。Barabasi是一位复杂网络科学领域非常厉害的学者,大家也可以在他的官网上查看作者的一些相关工作。

  下面我就直接把SIS模型和SIR模型的代码放上来一起学习一下。我的Python版本是3.6.1,使用的IDE是Anaconda3。Anaconda3这个IDE我个人推荐使用,用起来很方便,而且提供了Jupyther Notebook这个很好的交互工具,大家可以尝试一下,可在官网下载:https://www.continuum.io/downloads/

在Barabasi写得书中,有两个Hypothesis:1,Compartmentalization; 2, Homogenous Mixing。具体看教材。

默认条件:1, closed population; 2, no births; 3, no deaths; 4, no migrations.

  1.    SI model

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import scipy.integrate as spi
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import pylab as pl
  7. beta=1.4247
  8. """the likelihood that the disease will be transmitted from an infected to a susceptible
  9. individual in a unit time is β"""
  10. gamma=0
  11. #gamma is the recovery rate and in SI model, gamma equals zero
  12. I0=1e-6
  13. #I0 is the initial fraction of infected individuals
  14. ND=70
  15. #ND is the total time step
  16. TS=1.0
  17. INPUT = (1.0-I0, I0)
  19. def diff_eqs(INP,t):
  20. '''The main set of equations'''
  21. Y=np.zeros((2))
  22. V = INP
  23. Y[0] = - beta * V[0] * V[1] + gamma * V[1]
  24. Y[1] = beta * V[0] * V[1] - gamma * V[1]
  25. return Y # For odeint
  27. t_start = 0.0; t_end = ND; t_inc = TS
  28. t_range = np.arange(t_start, t_end+t_inc, t_inc)
  29. RES = spi.odeint(diff_eqs,INPUT,t_range)
  30. """RES is the result of fraction of susceptibles and infectious individuals at each time step respectively"""
  31. print(RES)
  33. #Ploting
  34. pl.plot(RES[:,0], '-bs', label='Susceptibles')
  35. pl.plot(RES[:,1], '-ro', label='Infectious')
  36. pl.legend(loc=0)
  37. pl.title('SI epidemic without births or deaths')
  38. pl.xlabel('Time')
  39. pl.ylabel('Susceptibles and Infectious')
  40. pl.savefig('2.5-SI-high.png', dpi=900) # This does increase the resolution.
  41. pl.show()


  在早期,受感染个体的比例呈指数增长, 最终这个封闭群体中的每个人都会被感染,大概在t=16时,群体中所有个体都被感染了。

  2.    SIS model

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import scipy.integrate as spi
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import pylab as pl
  7. beta=1.4247
  8. gamma=0.14286
  9. I0=1e-6
  10. ND=70
  11. TS=1.0
  12. INPUT = (1.0-I0, I0)
  14. def diff_eqs(INP,t):
  15. '''The main set of equations'''
  16. Y=np.zeros((2))
  17. V = INP
  18. Y[0] = - beta * V[0] * V[1] + gamma * V[1]
  19. Y[1] = beta * V[0] * V[1] - gamma * V[1]
  20. return Y # For odeint
  22. t_start = 0.0; t_end = ND; t_inc = TS
  23. t_range = np.arange(t_start, t_end+t_inc, t_inc)
  24. RES = spi.odeint(diff_eqs,INPUT,t_range)
  26. print(RES)
  28. #Ploting
  29. pl.plot(RES[:,0], '-bs', label='Susceptibles')
  30. pl.plot(RES[:,1], '-ro', label='Infectious')
  31. pl.legend(loc=0)
  32. pl.title('SIS epidemic without births or deaths')
  33. pl.xlabel('Time')
  34. pl.ylabel('Susceptibles and Infectious')
  35. pl.savefig('2.5-SIS-high.png', dpi=900) # This does increase the resolution.
  36. pl.show()



  3.    SIR model

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import scipy.integrate as spi
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import pylab as pl
  7. beta=1.4247
  8. gamma=0.14286
  9. TS=1.0
  10. ND=70.0
  11. S0=1-1e-6
  12. I0=1e-6
  13. INPUT = (S0, I0, 0.0)
  15. def diff_eqs(INP,t):
  16. '''The main set of equations'''
  17. Y=np.zeros((3))
  18. V = INP
  19. Y[0] = - beta * V[0] * V[1]
  20. Y[1] = beta * V[0] * V[1] - gamma * V[1]
  21. Y[2] = gamma * V[1]
  22. return Y # For odeint
  24. t_start = 0.0; t_end = ND; t_inc = TS
  25. t_range = np.arange(t_start, t_end+t_inc, t_inc)
  26. RES = spi.odeint(diff_eqs,INPUT,t_range)
  28. print(RES)
  30. #Ploting
  31. pl.plot(RES[:,0], '-bs', label='Susceptibles') # I change -g to g-- # RES[:,0], '-g',
  32. pl.plot(RES[:,2], '-g^', label='Recovereds') # RES[:,2], '-k',
  33. pl.plot(RES[:,1], '-ro', label='Infectious')
  34. pl.legend(loc=0)
  35. pl.title('SIR epidemic without births or deaths')
  36. pl.xlabel('Time')
  37. pl.ylabel('Susceptibles, Recovereds, and Infectious')
  38. pl.savefig('2.1-SIR-high.png', dpi=900) # This does, too
  39. pl.show()



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